Please sign all waiver policies for new and existing students.
Dance production fees : There will be 2 dance production fees. First fee for Christmas Show / second Recital. Pricing is determined by what membership plan you have. Ultra Loyalty Renewal Platinum : Dance Production fee $80.00. Due Nov. 5th Christmas show/ 2nd $80.00 due April 5th Spring Recital Show. Platinum membership Dance Production fee : 105.00 Due Nov. 5th Christmas show // 2nd $105.00 due April 5th Spring Recital Show. Membership : 125.00 due Nov. 5th Christmas show // 2nd $125.00 due April 5th Spring Recital Show Dance Christmas show is on December 15th, 2024 2:30 & 5:30 showtimes End of Year Recital is on May 30th & 31st 2025 showtimes Fri 30th @7pm Sat 31st @ 11:30.2:30 & 7pm
Drama production fees are priced at what membership plan you have chosen and broken down by first semester and second semester. Ultra Platinum Loyalty Renewal plan : $150.00 , 1st semester due Nov 5th / 2nd semester $150.00 due April 5th. Platinum plan: $175.00 due Nov 5th / 2nd semester $175.00 due April 5th. Membership Basic plan: 200.00 due Nov 5th / 2nd semester $200.00 due April 5th. First semester includes the Frozen production & Christmas Show - Frozen shows Dec 13th & 14th 7pm- Christmas show Dec 15th 2:30 & 5:30 Fall Drama show is on Dec 13th & 14th 2024, Christmas show is Dec 15th 2024. Second semester includes : Spring Drama show production & End of year Recital Spring Drama Show - MARY POPPINS JR. ~May 1st @7pm May 2nd @ 7pm & 3rd @ 12:30pm showtimes End of Year Recital is on May 30th & 31st 2025
I authorize Heather Wayne Performing Arts (abbreviated as HWPA), request transportation coordinated HWPA to transport the participant. I fully understand that traveling by bus/car involves risks and dangers; these risks and dangers may be caused by my own actions or inaction, the actions and inactions of other drivers or passengers; there may be other risks and social and economic losses either not known to me or not readily foreseeable at this time. I Fully Accept and Assume All Such Risks and Responsibility for Losses, Costs, and Damages incurred by the participant and/or minor child as a result of the utilization of the transportation service. F.A.B monthly tuition 290.00 for 5 days each week pickup form school and bring to studio around 2:30 - 6:30pm parent pickup time.
The undersigned gives permission to Heather Wayne's Performing Arts , its owner and operators to seek medical treatment for the participant in the event they are not able to reach parent or guardian. I hereby declare any physical/mental problems, restrictions, or condition and/or declare the participant to be in good physical and mental health. I understand and agree to the terms stated above .
ULTRA LOYALTY RENEWAL PLATINUM MEMBERSHIP - Membership goes from August through June. If you withdraw before June 30th, THE PAYBACK AMOUNT (Buy out) Contract cost is $350.00 - This amount will be automatically charged using your Auto-Pay Card once we receive the cancellation email. PLATINUM MEMBERSHIP -Membership goes from August through June. If you withdraw before June 30th, THE PAYBACK AMOUNT (Buy out) Contract cost is $250.00 - This amount will be automatically charged using your Auto-Pay Card once we receive the cancellation email. BASIC MEMBERSHIP -Membership goes from August through June. 30-DAY WRITTEN EMAIL WITHDRAWAL NOTICE REQUIRED , must be submitted by the 9th of the previous month. If received after the 10th, you will be charged for the next months tuition. .
Membership tuition runs from August 2024 through June 2025. Monthly tuition fees will be posted on the 1st of each month and processed on the 5th. After the 10th day, if payment has not been made a late fee of 20.00 will automatically be posted to account. All accounts with a balance due after the 5th will be charged the total balance due. If monthly tuition payment falls behind a month and after 3 email notifications of non payment, the student will be removed from participating in class till the account is brought up to date. Student absences and announced closings will not equate to proration in tuition. Make up classes are encouraged with another type class. Termination or withdrawal from a class or classes( Basic Membership) , will need a 30 DAY EMAIL notice in writing . NO phone messages, please. Ultra Platinum Loyalty Renewal membership tuition goes from August 2024 through June 2025. Platinum and Membership tuition also goes from August 2024 - June 2025.
As the legal parents or guardian, I release and hold harmless Heather Wayne's Performing Arts, Its owners and operators for any and all liability, claims demands, and causes of action whatsoever, arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury , including death, that may be sustained by the participant and/or the undersigned, while in or upon the premises or any premises under the control and supervision of Heather Wayne's Performing Arts, Its owner and operators or in route to or from any said premises. I understand and agree to the terms states above.
I hereby grant HWPA permission to use my child(s) pictures for the purpose of advertising on the studio website, social media, and/or informations brochures. If for any reason I do not feel comfortable with this , a written notice to the school will ensure my child's picture not to be used for any reason.
Below is a list of the Studio closings for season 2024-2025 Sept 2nd - Labor Day Oct 14th - All county schools closed Oct 31st - Halloween Nov 25-29th Thanksgiving Break Dec 23 - Jan 3rd - Christmas Break Jan 20th - MLK Feb 17th - Winter break no classes April 7-11th Spring Break May 26th - Memorial Day