Enrollment Waiver
Feb 10, 2025 09:12 PM
Photo Release
I ALLOW U.P. Dance Academy, LLC to utilize my or my student(s)’s photographs or images to be published for U.P. Dance Academy, LLC advertising, website, social media or any other advertising source.
Parent Release Form For Media Recording
I, the undersigned, do hereby grant permission to U.P. Dance Academy, LLC to use the image of myself or my student(s). Such use includes the display, distribution, publication, transmission, or otherwise use of photographs, images, and/or video taken of myself or my student/students for the use in materials that include, but are not limited to, printed materials such as brochures and newsletters, advertising, videos, and digital images such as those on U.P. Dance Academy, LLC website and social media accounts. I agree that all right, title and interest in and to all such images and any reproductions or derivative works shall be the exclusive property of U.P. Dance Academy, LLC. I agree that U.P. Dance Academy, LLC does not owe me any compensation for the acts that I have consented to in this Section.
Tuition and Hold Harmless Agreement
I hereby acknowledge that I am aware of U.P. Dance Academy, LLC’s tuition guidelines and policies and understand when payment is due. I understand that it is my responsibility to obtain the tuition amount due for myself or my student(s) class(es). I understand that if tuition owed is more than ONE (1) month past due, my student will be asked to sit out during class and will not be able to participate in ANY U.P. Dance Academy, LLC events, competitions or any other performances. If tuition owed is more than ONE (1) month passed due, collection efforts will begin, and I will be responsible for ALL amounts due and owing and U.P. Dance Academy, LLC’s cost of collection and court fees. A $20 late fee will be added to my account for each student and each month that I am passed due after the 6th of each month. Payments are due by the 5th of each month. I understand that there is a drop fee (can be viewed in the Handbook). I understand that tuition is non-refundable within the month or the last month-June. I understand that the Membership fee, costume fees and any other fees U.P. Dance Academy, LLC pays out to vendors, is non-refundable unless otherwise refunded by the vendors. Auto-pay will be pulled on the first of each month for tuition. U.P. Dance Academy, LLC has the right to pull auto-pay on any open account balance throughout the months of the seasons, August through July. June 2025 tuition is due at the time of registration. October 1st the October and November tuition will be pulled via ACH (If you do not register by Oct 1st, we will pull the months at the time of registration into class) Nov 1st, the December tuition will be pulled via ACH. This will place you into paying ahead each month. There is a strict no-refund policy on tuition unless a Medical Form, signed by a Doctor, is received. If you decide to drop out you may attend the following month's class as it is prepaid.
I have read and agree to abide by U.P. Dance Academy, LLC's policies. I understand and agree that if U.P. Dance Academy, LLC has to close for reasons including but not limited to weather, pandemic, major sickness, etc that classes will be held and taken virtually for time being.
U.P. Dance Academy, LLC gymnastics punch card system. I acknowledge that cards expire the day of the Spring Show recital or the last day of the season class. Punch cards cannot be used during the summer or the following season. No refunds on punch cards are given. I understand that U.P. Dance Academy, LLC reserves the right to refuse instruction to anyone not abiding by U.P. Dance Academy, LLC policies. I understand that U.P. Dance Academy, LLC reserves the right to cancel a class or combine classes, if enrollment falls below a certain number of students per class. I understand that U.P. Dance Academy, LLC is not responsible for lost, stolen items, or unclaimed merchandise. I understand that participating in any sports programs involves risk and possibly injury. I understand that U.P. Dance Academy, LLC and its staff will not be held responsible for injuries or sickness sustained in class, while performing, traveling or other events U.P. Dance Academy, LLC goes to perform or compete. I authorize U.P. Dance Academy, LLC to secure any emergency medical treatment my child may need. I hereby release U.P. Dance Academy, LLC from all liability or legal responsibility that may arise from the acts that I have authorized or consented to herein. I have carefully read and understand the terms and conditions of this form and the Handbook. I know where to find the handbook, including on the parent portal, in case I need to refer back to any important information.
By signing below, I acknowledge that the information on the form above is accurate, that it may be needed in case of an emergency, and that U.P. Dance Academy, LLC may rely on the information provided. I further acknowledge that I have read, fully understand and agree with the terms and conditions of the Tuition Agreement above.
I have read and fully understand the content of the Student Handbook that I received either via email, on paper, or can be viewed at any time on U.P. Dance Academy, LLC Parent Portal under class files. I further understand that I give up substantial rights by signing this document, as listed in the handbook. I agree to abide by all dates, tuition, rights, rules and legalities within the handbook. I voluntarily sign and agree to the terms of the agreements listed in the Student Handbook, on behalf of the minor student(s) and myself, my spouse, heirs, assigns, and related individuals. I also agree to pay the drop fee based on if I or my student(s) is a recreational or competitive student. The full information can be found in our Student Handbook which has been emailed to the email listed at the time of registration along with being available on one of the studio TV’s, in U.P. Dance Academy, LLC Parent Portal under class files and available at all the front desks. I am also signing that I have read the handbook and all its contents within. Additional fees are within the Student Handbook. I acknowledge that I have received and read through all additional possible fees that can be accrued when late for costume orders, competition fees, withdrawal fees and costume size exchange fees. I do not hold U.P. Dance Academy, LLC liable for any injury or sickness sustained prior, during or after class(es). If an injury or sickness occurs before, during or after class(es) or you have a prior history of injury or sickness, U.P. Dance Academy, LLC highly recommends seeing a medical professional regarding all health-related questions.
As stated in the Student Handbook, to discontinue any lesson(s), at least a TWO (2) week notice must be given. All auto-debit or automatic credit card charges will be stopped as of the first of the following month. Tuition, last month tuition, Membership Fee, and costumes are non-refundable unless you have prepaid for upcoming months. If I or my student(s) drop out from a performing recreational inclusive class prior to Winter or Spring Show and choreography must be re-done there will be a $175 drop fee added to my account per class. If I or my student(s) drop out of a production class after auditions and casting is complete there will be a $200 drop fee added to my account. If I or my student(s) drop out of a competition class after September 1st there will be a $350 drop fee added to my account. If I or my student(s) drop from a competition Special Group after the first rehearsal, there will be a $200 drop fee added to my account per group. If I or my student(s) drop from a Special Performance after choreo is set, a $100 fee will be added to my account. If I or my student(s) drop from a performing recreational class without a costume, a $100 fee will be added to my account. If I or my student(s) drop from a non performing recreational class, a $75 fee will be added to my account. Please note: Tuition is based on the season regardless of how many weeks are in a given month. Tuition payments average out to four classes each month. No refund is given for weather related canceled classes as we will now be having any in studio cancellations online. We DO NOT charge for recital practices. The month of May will serve as a double month to make up classes for the month of June. During the month of May you may attend an additional class of your choice; 1 additional class per week. Auto-pay will be pulled on the first of each month for tuition. The Dance Academy has the right to pull auto-pay on any open account balance throughout the months of the seasons, August through July.
Thank you for choosing The 906 Sports Academy! We look forward to a successful and fulfilling sports journey with you. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our administration or coaching staff.