BIP BOP HIP HOP & TUMBLE is open for dancers that are ages 3-5 as of January 1, 2025. This class is the perfect introductory class for the beginning dancer! Dancers will explore multiple areas of performance - focusing on musicality, beats, rhythm, and timing. Coupled with working on some basic tumbling skills, this class will be sure to get your little one moving and grooving! This class performs a hip hop piece in the Spring Session Recital.
4:45 PM to 5:30 PM
Clemson Elite
Preschool Ballet and Tap is for dancers ages 2-5. It is designed for our tiniest dancers to gain experience both in a dance class setting and getting on the big stage. Our preschool classes will practice for 45 minutes each week in their special dance dresses and magical tap and ballet shoes. Each class will showcase their dance skills by performing two dances in the recital - a tap dance and a ballet dance. This class focuses on growth with musicality, focus and memory, following directions, and creative movement. Props are utilized such as ribbons, stuffed animals, the parachute, etc. to enhance motor skills and enjoyment of the movement of dance
5:30 PM to 6:15 PM
Clemson Elite
ACRO TUMBLING I (starting age 5+)
ACRO TUMBLING (ACROBATICS) is open for dancers that are ages 5+ (as of January 1, 2025). Acrobatics is a combination of balance, agility and motor coordination. It is also a dance form and is very different from gymnastics/tumbling. It involves flexibility and explosive power through movement. Depending on your child’s level, they will learn a variety of skills, from chin stands to cartwheels, backbends to aerial variations, back handsprings and more. The technique is very different from a regular tumbling class as dancers have to be able to continue to dance through any acrobatic movement and will not have extensive space or time to prepare to execute each skill as in power tumbling/cheerleading/gymnastics. This is the perfect class for dancers who want to increase their skillset for dance.
Class placement may be determined based on the instructor’s evaluation of the student.
3:45 PM to 4:30 PM
Clemson Elite
ACRO TUMBLING I.II (starting age 7+)
ACRO TUMBLING (ACROBATICS) is open for dancers that are ages 7+ (as of January 1, 2025). This class is for dancers who have taken Acro Tumbling previously, and are working on their forward and backward skills.

Acrobatics is a combination of balance, agility and motor coordination. It is also a dance form and is very different from gymnastics/tumbling. It involves flexibility and explosive power through movement. Depending on your child’s level, they will learn a variety of skills, from chin stands to cartwheels, backbends to aerial variations, back handsprings and more. The technique is very different from a regular tumbling class as dancers have to be able to continue to dance through any acrobatic movement and will not have extensive space or time to prepare to execute each skill as in power tumbling/cheerleading/gymnastics. This is the perfect class for dancers who want to increase their skillset for dance.
Class placement may be determined based on the instructor’s evaluation of the student.
3:45 PM to 4:30 PM
Clemson Elite
ACRO TUMBLING II.III (starting age 7+)
ACRO TUMBLING (ACROBATICS) is open for dancers that are ages 7+ (as of January 1, 2025). This class is for dancers who have taken Acro Tumbling previously, and can perform front and backwards skills - backwalkovers, front walkovers, front handsprings, and are working on backhandsprings, Valdez, aerials. If you register for this level and your child needs additional assistance, we will adjust them as needed to the appropriate class.

