Term 1 2025

Kids Contemporary
This class introduces students to the fundamentals of Contemporary dance in a fun and creative environment. Students gain confidence and begin to develop a technical understanding of contemporary dance, including fall and recover, floor work, kicks, turns, jumps, basic traveling combinations and phrases. Students will begin to develop an understanding of basic alignment, core stability, use of movement dynamics, rhythm, sequencing, coordination, memory, posture and much more.
4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Front Studio
Junior Contemporary
This class focuses on Contemporary dance technique in a fun and creative environment. Students gain confidence and deepen their technical understanding of contemporary technique. Including fall and recover, floor work, kicks, turns, jumps, travelling combinations and extended phrases. Students will develop a greater understanding of their anatomical alignment, core stability, use of movement dynamics, rhythm, sequencing, coordination, memory, posture and more.
5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Main Studio
Open Jazz
This class focuses on traditional Jazz technique in a fun and creative environment. Students gain confidence and extend the technical understanding required for kicks, turns, jumps, travelling combinations, floor work and extended phrases. Students will develop a greater understanding of anatomical alignment, core stability, use of movement dynamics, rhythm, sequencing, coordination, memory, posture and more.
5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Front Studio
Adults Contemporary
A fun contemporary class focusing on anatomical alignment, core stability, fall and recover, release technique, floor work, dynamics, rhythm, sequencing and the simple joy of movement!
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Main Studio
Open Contemporary
This class focuses on Contemporary dance technique in a fun and creative environment. Students gain confidence and extend their technical understanding of contemporary technique including fall and recover, floor work, kicks, turns, jumps, travelling combinations and extended phrases. Students will develop a greater understanding of their anatomical alignment, core stability, use of movement dynamics, rhythm, sequencing, coordination, memory, posture and more.
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Front Studio
Beginner Acrodance
Acrodance at Dance Northside focuses on developing strength, flexibility, cardiovascular fitness and acrobatic skills in a safe and supportive environment. It is fun but challenging and highly recommended for any dancer wanting to improve their skills, technique and fitness. This class is designed for beginners. Students work steadily at certain skills until they are achieved, before progressing. Our Acrobatic Arts certified teachers are trained to work safely with each individual and gently encourage them to progress whilst looking after their physical, mental and emotional health. Enrolment in a jazz, ballet or contemporary class in addition to Acrodance is encouraged for dancers keen to progress in the intermediate class.
4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Main Studio
Minis Ballet Tuesday
Minis Ballet teaches classical Ballet technique in a fun, engaging, and age appropriate way. Our classes are designed to capture the imagination and engagement of our dancers, whilst progressively learning the fundamentals of classical ballet technique.

Utilising creative imagery, a seasonal theme each term, and lots of props!

Dancers enjoy an increase in confidence, social skills, gross motor skills, rhythm, sequencing, coordination, memory, posture, and so much more!
4:00 PM to 4:40 PM
Front Studio
Intermediate Acrodance
Acro at Dance Northside focuses on developing strength, flexibility, cardiovascular fitness and acrobatic skills in a safe and supportive environment. It is fun but challenging and highly recommended for any dancer wanting to improve their skills, technique and fitness. This class is designed for students who have already mastered some basic skills. Students work steadily at certain skills until they are achieved, before progressing. Our Acrobatic Arts certified teachers are trained to work safely with each individual and gently encourage them to progress whilst looking after their physical, mental and emotional health. Enrolment in a jazz, ballet or contemporary class in addition to Acrodance is encouraged for dancers keen to progress.
5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Main Studio
Kids Ballet Tuesday
This class explores the fundamentals of Ballet technique in a fun and creative environment. Students gain confidence and understanding of basic alignment, core stability, dynamics, rhythm, sequencing, coordination, memory, posture and more!
5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Front Studio
Adults Zumba
Adults Zumba is a class for adults who want to get fit and have FUN within a supportive, vibrant and connected community. Modifications are always available and all levels of fitness can easily be catered for.
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Front Studio
Advanced Contemporary
This advanced class is designed for students with significant experience. This class extends students' understanding of Contemporary dance technique, focusing on anatomical alignment, core stability, fall and recover, release technique, floor work, dynamics, rhythm and sequencing.
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Main Studio
Kids Hip Hop
This class explores the fundamentals of Hip Hop dance in a fun and creative environment. Students gain confidence and understanding of basic posture, dynamics, rhythm, sequencing, coordination, memory and more!
4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Main Studio
Minis Dance FUNdamentals Wednesday
Minis Dance FUNdamentals teaches dance in a fun, engaging and age appropriate way. Our classes are designed to capture the imagination and engagement of our dancers, whilst progressively learning fundamental dance technique.

