All families with dancers registered in classes that participate in concerts will be required to complete two volunteer jobs and two or more bingo shifts depending on the number of dancers in the family (1 dancer=2 shifts, 2 dancers=3 shifts). If these obligations are not fulfilled by the end of the season a charge of $300 will be due. Alternately families can pay $300 in lieu of completing bingo requirements. Please contact to make arrangements. Sign up for bingo shifts here: Bingo and Volunteer Obligations do not apply to dancers in Razom class, Zoloto class, Technique classes, Spring Sessional classes or FREE Open House classes.
I give permission to Yalenka Ukrainian Dancers Society to use photographs, video, and/or audiotape recordings of myself (as an adult dancer) and/ or my child(ren) that may have been taken during dance practice, workshops or performances. I understand that I am giving consent for Yalenka to use these photos and/ or recordings for promotional print, online media or broadcast purposes.
All costumes are property of Yalenka Ukrainian Dancers Society and are loaned to dancers until June 30, 2024. If costumes are returned with damage, the family must pay $200 or the cost of replacement. If a costume is not returned by June 30, 2024 a fee of $200 per missing costume will be applied. Costume Rental Agreement does not apply to dancers in Razom, Zoloto, Creative Dance, Technique classes, spring sessional classes or FREE open house classes.
Yalenka will not be held responsible for any injuries incurred through participation in dance school activities, including but not limited to: rehearsals, workshops, competitions, and/or performances. Instruction is conducted in a safe and knowledgeable environment however, it is the dancer’s responsibility to ensure personal safety limitations are also exercised. I authorize the release and use of emergency contact and medical information provided on the Yalenka registration forms.