Spring Musical 2025

Acting Out- LITTLE KIDS- Spring Musical
Our Acting Out Little Kids program does not need to audition and has class on Fridays only. All students will perform as part of the ensemble. If your child is wanting a role with lines they MUST audition and sign up for Acting Out BIG KIDs and attend Tuesday and Friday class. All performers are responsible for purchasing or making costumes based on suggestions given by A Touch of Drama. We try to keep costs down as much as possible and encourage DIY ideas.

Tickets for show will be announced approximately one month prior to show. Tech Week is MANDATORY for all performers and is held Monday-Thursday of show week at 50989 Hwy 27, Davenport. Tentative show date is May 2nd & 3rd.

Classes will follow the Polk County school calendar. Additional dates for closure may be added by Tom Fellows Community Center for private events. One week in Spring will also be observed for our Tech week with our Acting Out Performance Program. No classes will be held that week (to be announced) except for the Acting Out Performance Program.
Tuition will not be discounted for shortened months, for example Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Our calendar and class fees are set up on a rolling calendar period and pre determined by a yearly fee broken down to monthly charges. In addition some months have 5 weeks that are not charged additionally for. There will be no exceptions to how charges are made.
There is no refunds for classes if they are missed due to illness or vacation or canceled due to inclement weather, Community center closures and shows. Make up classes are allowed if there is a similar class and age group available. This must be communicated with staff.
No classes on the following dates (please remember more dates can be added based on Tom Fellows availability and shows):
September 1st- Private Event
September 4th- Labor Day, no classes
October 27- Private Event
October 31st- Halloween, no classes
November 10th- Veterans Day, no classes
November 20-December 1st Thanksgiving Break & private event, no classes
December 4th-8th, TECH WEEK. No classes at Tom Fellows Community Center. All Acting Out Performance Program/Winter/Spring Musical MUST attend tech week at 50989 Hwy 27, Davenport.
December 18- January 4th, Christmas Break, no classes.
January 15th- Martin Luther King Day, no classes.
February 9- Private Event
February 17th- Presidents Day, no classes
March 17th-21st Spring Break, no classes.
March 28- Private Event

All students enrolled in dance, acro and circus arts will perform in our Final Showcase. Dates/location to be annnounced. This is typically mid May.

By registering and paying for registration/classes you acknowledge the above information and promise to adhere to all policies.

5:45 PM to 6:30 PM
Tom Fellows Community Center
Acting Out BIG KIDS- Spring Musical Theatre
Our Acting Out Big Kids program is by audition only! Students MUST attend classes on Tuesday 6-7:30pm AND Friday 5:45-6:30. PLEASE NOTE THE DIFFERENT TIMES AND DAYS. Classes start 1/7/25.

Our Acting Out Little Kids program does not need to audition and has class on Fridays only. All students will perform as part of the ensemble. If your child is wanting a role with lines they MUST audition and sign up for Acting Out BIG KIDs and attend Tuesday and Friday class. All performers are responsible for purchasing or making costumes based on suggestions given by A Touch of Drama. We try to keep costs down as much as possible and encourage DIY ideas.

Tickets for show will be announced approximately one month prior to show. Tech Week is MANDATORY for all performers and is held Monday-Thursday of show week at 50989 Hwy 27, Davenport. Tentative show date is 5/2 & 5/3.

Classes will follow the Polk County school calendar. Additional dates for closure may be added by Tom Fellows Community Center for private events. One week in Winter and one week in Spring will also be observed for our Tech week with our Acting Out Performance Program. No classes will be held that week (to be announced) except for the Acting Out Performance Program.
Tuition will not be discounted for shortened months, for example Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Our calendar and class fees are set up on a rolling calendar period. Meaning some months have 5 weeks that are not charged additionally for. There will be no exceptions to how charges are made.
There is no refunds for classes if they are missed due to illness or vacation or canceled due to inclement weather, Community center closures and shows. Make up classes are allowed if there is a similar class and age group available. This must be communicated with staff.
No classes on the following dates (please remember more dates can be added based on Tom Fellows availability and shows):
September 1st- Private Event
September 4th- Labor Day, no classes
October 27- Private Event
October 31st- Halloween, no classes
November 10th- Veterans Day, no classes
November 20-December 1st Thanksgiving Break & private event, no classes
December 4th-8th, TECH WEEK. No classes at Tom Fellows Community Center. All Acting Out Performance Program/Winter/Spring Musical MUST attend tech week at 50989 Hwy 27, Davenport.
December 18- January 4th, Christmas Break, no classes.
January 15th- Martin Luther King Day, no classes.
February 9- Private Event
February 19th- President’s Day, no classes
March 11-15th- Spring Break, no classes.
March 28- Private Event
April 2- Private Event
May 27th- Memorial Day, no classes.