Utilising creative imagery, themed classes, and lots of props!

Dancers enjoy an increase in confidence, social skills, gross motor skills, rhythm, sequencing, coordination, memory, posture, and so much more!
4:00 PM to 4:40 PM
Front Studio
Junior Hip Hop Wednesday
This class focuses on Hip Hop Dance in a fun and creative environment. Students gain confidence and deepen their understanding of posture, dynamics, musicality, expression, sequencing, coordination, memory, posture and much more!
5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Main Studio
Open Hip Hop
This class deepens students' understanding of Hip Hop dance, including posture, dynamics, musicality, expression, sequencing, coordination, memory and more.
5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Front Studio
Adults JFH
JFH is a dynamic style of dance incorporating elements of Hip Hop, Jazz & Funk. Expect a thorough and safe warm up and an awesome workout learning progressions, a fun routine and lot’s of laughs! Suitable for all fitness levels and abilities.
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Main Studio
Advanced Hip Hop
This class extends students' understanding of Hip Hop dance, including posture, dynamics, musicality, expression, sequencing, coordination, memory and more.
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Front Studio
Kids Jazz Thursday
This class explores the fundamentals of traditional Jazz technique in a fun and creative environment. Students gain confidence and begin to develop the technical understanding required for kicks, turns, jumps, travelling combinations, floor work and phrases. Students will develop a greater understanding of anatomical alignment, core stability, use of movement dynamics, rhythm, sequencing, coordination, memory, posture and more.
4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Main Studio
Minis Dance FUNdamentals Thursday
Minis Dance FUNdamentals teaches dance in a fun, engaging and age appropriate way. Our classes are designed to capture the imagination and engagement of our dancers, whilst progressively learning fundamental dance technique.

Utilising creative imagery, themed classes, and lots of props!

Dancers enjoy an increase in confidence, social skills, gross motor skills, rhythm, sequencing, coordination, memory, posture, and so much more!
4:00 PM to 4:40 PM
Front Studio
Boys Hip Hop
A high energy Hip Hop class for the boys! Students will work on their cardiovascular fitness, strength, stamina and coordination. Classes will consist of a fun and interactive warm up, some basic breakdancing, and a hip hop routine they will add onto each week. Delivered in a way that supports engagement, whilst allowing space for individual movement needs, and personal creative expression to be met.
5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Front Studio
Junior Jazz Thursday
This class focuses on traditional Jazz technique in a fun and creative environment. Students gain confidence and deepen the technical understanding required for kicks, turns, jumps, travelling combinations, floor work and extended phrases. Students will develop a greater understanding of anatomical alignment, core stability, use of movement dynamics, rhythm, sequencing, coordination, memory, posture and more.
5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Main Studio
Advanced Jazz
This advanced class is for students with significant Jazz experience. Students will work hard on the technical aspect of kicks, turns and jumps; enhance their flexibility, strength, fitness and core stability; and learn advanced sequences and choreography.
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Main Studio
Junior Hip Hop Thursday
This class focuses on Hip Hop Dance in a fun and creative environment. Students gain confidence and deepen their understanding of posture, dynamics, musicality, expression, sequencing, coordination, memory, posture and more!
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Front Studio
Adults Jazz
A fun Jazz class just for the adults! Expect a thorough and safe technical warm up, an awesome workout learning progressions, a fun routine and lots of laughs! Suitable for all fitness levels and abilities.
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Front Studio
Open Ballet
Students will work hard on the technical aspects of classical ballet, as well as enjoy sequences and choreography.
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Main Studio
Minis Ballet Saturday 9am
Minis Ballet teaches classical Ballet technique in a fun, engaging, and age appropriate way. Our classes are designed to capture the imagination and engagement of our dancers, whilst progressively learning the fundamentals of classical ballet technique.

