Handbook Waiver

Feb 17, 2025 08:58 AM

The 906 Sports Academy Youth Sports Handbook

Welcome to the 906 Sports Academy! We are excited to have you as part of our dynamic and vibrant sports community. This handbook is designed to provide you with essential information about our academy, its policies, and the expectations we have for our athletes.


It is our mission at The 906 Sports Academy to develop the skills, discipline and strong character necessary for our athletes to reach their highest level of personal growth and achievement, while emphasizing a strong commitment to education, teamwork and self-discipline. We are committed to helping our athletes reach their greatest potential in their discipline, by providing advanced, cutting-edge, intensive instruction and opportunities to train and compete at a higher level, where discipline and good sportsmanship is expected. At The 906 Sports Academy, sports have a lasting value because sports lessons are life lessons. We are more than just great athletes!

Baseball, Softball, Soccer, Flag Football, Basketball, Pickleball, NHL Street, MLS-Go Soccer, Dance, Cheer, Tumbling, Parkour, Athletic Training, Classroom Teachings, Event Host for the MLB Pitch, Hit & Run along with the Jr. Home Run Derby, scrimmages, tournaments, competitions, Sports Team training, Practice Player Programs, Private lessons, facility rentals and coaches training and so much more.

Playing sports can be an exciting and enjoyable struggle, both with you and others. But the
feelings of being excited and having fun are closely tied to your attitudes-what you think and feel about the game, the other team and yourself. Top athletes have a set of attitudes that we call “fair play.” But what exactly is fair play? Here are some of the key points:

Respect for the Other Team
You need the other team. Without the other team you can’t play. So you need to show respect for other players by treating them as needed partners, not as enemies. When you play against a good, strong team that you respect, you usually play a better game.

Respect for Yourself
We know that how people look at things influences what they do. So, if you think of yourself as a good player, as an important part of the team, you are more likely to play like one-to set goals for yourself, practice on your own, and perform well in games. Fair play means that you believe in yourself and see yourself as important in some things, if not in everything.

Cooperation with Officials/Judges
The rules of the game help you play the game better. Fair play means that you go along with the rules and cooperate with the referees, who are there for one main purpose: To make sure the game is played better. If you are really honest with yourself and with the referees, you’ll usually get more out of the game.

Getting Involved
A good player wants to get into the game but also wants others to play. Fair play means you defend the right to play both for yourself and for others.

Building the Team
To be a good team member, you need to get to know all of your teammates and the coach and to let them get to know you. We are all different in ability and in skills. Fair play is listening to each other, learning from each other, sharing ideas and feelings, and helping each other increase strengths and reach goals.

Sticking Up For What You Believe
If you believe in fair play and stick up for it, you will be respected. It means taking a stand in favor of the things listed above. It means letting others know that you value your teammates, the other team, yourself,and the rules of the game. We all like to win but it should not be at the cost of giving up our beliefs.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
• About The 906 Sports Academy
• Mission Statement
• Reputation of the Brand
2. Registration and Tuition
• Registration Process
• Tuition Fees
• Payment Options
• Financial Assistance
3. Attendance and Punctuality
• Regular Attendance
• Reporting Absences
• Make-Up Sessions
• Tardiness Policy
4. Behavior and Conduct
• Code of Conduct
• Sportsmanship
• Respect for Coaches and Teammates
• Discipline Policy
5. Communication
• Communication Channels
• Parent-Coach Meetings
• Updates and Announcements
6. Uniforms and Equipment
• Uniform Policy
• Equipment Requirements
• Personal Equipment Responsibility
7. Safety and Health
• Injury Prevention
• Emergency Procedures
• Health and Medical Information
8. Parental Involvement
• Volunteer Opportunities
• Supportive Environment
• Spectator Code of Conduct
9. Academic Commitment
• Balancing Sports and Academics
• Academic Support Services
10. Events and Competitions
• Participation in Competitions
• Travel Policies
• Team Events and Celebrations
11. Annual Recitals
• Recital Information/Tuition Balances
• Recital Tickets
• Recital Photos
12. Registration Form
1. Introduction

About The 906 Sports Academy

The 906 Sports Academy is a professional sports academy that offers a fresh, innovative and fun approach to dance, gymnastics, parkour, soccer, and more. We pride ourselves in our ability to personalize your experience with our unique program which includes performance, competitive, and technique classes for students of all ages and skill. We are devoted to teaching children and adults all genres including Ballet, Pointe, Jazz, Tap, Contemporary, Lyrical, Kick, Broadway, Hip Hop, Acro, Gymnastics, Parkour, Musical Theater, Soccer, Flexibility, NFL Flag Football, MLB Pitch Hit and Run, and so much more. We pride ourselves on teaching proper technique, injury prevention, definitions, and choreography. Our instructors are experienced, educated and trained professionals that teach students proper technique using the latest trends and teaching methods, who also understand that they are positive role models for your child.