Acrobatics is a combination of balance, agility and motor coordination. It is also a dance form and is very different from gymnastics/tumbling. It involves flexibility and explosive power through movement. Depending on your child’s level, they will learn a variety of skills, from chin stands to cartwheels, backbends to aerial variations, back handsprings and more. The technique is very different from a regular tumbling class as dancers have to be able to continue to dance through any acrobatic movement and will not have extensive space or time to prepare to execute each skill as in power tumbling/cheerleading/gymnastics. This is the perfect class for dancers who want to increase their skillset for dance.
Class placement may be determined based on the instructor’s evaluation of the student.
3:45 PM to 4:30 PM
Clemson Elite
Hip Class Description:
HIP HOP is open for dancers that are ages 5+ (as of January 1, 2025). There are multiple levels of experience and age offered for this genre and classes are split according to age/ability. This class is a combination of hip hop, funk and jazz movements. Dancers will explore multiple areas of performance - focusing on musicality, beats, rhythm, and timing. This class is perfect for the dancer who wants to move and get out some
energy! This class performs a hip hop piece in the Spring Session Recital.
4:30 PM to 5:15 PM
Clemson Elite
Hip Class Description:
HIP HOP is open for dancers that are ages 5+ (as of January 1, 2025). There are multiple levels of experience and age offered for this genre and classes are split according to age/ability. This class is a combination of hip hop, funk and jazz movements. Dancers will explore multiple areas of performance - focusing on musicality, beats, rhythm, and timing. This class is perfect for the dancer who wants to move and get out some
energy! This class performs a hip hop piece in the Spring Session Recital.
4:30 PM to 5:15 PM
Clemson Elite
Hip Class Description:
HIP HOP is open for dancers that are ages 5+ (as of January 1, 2025). There are multiple levels of experience and age offered for this genre and classes are split according to age/ability. This class is a combination of hip hop, funk and jazz movements. Dancers will explore multiple areas of performance - focusing on musicality, beats, rhythm, and timing. This class is perfect for the dancer who wants to move and get out some
energy! This class performs a hip hop piece in the Spring Session Recital.
4:30 PM to 5:15 PM
Clemson Elite
Hip Class Description:
HIP HOP is open for dancers that are ages 5+ (as of January 1, 2025). There are multiple levels of experience and age offered for this genre and classes are split according to age/ability. This class is a combination of hip hop, funk and jazz movements. Dancers will explore multiple areas of performance - focusing on musicality, beats, rhythm, and timing. This class is perfect for the dancer who wants to move and get out some
energy! This class performs a hip hop piece in the Spring Session Recital.
4:30 PM to 5:15 PM
Clemson Elite
Jazz & Technique Class Description: This class is designed to help each dancer to learn basic, intermediate, & advanced dance skills such as leaps, turns, jumps, etc. This class will also learn a dance to perform in the Spring Recital. This class will be split according to ability and age. More advanced dancers will move up as they master skills.
5:15 PM to 6:00 PM
Clemson Elite
Jazz & Technique Class Description: This class is designed to help each dancer to learn basic, intermediate, & advanced dance skills such as leaps, turns, jumps, etc. This class will also learn a dance to perform in the Spring Recital. This class will be split according to ability and age. More advanced dancers will move up as they master skills.
5:15 PM to 6:00 PM
Clemson Elite
Jazz & Technique Class Description: This class is designed to help each dancer to learn basic, intermediate, & advanced dance skills such as leaps, turns, jumps, etc. This class will also learn a dance to perform in the Spring Recital. This class will be split according to ability and age. More advanced dancers will move up as they master skills.
5:15 PM to 6:00 PM
Clemson Elite
Jazz & Technique Class Description: This class is designed to help each dancer to learn basic, intermediate, & advanced dance skills such as leaps, turns, jumps, etc. This class will also learn a dance to perform in the Spring Recital. This class will be split according to ability and age. More advanced dancers will move up as they master skills.
5:15 PM to 6:15 PM
Clemson Elite
LYRICAL II.III (Ages: 8-10)
LYRICAL/CONTEMPORARY II.III is open for dancers that are ages 8+ (as of January 1, 2025). This class focuses on movement quality, musicality, lyric interpretation, and expression. Simply put - Lyrical/Contemporary is a nice bridge between the world of Ballet and Modern with Jazz and technique. It is perfect for the dancer who wants to continue to learn to grow and expand their creative movement abilities as well as honing emotional elements to dance. There is multiple levels
offered. This class will perform a dance in the Spring Session Recital.
6:00 PM to 6:45 PM
Clemson Elite
LYRICAL III (ages 10-12)
LYRICAL/CONTEMPORARY III is open for dancers that are ages 10+ (as of January 1, 2025). This class focuses on movement quality, musicality, lyric interpretation, and expression. Simply put - Lyrical/Contemporary is a nice bridge between the world of Ballet and Modern with Jazz and technique. It is perfect for the dancer who wants to continue to learn to grow and expand their creative movement abilities as well as honing emotional elements to dance. There is multiple levels
offered. This class will perform a dance in the Spring Session Recital.
6:00 PM to 6:45 PM
Clemson Elite
LYRICAL III.IV (ages 13+)
LYRICAL/CONTEMPORARY III.IV is open for dancers that are ages 13+ (as of January 1, 2025). This class focuses on movement quality, musicality, lyric interpretation, and expression. Simply put - Lyrical/Contemporary is a nice bridge between the world of Ballet and Modern with Jazz and technique. It is perfect for the dancer who wants to continue to learn to grow and expand their creative movement abilities as well as honing emotional elements to dance. There is multiple levels
offered. This class will perform a dance in the Spring Session Recital.
6:15 PM to 7:00 PM
Clemson Elite
TAP III.IV (ages 11+)
LYRICAL/CONTEMPORARY III.IV is open for dancers that are ages 13+ (as of January 1, 2025). This class focuses on movement quality, musicality, lyric interpretation, and expression. Simply put - Lyrical/Contemporary is a nice bridge between the world of Ballet and Modern with Jazz and technique. It is perfect for the dancer who wants to continue to learn to grow and expand their creative movement abilities as well as honing emotional elements to dance. There is multiple levels
offered. This class will perform a dance in the Spring Session Recital.
7:00 PM to 7:45 PM
Clemson Elite
ACRO SPECIALTY CLASS **See Description for Eligibility
ACRO SPECIALTY CLASS: This class is open for any dancers that are enrolled in an Acro Class on Tuesday or Thursday that are looking for additional time working on individual specific skills: Aerial, Valdez, Backhandspring walkout, etc. This class is included in team tuition for Competition dancers, and is a drop in class for any student that is a recreational or performance company dancer at CEDC with a reduced rate of $8 per class or $25 per month.
4:30 PM to 5:15 PM
Clemson Elite
Jazz Technique & Dance Team Pom Prep Class: This class focuses on technical skills - leaps, turns, jumps, and dance team tricks: kip up, headspring, rubber band, and sideline pom technique to prepare the dancer for future options within a high school or college dance team. Tuition for Competition Dancers to add this class is $10 per month, all other dancers: $10 per class drop in rate applies.
No participation in the Spring Recital.
5:15 PM to 6:00 PM
Clemson Elite
CHOREOGRAPHY & IMPROVISATION is open for dancers that are ages 10+ (as of January 1, 2025). This class will focus on the methods and techniques to creating movement. Dancers will learn about visualizations, formations, stage usage, performance visuals, layering, and more! Dancers will also explore various methods of improvisation within several genres. Participants in this class will have the opportunity to create their own dances individually, as well as within a group setting to maximize cross
collaboration techniques. This class will participate in the Spring Session Recital
6:00 PM to 6:45 PM
Clemson Elite
BALLET & TAP I.II (starting age 5+)
BALLET: There are multiple levels of Ballet offered and they will begin first with age placement and then expanded into level placement once classes begin. Ballet classes are designed for students who want to learn the fundamentals of ballet. Students are introduced to ballet vocabulary as well as musicality, discipline, and class structure. As you continue through upper levels, the dancer will continue to expand vocabulary, gain musical understanding and expression, as well as gain artistry.
TAP dance explores rhythm, syncopation, and musicality. These classes will consist of warm-ups followed by stylized movements across the floor and aggressive, funky, rhythm oriented combinations. Students will learn the various fundamentals that are so important to becoming a well-rounded tapper. They will learn how to use the different parts of their shoes to make different sounds.

