Fall 2024 - Spring 2025

Teen Ballet (441)
Dress code is a leotard or dance dress, dance tights, pink ballet shoes, black tap shoes, and hair secured into a ponytail or bun. Dance skirts or shorts may be worn. Students may wear dance clothes in the color of their choice but are required to have a black leotard for performances. Teacher: Michael Mayes
2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Pointe (451)
This class must be taken with a ballet class. Students must be pre-approved to take this class. Dress code is leotard or dance dress, CONVERTIBLE dance tights, and hair secured into a bun. Teacher: Michael Mayes
3:15 PM to 3:45 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Jazz - Ages 9-13 (621)
4:15 PM to 5:00 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Ballet/Tap Ages 4-6 (311)
Dress code is a leotard or dance dress, dance tights, pink ballet shoes, black tap shoes, and hair secured into a ponytail or bun. Dance skirts or shorts may be worn. Students may wear dance clothes in the color of their choice but are required to have a pink leotard for performances. Teacher: Toni Jennings
4:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Studio 2-Little Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Ballet - Ages 9-13 (421)
Dress code is a leotard or dance dress, dance tights, pink ballet shoes, and hair secured into a ponytail or bun. Dance skirts or shorts may be worn. No t-shirts. Students may wear dance clothes in the color of their choice but are required to have a black leotard for performances. Teacher: Michael Mayes
5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Tap - Ages 6-9 (511)
Dress code is a leotard or dance dress, dance tights, pink ballet shoes, and hair secured into a ponytail or bun. Dance skirts or shorts may be worn. No t-shirts. Students may wear dance clothes in the color of their choice but are required to have a black leotard for performances. Teacher: Toni Jennings
5:30 PM to 6:15 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Pre-Pointe (Approval Only) (440)
This class must be taken with a ballet class. Students must be pre-approved to take this class. Dress code is leotard or dance dress, CONVERTIBLE dance tights, and hair secured into a bun. Class will be taken barefoot. Students will need two yoga blocks and a TheraBand to use at home for at home exercises and homework. Teacher: Michael Mayes
6:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Tap - Ages 9-13 (521)
6:30 PM to 7:15 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Jazz - Ages 6-10 (611)
7:15 PM to 8:00 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Couples Social Dance
Bring your partner and learn a variety of social dance styles! Class is charged per couple.
7:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Adult Ballet (480)
Dress code is open to the dancer's preference as long as you can comfortably move. Pink ballet shoes. This is NOT a performing class.
8:15 PM to 9:00 PM
Studio 2-Little Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Dance with Me Ages 1yr-2.5yr (101)
Toddlers, bring your grownup to class! This dance and tumbling based class is specifically designed for the developing toddler and their participating caregiver. Moms, dads, and grandparents welcome! No specific dress code and students may participate either barefoot or in ballet shoes.
9:30 AM to 10:00 AM
Studio 2-Little Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Pre-Ballet Ages 2-3 (204)
This is an introductory, independent ballet class perfect for budding young dancers. This is a 30 minute class with a ballet focus.
10:30 AM to 11:00 AM
Studio 2-Little Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Pre-Tap Ages 2-3 (211)
Optional 15 minute tap add on.
11:00 AM to 11:15 AM
Studio 2-Little Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Tap/Ballet - Ages 5-7 (323)
This is a beginner's tap and ballet class. Your child will learn the basics of tap and ballet in a fun, structured environment. Dress code is a leotard or dance dress, dance tights, pink ballet shoes, black tap shoes, and hair secured into a ponytail or bun. Dance skirts or shorts may be worn. Students may wear dance clothes in the color of their choice but are required to have a black leotard for performances.
4:45 PM to 5:45 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Advanced Tap (540)
Instructor approval required for this class. Open to experienced adults as well.
6:00 PM to 6:45 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Tap/Ballet - Ages 4-6 (315)
This is a beginner's tap and ballet class. Your child will learn the basics of tap and ballet in a fun, structured environment. Dress code is a leotard or dance dress, dance tights, pink ballet shoes, black tap shoes, and hair secured into a ponytail or bun. Dance skirts or shorts may be worn. Students may wear dance clothes in the color of their choice but are required to have a black leotard for performances.
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Advanced Jazz (640)
Students must be able to perform double turn on both sides and know large range of jazz terminology.
6:45 PM to 7:45 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Adv Contemporary (740)
Instructor approval required for this class.
8:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Homeschool Tap/Ballet - Ages 6-9 (331)
Join other homeschool families and learn the art of ballet and musicality of tap. Dress code is a leotard or dance dress, dance tights, pink ballet shoes, black tap shoes, and hair secured into a ponytail or bun. Dance skirts or shorts may be worn. Students may wear dance clothes in the color of their choice but are required to have a black leotard for performances.
3:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Teen Ballet - Ages 12+ (442)