By registering and paying for registration/classes you acknowledge the above information and promise to adhere to all policies.

Tuesday Friday
6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Tom Fellows Community Center


Little Circus- Level 2
Little Circus is an intro to circus arts class for ages 3-5. Students will learn Intro skills in acro, silks, balance beam and juggling scarves.

Students should come dressed in leotard and or/leggings and fitted clothing. Bare feet will be used. Hair tied back. Please bring water with name on it.

Classes will follow the Polk County school calendar. Additional dates for closure may be added by Tom Fellows Community Center for private events. One week in Winter and one week in Spring will also be observed for our Tech week with our Acting Out Performance Program. No classes will be held that week (to be announced) except for the Acting Out Performance Program.
Tuition will not be discounted for shortened months, for example Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Our calendar and class fees are set up on a rolling calendar period. Meaning some months have 5 weeks that are not charged additionally for. There will be no exceptions to how charges are made.
There is no refunds for classes if they are missed due to illness or vacation or canceled due to inclement weather, Community center closures and shows. Make up classes are allowed if there is a similar class and age group available. This must be communicated with staff.
Start date is September 5th.
No classes on the following dates (please remember more dates can be added based on Tom Fellows availability and shows):
September 4th- Labor Day, no classes
October 27- Private Event
October 31st- Halloween, no classes
November 10th- Veterans Day, no classes
November 20-December 11th Thanksgiving Break & private event, no classes.
December 4th-8th, TECH WEEK. No classes at Tom Fellows Community Center. All Acting Out Performance Program/Winter/Spring Musical MUST attend tech week at 50989 Hwy 27, Davenport.
December 18- January 4th, Christmas Break, no classes.
January 15th- Martin Luther King Day, no classes.
February 9th- Private Event
February 19th- President’s Day, no classes
March 11-15th- Spring Break, no classes.
March 28th- Private Event
April 2nd- Private Event
May 27th- Memorial Day, no classes.

Show dates for Final Showcase will be announced.

All students enrolled in dance, acro and circus arts will perform in our Final Showcase. Dates/location to be annnounced. This is typically mid May.

All students will have a costume fee that MUST be paid for by November so we can order them with plenty of time to assure they are on time for delivery as well as any sizing issues. Costume fee will be added to accounts after registration. Costume fees vary based on age/size of the student. Little Circus costume fee is $80. Dates/location to be annnounced. This is typically mid May.
By registering and paying for registration/classes you acknowledge the above information and promise to adhere to all policies.

*please be sure to check out location for your classes. We have multiple locations used for various classes.
4:45 PM to 5:15 PM
Tom Fellows Community Center
Dance Cirque- SILKS
Students will be introduced to conditioning exercises,Intro juggling and silks. Students should come dressed in leotard and or/leggings and fitted clothing. Bare feet will be used. Hair tied back. Please bring water with name on it. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that all Circus Arts students enroll in our Acro or contortion class. This will help to improve strength, flexibility and offer skills that can be utilized on silks, trapeze or lyra hoops.

Classes will follow the Polk County school calendar. Additional dates for closure may be added by Tom Fellows Community Center for private events. One week in Winter and one week in Spring will also be observed for our Tech week with our Acting Out Performance Program. No classes will be held that week (to be announced) except for the Acting Out Performance Program.
Tuition will not be discounted for shortened months, for example Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Our calendar and class fees are set up on a rolling calendar period. Meaning some months have 5 weeks that are not charged additionally for. There will be no exceptions to how charges are made.
There is no refunds for classes if they are missed due to illness or vacation or canceled due to inclement weather, Community center closures and shows. Make up classes are allowed if there is a similar class and age group available. This must be communicated with staff.
5:15 PM to 6:00 PM
Tom Fellows Community Center
Circus Lyra
Circus Lyra or Hoop is an aerial activity. Students will be introduced to intro juggling skills, strength and conditioning skills as well as the Lyra. It is highly recommended that all circus arts students also take either acro or contortion to increase their strength and flexibility. The stronger and more flexible you are, the more you can do on Lyra.