It is our mission at The 906 Sports Academy to develop the skills, discipline and strong character necessary for our athletes to reach their highest level of personal growth and achievement, while emphasizing a strong commitment to education, teamwork and self-discipline. We are committed to helping our athletes reach their greatest potential in their discipline, by providing advanced, cutting-edge, intensive instruction and opportunities to train and compete at a higher level, where discipline and good sportsmanship is expected. At The 906 Sports Academy, sports have a lasting value because sports lessons are life lessons. We are more than just great athletes!


To be a model youth organization that strives for excellence, innovative education and inspires today’s youth leaders within our community.


Create (relationships)
Educate (with excellence)
Inspire (leaders in our youth)
Integrity (lead with)
Community (give back)


Baseball, Softball, Soccer, Flag Football, Basketball, Pickleball, NHL Street, MLS-Go Soccer, Dance, Cheer, Tumbling, Parkour, Athletic Training, Classroom Teachings, Event Host for the MLB Pitch, Hit & Run along with the Jr. Home Run Derby, scrimmages, tournaments, competitions, Sports Team training, Practice Player Programs, Private lessons, facility rentals and coaches training and so much more.

Reputation of the Brand

Our academy is renowned for its commitment to excellence, both in the development of athletes and in maintaining a strong sense of community. We take pride in our positive reputation, built on a foundation of integrity, sportsmanship, and a focus on the overall well-being of our athletes.

2. Registration and Tuition

Registration/Membership Process

To enroll in The 906 Sports Academy programs, parents or guardians must complete the online registration form available on our CRM. The registration process includes providing necessary personal and medical information, as well as agreeing to abide by the academy's policies and procedures. To view all of our programs available or to log into your parent portal, please visit www.the906sports.com. All online registration will be utilized through LeagueApp or DSP as the parent portal. Membership is NON-REFUNDABLE under no circumstance. June 2025 tuition is due at the time of registration. October 1st the October and November tuition will be pulled via ACH (If you do not register by Oct 1st, we will pull the months at the time of registration into class) Nov 1st, the December tuition will be pulled via ACH. This will place you into paying ahead each month. There is a strict no-refund policy on tuition unless a Medical Form, signed by a Doctor, is received. If you decide to drop out you may attend the following month's class as it is prepaid.

At the time of enrollment: Membership/Registration, June Tuition and the month’s tuition you are in
October 1st: Oct and Nov tuition is pulled via ACH (or you may pay ahead of time cash/check at the front desk). If you do not register by Oct 1st, we will pull the months at the time of registration into class.

Tuition Fees

Tuition fees vary depending on the program and duration of participation. Detailed information on fees is available once you register for that specific program. All fees can be viewed once you are registered into our LeagueApp or DSP system. Tuition is based on the season regardless of how many weeks are in a given month.

Additional Fees not included in your registration/tuition/membership

Some programs carry additional fees to participate.

Uniform fees
Bats, gloves, catching gear, any type of equipment, accessory your child will want/need
Hotels, gas, food-anything on your own during traveling
End of the season pictures (required to attend)

Uniform fees
Goalie gloves, shin guards, cleats, any type of equipment, accessory your child will want/need
Hotels, gas, food-anything on your own during traveling
End of the season pictures (required to attend)

Socks are not included
Cleats, gloves, any type of equipment, accessory your child will want/need
Hotels, gas, food-anything on your own during traveling

Street Hockey
Uniform, safety gear
Any type of equipment, accessory your child will want/need
Hotels, gas, food-anything on your own during traveling
End of the season pictures (required to attend)

Uniform, safety gear
Any type of equipment, accessory your child will want/need
Mouthguards optional
Hotels, gas, food-anything on your own during traveling
End of the season pictures (required to attend)

Class uniforms
Any type of equipment, accessory your child will want/need (shoes, earrings, makeup, etc)
Solos, Duet, Trios, Special Groups, Special Performances,
Competition fees
Hotels, gas, food-anything on your own during traveling
Recital tickets and goodies
End of the season pictures (required to attend)