Intermediate level ballet class. Dress code is a leotard or dance dress, tights, pink ballet shoes, and hair secured into a bun. A dance skirt or shorts may be worn. Students may wear dance clothes in the color of their choice but are required to have a black leotard for performances.
4:45 PM to 5:45 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Dance with Me Ages 1yr-2.5yr (102)
Toddlers, bring your grownup to class! This dance and tumbling based class is specifically designed for the developing toddler and their participating caregiver. Moms, dads, and grandparents welcome! No specific dress code and students may participate either barefoot or in ballet shoes.
5:30 PM to 6:00 PM
Studio 2-Little Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Ballet/Tap Ages 3-5 (312)
Dress code is a leotard or dance dress, dance tights, pink ballet shoes, black tap shoes, and hair secured into a ponytail or bun. Dance skirts or shorts may be worn. Students may wear dance clothes in the color of their choice but are required to have a pink leotard for performances.
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Studio 2-Little Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Pre-Ballet & Pre-Tap Ages 2-3 (202)
This is an introductory, independent ballet and tap class perfect for budding young dancers. 30 minutes is ballet focused with the last 15 min tap focused. Dress code is a leotard or dance dress, dance tights, pink ballet shoes, black tap shoes, and hair secured into a ponytail or bun. Dance skirts or shorts may be worn. Students may wear dance clothes in the color of their choice but are required to have a pink leotard for performances.
6:00 PM to 6:45 PM
Studio 2-Little Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Adult Tap (580)
Dress code is open to the dancer's preference as long as you can comfortably move. Your choice of tap shoes. This is NOT a performing class.
7:45 PM to 8:30 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Acro & Tumbling Ages 7+ (921)
Follows Acrobatic Arts syllabus. Introductory class to tumbling and acro. Push up to bridge and cartwheels are helpful but not necessary
4:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Studio 2-Little Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Intro to Hip Hop (801)
A beginning level hip hop class designed for students with 2 years or less of dance. Recommended for ages 4-7. Dress code is choice of modest shirt (no bare bellies or tank tops), shorts or leggings, and clean tennis shoes. Students will need solid white shoes for performances.
5:00 PM to 5:45 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Intermediate Hip Hop (811)
This class is designed for students who have completed at least 2 years of dance. Recommended ages of 8-13. Dress code is choice of modest shirt (no bare bellies or tank tops), shorts or leggings, and clean tennis shoes. Students will need solid white shoes for performances.
5:45 PM to 6:30 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Tiny Tumbling (901)
Follows Acrobatic Arts syllabus. Introductory class to tumbling and acro. Students will learn shapes and skills such as bridge, cartwheel, forward roll, straddle, & handstand.
5:45 PM to 6:30 PM
Studio 2-Little Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Acro & Tumbing Ages 5-9 (911)
Follows Acrobatic Arts syllabus. Introductory class to tumbling and acro. Push up to bridge and cartwheels are helpful but not necessary
6:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Studio 2-Little Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Contemporary Ages 7-12 (721)
Want to dance like the dancers on So You Think You Can Dance? Then this is the class for you. Students will learn beginning contemporary and lyrical steps.
6:30 PM to 7:15 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Advanced Acro (950)
Instructor approval required for this class. Open to experienced adults as well.
7:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Studio 2-Little Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Teen Hip Hop (820)
Intermediate level hip hop for teens. Recommended for ages 11+. Dress code is choice of modest shirt (no bare bellies or tank tops), shorts or leggings, and clean tennis shoes. Students will need solid white shoes for performances.
7:30 PM to 8:15 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Tiny Tumbling (902)
Follows Acrobatic Arts syllabus. Introductory class to tumbling and acro. Students will learn shapes and skills such as bridge, cartwheel, forward roll, straddle, & handstand.
10:15 AM to 11:00 AM
Studio 2-Little Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Beginning Acro Ages 5-9 (912)
Students will need to have bridge and cartwheels. Students will continue to work towards down to and recovery from bridge, bridge kickover, one hand cartwheels, and front limbers.
11:00 AM to 11:45 AM
Studio 2-Little Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Tap/Ballet - Ages 4-6 (313)
This is a beginner's tap and ballet class. Your child will learn the basics of tap and ballet in a fun, structured environment. Dress code is a leotard or dance dress, dance tights, pink ballet shoes, black tap shoes, and hair secured into a ponytail or bun. Dance skirts or shorts may be worn. Students may wear dance clothes in the color of their choice but are required to have a black leotard for performances.
12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Jazz - Ages 4-7 (601)
This is a beginner's jazz class. Dress code is a leotard or dance dress, dance tights, pink ballet shoes, black tap shoes, and hair secured into a ponytail or bun. Dance skirts or shorts may be worn. Students may wear dance clothes in the color of their choice but are required to have a black leotard for performances.
1:00 PM to 1:30 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Daddy Daughter Dance
1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro

Fine Arts Club 2024-2025

Mini Movers - Ages 2-3
Mini Movers allows children to start off on the right foot moving and grooving while learning thealphabet, numbers and letters. This program allows children as young as 2-3 to develop social skillsand talents at a young age. In order to be eligible for Mini Movers, children must be at least 2 years old on the first day of the program. This level is ideal for children that are new to unparented programs
9:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Kinder Movers - Ages 4-5
Kinder Movers builds on skills learned in Little Movers and is appropriate for children at least 4 yearsof age. Designed exclusively for Kindergarten aged children, students work on refining movement, expanding cognitive abilities and developing artistic abilities. In order to be eligible for Kinder Movers, children must be fully potty trained and have a significant amount of experience in a unparented setting.
12:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Little Movers - Ages 3-4
Little Movers builds on skills learned in Mini Movers and is appropriate for children at least 3 years ofage. Children are encouraged to learn through their bodies so they can remember it in their minds. In order to be eligible for Little Movers, children must be fully potty trained and have a minimum of 6 months experience in a unparented setting.
9:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Kinder Movers - Ages 4-5
Kinder Movers builds on skills learned in Little Movers and is appropriate for children at least 4 yearsof age. Designed exclusively for Kindergarten aged children, students work on refining movement, expanding cognitive abilities and developing artistic abilities. In order to be eligible for Kinder Movers, children must be fully potty trained and have a significant amount of experience in a unparented setting.
12:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro

Summer 2025

Teen Ballet (441)
Dress code is a leotard or dance dress, dance tights, pink ballet shoes, black tap shoes, and hair secured into a ponytail or bun. Dance skirts or shorts may be worn. Students may wear dance clothes in the color of their choice but are required to have a black leotard for performances. Teacher: Michael Mayes
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Jazz - Ages 9-13 (621)
4:15 PM to 5:00 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Ballet - Ages 9-13 (421)
Dress code is a leotard or dance dress, dance tights, pink ballet shoes, and hair secured into a ponytail or bun. Dance skirts or shorts may be worn. No t-shirts. Students may wear dance clothes in the color of their choice but are required to have a black leotard for performances. Teacher: Michael Mayes
5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Pre-Pointe (Approval Only) (440)
This class must be taken with a ballet class. Students must be pre-approved to take this class. Dress code is leotard or dance dress, CONVERTIBLE dance tights, and hair secured into a bun. Class will be taken barefoot. Students will need two yoga blocks and a TheraBand to use at home for at home exercises and homework. Teacher: Michael Mayes
6:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro
Intro to Hip Hop (801)
A beginning level hip hop class designed for students with 2 years or less of dance. Recommended for ages 4-7. Dress code is choice of modest shirt (no bare bellies or tank tops), shorts or leggings, and clean tennis shoes. Students will need solid white shoes for performances.
5:00 PM to 5:45 PM
Studio 1-Big Studio
Studio T Dance & Acro