Students must wear fitted clothing such as leggings or leotards. Bare feet, no socks. No jewelry, zippers or buttons.

4:30 PM to 5:15 PM
Tom Fellows Community Center
Acro class will work on conditioning and flexibility as well as various acro skills such as proper splits, straddle rolls, cartwheels, forward limbers and more. Skills learned will be based on childs abilities. No new tricks can be added until beginner skills are mastered. Students should come dressed in leotard and or/leggings and fitted clothing. Bare feet will be used. Hair tied back. Please bring water with name on it. Acro is best paired with one of our circus arts classes or contortion.

Classes will follow the Polk County school calendar. Additional dates for closure may be added by Tom Fellows Community Center for private events. One week in Winter and one week in Spring will also be observed for our Tech week with our Acting Out Performance Program. No classes will be held that week (to be announced) except for the Acting Out Performance Program.
Tuition will not be discounted for shortened months, for example Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Our calendar and class fees are set up on a rolling calendar period. Meaning some months have 5 weeks that are not charged additionally for. There will be no exceptions to how charges are made.
There is no refunds for classes if they are missed due to illness or vacation or canceled due to inclement weather, Community center closures and shows. Make up classes are allowed if there is a similar class and age group available. This must be communicated with staff.

Show dates for Final Showcase will be announced.

All students enrolled in dance, acro and circus arts will perform in our Final Showcase. Dates/location to be annnounced. This is typically mid May.
By registering and paying for registration/classes you acknowledge the above information and promise to adhere to all policies.

*please be sure to check out location for your classes. We have multiple locations used for various classes.
5:15 PM to 5:45 PM
Tom Fellows Community Center
Students will learn the art of Animation. This will be done with various exercises in intro drawing skills, flip books, stop motion animation and more. Students MUST have their own drawing notebook, drawing pencils and erasers, have IPad that is compatible with the Stop Motion Studio app and editing software. No electronic devices will be provided.
Classes will follow the Polk County school calendar. Additional dates for closure may be added by Tom Fellows Community Center for private events. One week in Winter and one week in Spring will also be observed for our Tech week with our Acting Out Performance Program. No classes will be held that week (to be announced) except for the Acting Out Performance Program.
Tuition will not be discounted for shortened months, for example Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Our calendar and class fees are set up on a rolling calendar period. Meaning some months have 5 weeks that are not charged additionally for. There will be no exceptions to how charges are made.
There is no refunds for classes if they are missed due to illness or vacation or canceled due to inclement weather, Community center closures and shows. Make up classes are allowed if there is a similar class and age group available. This must be communicated with staff.

Show dates for Final Showcase will be announced.

All students enrolled in dance, acro and circus arts will perform in our Final Showcase. Dates/location to be annnounced. This is typically mid May.

All students will have a costume fee that MUST be paid for by November so we can order them with plenty of time to assure they are on time for delivery as well as any sizing issues. Costume fee will be added to accounts after registration. Costume fees vary based on age/size of the student. Dates/location to be annnounced. This is typically mid May.
By registering and paying for registration/classes you acknowledge the above information and promise to adhere to all policies.

*please be sure to check out location for your classes. We have multiple locations used for various classes.
5:45 PM to 6:30 PM
Tom Fellows Community Center
Students will be introduced to beginner acting skills through various activities such as theatre games, improv and character work.
Classes will follow the Polk County school calendar. Additional dates for closure may be added by Tom Fellows Community Center for private events. One week in Winter and one week in Spring will also be observed for our Tech week with our Acting Out Performance Program. No classes will be held that week (to be announced) except for the Acting Out Performance Program.
Tuition will not be discounted for shortened months, for example Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Our calendar and class fees are set up on a rolling calendar period. Meaning some months have 5 weeks that are not charged additionally for. There will be no exceptions to how charges are made.
There is no refunds for classes if they are missed due to illness or vacation or canceled due to inclement weather, Community center closures and shows. Make up classes are allowed if there is a similar class and age group available. This must be communicated with staff.
6:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Tom Fellows Community Center
Students will be introduced to conditioning exercises and stretching techniques. Students should come dressed in leotard and or/leggings and fitted clothing. Bare feet will be used. Hair tied back. No socks or shoes. Please bring water with name on it. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that all Contortion students enroll in one of our circus classes to not only use their contortion skills but to also increase their strength. This combination of classes will help to improve strength, flexibility and offer skills that can be utilized on silks or lyra hoops.

