Please Note South Fulton Studios Policies (Please Read the following)
__Student must have appropriate dancewear for each class registered
__It is the parent/garden’s responsibility to see that his/her child is picked up immediately after class.
__You must register your child each session in order to guarantee your child’s spot in class.
__No jewelry to worn during class, especially hoop earrings and necklaces. Hair must be pulled back in a ponytail. __Classes with five or less children after the first week will be closed. You will be notified when registration is higher for reopening of class.
_Our emphasis and energies are ALWAYS on safety first, but please remember that dance, gymnastics, cheerleading, and karate are potentially dangerous sports. Any activity involving motion, rotation, or height creates the possibility of serious accidental injury.
____Because your child's safety is important to us, it is imperative that you be on time to class. The first 10-15 min of class are warm-ups. If your child is 10 minutes late (or more), they will not be allowed to participate. Your tuition pays for your child’s spot in class. Because of this, payment is to paid even if child is absent from class. We will allow one make up class per session.
___SFS always offers a free trial class to make sure you & your child are as excited about our program as we hope they will be. Once your child register and fills a spot in class, no refunds will be given, with the exception of moving or a medical or family emergency. All refunds must have the approval of the owners.
____With your permission your child may be photographed, videotaped, or interviewed for stories/articles promoting SFS These stories/articles may appear on Facebook, Instagram, Ticktok, Youtube, newspapers or on television news shows & more. ____By clicking below, I understand these important Policies of South Fulton Studios and agree to abide by them.
I certify that I or my child has had a physical exam in the past year and is in good physical health. I have been informed that South Fulton Studios LLC 29 SW Broad St. Fairburn, GA 30213 & 5495 Old National Hwy Suite B5-8 College Park GA 30349 does not carry a supplemental insurance policy and that it is my responsibility to carry adequate health insurance and pay any additional medical fees not covered by my health insurance. Any activity involving motion or height creates the possibility of a serious injury. I agree that South Fulton Studios may approve transport in case of an emergency.
Late Pickup Waiver
Dreamers Dance After School Enrichment Program Late Pick Up Policy:
Pick up is between 5:30pm-6:00pm. After 6:05pm you will be charged $5 for every five minutes. If student is picked up after 6:20pm an additional $25 will be charged.
Evening and Saturday Classes:
Parents must arrive at the end of class time to receive their students as soon as class is over. A Late Fee will be added to account and must be paid prior to next class.