Utilising creative imagery, a seasonal theme each term, and lots of props!

Dancers enjoy an increase in confidence, social skills, gross motor skills, rhythm, sequencing, coordination, memory, posture, and so much more!
9:00 AM to 9:40 AM
Main Studio
Minis Dance FUNdamentals Saturday 9am
Minis Dance FUNdamentals teaches dance in a fun, engaging and age appropriate way. Our classes are designed to capture the imagination and engagement of our dancers, whilst progressively learning fundamental dance technique.

Utilising creative imagery, themed classes, and lots of props!

Dancers enjoy an increase in confidence, social skills, gross motor skills, rhythm, sequencing, coordination, memory, posture, and so much more!
9:00 AM to 9:40 AM
Front Studio
Minis Ballet Saturday 9:40am
Minis Ballet teaches classical Ballet technique in a fun, engaging, and age appropriate way. Our classes are designed to capture the imagination and engagement of our dancers, whilst progressively learning the fundamentals of classical ballet technique.

Utilising creative imagery, a seasonal theme each term, and lots of props!

Dancers enjoy an increase in confidence, social skills, gross motor skills, rhythm, sequencing, coordination, memory, posture, and so much more!
9:40 AM to 10:20 AM
Main Studio
Minis Dance FUNdamentals Saturday 9:40am
Minis Dance FUNdamentals teaches dance in a fun, engaging and age appropriate way. Our classes are designed to capture the imagination and engagement of our dancers, whilst progressively learning fundamental dance technique.

Utilising creative imagery, themed classes, and lots of props!

Dancers enjoy an increase in confidence, social skills, gross motor skills, rhythm, sequencing, coordination, memory, posture, and so much more!
9:40 AM to 10:20 AM
Front Studio
Junior Ballet
This class focuses on traditional ballet in a fun and creative environment. Students gain an increase in confidence and continue to develop their understanding of ballet technique including barre work, turns, jumps, basic traveling combinations and phrases. Students will continue to develop their understanding of basic alignment, core stability, use of movement dynamics, rhythm, sequencing, coordination, memory, posture and more.
10:20 AM to 11:20 AM
Main Studio
Kids Jazz Saturday
This explores the fundamentals of traditional Jazz technique in a fun and creative environment. Students gain confidence and begin to develop the technical understanding required for kicks, turns, jumps, travelling combinations, floor work and phrases. Students will develop a greater understanding of anatomical alignment, core stability, use of movement dynamics, rhythm, sequencing, coordination, memory, posture and more.
10:20 AM to 11:20 AM
Main Studio
Adults Intermediate Ballet
This class is for any adult wishing to rediscover, or extend their love of Ballet. A fun class focusing on classical technique and the joy of movement!
11:20 AM to 12:20 PM
Main Studio
Junior Jazz Saturday
This class focuses on traditional Jazz technique in a fun and creative environment. Students gain confidence and deepen the technical understanding required for kicks, turns, jumps, travelling combinations, floor work and extended phrases. Students will develop a greater understanding of anatomical alignment, core stability, use of movement dynamics, rhythm, sequencing, coordination, memory, posture and more.
11:20 AM to 12:20 PM
Front Studio
Adults Beginner Ballet
A fun class focusing on the fundamentals of Ballet technique and the simple joy of movement! Designed for Adults who would like to begin their dance journey in a supportive environment, and learn the fundamentals of Ballet technique. All fitness levels, bodies, abilities and ages are welcome!
12:20 PM to 1:20 PM
Main Studio
Kids Ballet Saturday
This class explores the fundamentals of Ballet technique in a fun and creative environment. Students gain confidence and understanding of basic alignment, core stability, dynamics, rhythm, sequencing, coordination, memory, posture and more!
12:20 PM to 1:20 PM
Front Studio