Classes will follow the Polk County school calendar. Additional dates for closure may be added by Tom Fellows Community Center for private events. One week in Winter and one week in Spring will also be observed for our Tech week with our Acting Out Performance Program. No classes will be held that week (to be announced) except for the Acting Out Performance Program.
Tuition will not be discounted for shortened months, for example Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Our calendar and class fees are set up on a rolling calendar period. Meaning some months have 5 weeks that are not charged additionally for. There will be no exceptions to how charges are made.
There is no refunds for classes if they are missed due to illness or vacation or canceled due to inclement weather, Community center closures and shows. Make up classes are allowed if there is a similar class and age group available. This must be communicated with staff.

No classes on the following dates (please remember more dates can be added based on Tom Fellows availability and shows):
September 4th- Labor Day, no classes
October 31st- Halloween, no classes
Veterans Day, no classes
Martin Luther King Day, no classes.
Presidents Day, no classes
Spring Break, no classes.
Memorial Day, no classes.

Show dates for Final Showcase will be announced.

All students enrolled in dance, acro and circus arts will perform in our Final Showcase. Dates/location to be annnounced. This is typically mid May.

All students will have a costume fee that MUST be paid for by November so we can order them with plenty of time to assure they are on time for delivery as well as any sizing issues. Costume fee will be added to accounts after registration. Costume fees vary based on age/size of the student and start at $85. Dates/location to be annnounced. This is typically mid May.
By registering and paying for registration/classes you acknowledge the above information and promise to adhere to all policies.

*please be sure to check out location for your classes. We have multiple locations used for various classes.
6:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Tom Fellows Community Center
Circus Mixer
Circus Mixer is a great way to explore various circus skills such as Lyra, silks, intro juggling, plate spinning, poi, and so much more!
Students will be introduced to conditioning exercises,Intro juggling and silks. Students should come dressed in leotard and or/leggings and fitted clothing. Bare feet will be used. Hair tied back. Please bring water with name on it. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that all Circus Arts students enroll in our Acro class or contortion class. This will help to improve strength, flexibility and offer skills that can be utilized on silks, trapeze or lyra hoops.

Classes will follow the Polk County school calendar. Additional dates for closure may be added by Tom Fellows Community Center for private events. One week in Winter and one week in Spring will also be observed for our Tech week with our Acting Out Performance Program. No classes will be held that week (to be announced) except for the Acting Out Performance Program.
Tuition will not be discounted for shortened months, for example Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Our calendar and class fees are set up on a rolling calendar period. Meaning some months have 5 weeks that are not charged additionally for. There will be no exceptions to how charges are made.
There is no refunds for classes if they are missed due to illness or vacation or canceled due to inclement weather, Community center closures and shows. Make up classes are allowed if there is a similar class and age group available. This must be communicated with staff.
Start date is September 5th.
No classes on the following dates (please remember more dates can be added based on Tom Fellows availability and shows):
September 4th- Labor Day, no classes
October 27- Private Event
October 31st- Halloween, no classes
November 10th- Veterans Day, no classes
November 20-December 1st Thanksgiving Break & private event, no classes

Show dates for Final Showcase will be announced.

All students enrolled in dance, acro and circus arts will perform in our Final Showcase. Dates/location to be annnounced. This is typically mid May.

All students will have a costume fee that MUST be paid for by November so we can order them with plenty of time to assure they are on time for delivery as well as any sizing issues. Costume fee will be added to accounts after registration. Costume fees vary based on age/size of the student and start at $85 for little kids. Dates/location to be annnounced. This is typically mid May.
By registering and paying for registration/classes you acknowledge the above information and promise to adhere to all policies.

*please be sure to check out location for your classes. We have multiple locations used for various classes.
7:00 PM to 7:45 PM
Tom Fellows Community Center

Full Force Dance Classes

Circus Arts- Toddlers
Toddler circus will incorporate listening skills, warm ups, basic acro mat skills, floor balance beam, and Lyra (hoop)
Students will be barefoot, fitted clothing such as leotards, unitards and leggings suggested.
4:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Full Force Dance Academy
Circus Lyra (Hoop)
Students will be introduced to basic Lyra skills, conditioning exercises and strength exercises. Students should be barefoot and wear fitting clothing such as leggings. No belts, buttons or zippers please.
5:00 PM to 5:45 PM
Full Force Dance Academy