Class uniforms
Any type of equipment, accessory your child will want/need (shoes, earrings, makeup, etc)
Solos, Duet, Trios, Special Groups, Special Performances,
Competition fees
Hotels, gas, food-anything on your own during traveling
Recital tickets and goodies
End of the season pictures (required to attend)

Any type of equipment, accessory your child will want/need
Additional Parkour socks

Any type of equipment, accessory your child will want/need (shoes, earrings, makeup, etc)
Hotels, gas, food-anything on your own during traveling
End of the season pictures (required to attend)

Late Fees/Drop Fees


If you decide to drop out of a non-competing class, a two (2) week notice must be received via email. All auto-debit or automatic credit card charges will be stopped as of the first of the following month. Tuition (including the last month of that program's season), Membership/Registration Fee, and costumes/uniforms are non-refundable. Any additional classes added on throughout the season, full tuition/membership/registration fee/costumes will be posted and pulled within that month. If you have not been in class or in contact for (4) four consecutive weeks, you will be dropped from that class and all charges will remain on your account and must be paid. Drop fee(s) will be added to your account and must be paid.


Once registered/paid into a camp, there is NO refund if you drop your child out of the camp.


If you have been accepted onto a team and have approved that team through LeageApp, there will be no refund issued, for the season tuition. You will be responsible for continuing to pay the full season’s monetary agreement without participation on that team.


Drop fee for a performing class is $175
Drop fee for a performing class without a costume $100
Drop fee for a non-performing class is $75
Drop fee for a competition class (after Sep 1st) is $350
Drop fee for Production is $200
Drop fee for Competition Special Group $200 after the first rehearsal
Drop fee for Special Performances (i.e. Bucks, Herds, etc) is $100
Transfer into another class fee $25 (not including if it is a teacher recommendation)
Tuition Late Fee (all accounts MUST be set up fully on monthly auto-pay) $100 within the first 10 days, $150 within days 11-20, $200 within days 21-31
NSF/rejected card/returned check fee/decline from Autopay is $35
Dance costume exchange fee $35 (not all costumes can be exchanged-pending vendor)
No refund given once registered and paid into camps, if a student drops.
Athletes on team(s) must continue to pay the season tuition based on acceptance of the team, even if you drop from the team. No refunds are given.
No costumes will be given out until full payments have been made by the athlete/parents.
Competition/Tournament late fees $100/dance/routine/tournament.
Additional recital tickets/competition/tournament entrance/goody fees are your responsibility and can be optional based on each event.
An additional late fee may be added to your account if The 906 Sports Academy receives direct late fees from any and all dance/gymnastics competitions
Entry fees to events including baseball tournaments, soccer tournaments, dance competitions, etc are your responsibility
Additional costume/entry/choreography fees may apply for special events/performances.
Payment Options

We offer flexible payment options, including monthly, quarterly, or seasonal plans. Payments must be made online through our secure payment portal through League App. Please see above for late payment/NSF fees. No cash or checks are accepted, unless prepaying and all athletes must be set up in our auto-pay/credit card processing system. If you are accepted on a team, you will have a certain time frame to make the initial acceptance payment before it will remove you from the team and your invitation is void, risking not being able to return to The 906 S.A. and sent to the collections attorney.

3. Attendance and Punctuality

Regular Attendance

Consistent attendance is crucial for the athlete's progress and team dynamics. Athletes are expected to attend all scheduled practices, games, and events. Please notify us via email (info@the906sports.com) promptly if an athlete cannot attend due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances.

All students are expected to attend their regularly scheduled classes. Each class offers a step forward in the educational process. A missed class could leave a child one step behind the other athletes and can/will affect the entire class/team. Missing class could result in frustration for the students, their teachers and classmates as they will not be able to practice completely full-out. We highly encourage scheduling private lessons for any classes missed to learn missed choreography and/or skills missed. No more than 5 classes can be missed. Make-ups will need to be scheduled through the parent portal for private lessons and the private lesson will be charged to your account and must be paid prior to the private lesson. If you have not been in class or in contact for (4) four consecutive weeks, you will be dropped from that class, a drop fee will be added and all charges will remain on your account and must be paid. Not paying your account will result in being reported to the Collections Attorney, wages garnished, court fees and additional fees will be applied.

Reporting Absences

Parents or guardians are responsible for notifying the academy (info@the906sports.com) promptly if an athlete cannot attend due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances.

Tardiness Policy

Punctuality is essential for the smooth operation of practices and games. Athletes are expected to arrive on time. Consistent tardiness may result in disciplinary action. Please communicate with the Academy if prior commitments will hinder your athlete from attending classes on-time.

