Welcome to East Coast Dance Complex's Online Registration Portal!

This is the place where you can register for your classes, make your payments and see what we have to offer from season to season!

Click on the tab/link for the appropriate season after creating/signing into your account:

1) Our main session will follow the Dover/Somersworth school year from September through June. Registration for this session will open July 25.

2) Full Day Summer Camps and Tiny Tots Mini Camps are open for registration now! A deposit is due now with the balance due the first day of camp.

3) Summer classes: Summer class registration will start April 1 for current students and April 15 for students not currently in a class. The pricing for this is for the entire session (prorated if you sign up after the session starts). There is no registration fee required for this summer session.

4) We have 2 performances scheduled for the 2024-2025 School Year Session. Save the dates! December 21 and June 21