This class will perform a Ballet and Tap Dance in the Spring Session Recital.
3:45 PM to 4:45 PM
Clemson Elite
BALLET & TAP II.III (starting age 8+)
BALLET: There are multiple levels of Ballet offered and they will begin first with age placement and then expanded into level placement once classes begin. Ballet classes are designed for students who want to learn the fundamentals of ballet. Students are introduced to ballet vocabulary as well as musicality, discipline, and class structure. As you continue through upper levels, the dancer will continue to expand vocabulary, gain musical understanding and expression, as well as gain artistry.
TAP dance explores rhythm, syncopation, and musicality. These classes will consist of warm-ups followed by stylized movements across the floor and aggressive, funky, rhythm oriented combinations. Students will learn the various fundamentals that are so important to becoming a well-rounded tapper. They will learn how to use the different parts of their shoes to make different sounds.

This class will perform a Ballet and Tap Dance in the Spring Session Recital.
3:45 PM to 4:45 PM
Clemson Elite
ACRO TUMBLING III.IV (starting age 11+)
ACRO TUMBLING (ACROBATICS) is open for dancers that are ages 11+ (as of January 1, 2025). This class is for dancers who have taken Acro Tumbling previously, and can perform front and backwards skills - backwalkovers, front walkovers, front handsprings, and are working on backhandsprings, Valdez, aerials. If you register for this level and your child needs additional assistance, we will adjust them as needed to the appropriate class.

Acrobatics is a combination of balance, agility and motor coordination. It is also a dance form and is very different from gymnastics/tumbling. It involves flexibility and explosive power through movement. Depending on your child’s level, they will learn a variety of skills, from chin stands to cartwheels, backbends to aerial variations, back handsprings and more. The technique is very different from a regular tumbling class as dancers have to be able to continue to dance through any acrobatic movement and will not have extensive space or time to prepare to execute each skill as in power tumbling/cheerleading/gymnastics. This is the perfect class for dancers who want to increase their skillset for dance.
Class placement may be determined based on the instructor’s evaluation of the student.
4:45 PM to 5:30 PM
Clemson Elite
LYRICAL/CONTEMPORARY II.III is open for dancers that are ages 8+ (as of January 1, 2025). This class focuses on movement quality, musicality, lyric interpretation, and expression. Simply put - Lyrical/Contemporary is a nice bridge between the world of Ballet and Modern with Jazz and technique. It is perfect for the dancer who wants to continue to learn to grow and expand their creative movement abilities as well as honing emotional elements to dance. There is multiple levels
offered. This class will perform a dance in the Spring Session Recital.
4:45 PM to 5:30 PM
Clemson Elite
Preschool Ballet and Tap is for dancers ages 2-5. It is designed for our tiniest dancers to gain experience both in a dance class setting and getting on the big stage. Our preschool classes will practice for 45 minutes each week in their special dance dresses and magical tap and ballet shoes. Each class will showcase their dance skills by performing two dances in the recital - a tap dance and a ballet dance. This class focuses on growth with musicality, focus and memory, following directions, and creative movement. Props are utilized such as ribbons, stuffed animals, the parachute, etc. to enhance motor skills and enjoyment of the movement of dance
5:30 PM to 6:15 PM
Clemson Elite
7:00 PM to 7:45 PM
Clemson Elite
7:45 PM to 8:15 PM
Clemson Elite