Class Visitors

Safety issues and legal responsibilities make it impossible for us to allow students to bring visitors into the classroom/fields. Athletes should not invite siblings, other relatives, or friends to their classes/camps/field with the exception of special events such as “Bring a Friend Weeks”, Parent Observation weeks, etc. Please contact the front desk at 906-828-2222 or email us at info@the906sports.com to set up prior arrangements for an in class visitor.

4. Behavior and Conduct

Code of Conduct

Athletes and Guardian/Parents are expected to adhere to a high standard of behavior, both on and off the field/classroom. This includes showing respect for coaches, teammates, opponents, and officials. Any form of bullying, harassment, or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated. The 906 Sports Academy has a 3-strike and you're out policy for parents/students, that will be adhered throughout the season.


Pre-game warm up is for the players and coaches only. During games, players should be focused on the game and the coaching staff. We understand that most of the player’s parents have coached, but during games it is very important to let the coaching staff on the field coach the team. During the games, it is required that the parents are supportive of all players and remain positive towards teammates, coaches, umpires, and all opponents. The team goal is to represent the organization in a professional manner at all times. Parents and players will be evaluated on a periodic basis regarding performance and behavior. After a loss or a bad performance, you are not to discuss the negative. It is best to pack up and go, and work things out at practice or team meetings.
Our coaches will not accept or give any regard to any concerns about our team within 36 hours. After a 36 hour cool down period, any concerns still bothering anyone will be looked at. Please email the academy at info@the906sports.com with the reasoning behind your concerns. We will not accept any manner of questioning or criticizing of our coaches, teachers, athletes by players, parents, or family. There will be consequences for anyone doing this at the event or parking lot, which would be an embarrassment to the organization.
Discussing playing time or game strategy with the coaching staff is not allowed by parents. If a player is not happy with their playing time or role in a game, they need to discuss it with the head coach. Uniforms need to be of team colors and worn in a proper manner. No wearing former teams apparel or in a way that could be harmful to the brand. All shirts must be tucked in!
No jewelry at any time. No parents in the practice areas, fields, or the dugout. Parents are not to approach the dugout/benches during a game unless in the case of an injury or asked by a coach. Players need to address the Coaches as “COACH”. There will be no physical confrontations between parents or players. Verbal confrontations will not be tolerated. We have one official score book, kept in the dugout (baseball/softball). Diet between games/competitions needs to be healthy and light. Respect! Coaches, teammates, umpires, refs, opponents, judges, other studios, fans, and the facilities we enter. Parents are not to speak or complain to the tournament/competition directors about anything involving the tournament/competitions. The organizational representative will be the only person to speak to a tournament director about anything. This is nonnegotiable.
Parents are not to consume alcohol at the tournament sites while games are in progress. All of these rules can usually be avoided with common sense and respect for the game of the sport. We have created this organization with the mindset of being professional in everything we do. Please understand that every team at some point has challenges, yet whining and complaining will never fix any of them or help prepare your child for future challenges.

Athlete and Parent Social Media

Use of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blogging, Snapchat, Instagram, Tik Tok, etc, and other online social-media vehicles is commonplace. This policy is intended to provide The 906 Sports Academy athletes and parents with guidelines to eliminate any confusion concerning the use of social media.

You DO NOT have permission to reveal any information that compromises The 906 Sports Academy. By that we mean you are forbidden to share personal information about the director, coaches/teachers, other athletes or their families, or anything that is proprietary and/or confidential to The 906 Sports Academy. Athletes and parents should neither claim nor imply that they are speaking on behalf of The 906 Sports Academy.

You may not be-friend any The 906 Sports Academy staff members, coaches or teachers.
Coaches/ staff, etc of The 906 Sports Academy may not provide any transportation or housing for or with athletes or their guardians/parents.

Never post anything that could compromise the self’-esteem of athletes, teachers/coaches who attend The 906 Sports Academy.

You may NOT post The 906 Sports Academy’s choreography.  The 906 Sports Academy owns the copyright to all choreography taught at the school. Sharing or using the edited version of any music that The 906 Sports Academy is or has used is forbidden and against the law! All music used by The 906 Sports Academy is legally downloaded and copyright fees have been paid for by the academy to the appropriate lawyers.

Respect the law, including those laws governing defamation, discrimination, harassment, copyright, and fair use. As stated in this handbook, parents and athletes should never post negative comments about other schools or educators. Also, please do not post negative comments about academy activities such as competitions, conventions, and performances or about the directors of those events.

Ensure that your social networking conduct is consistent with all the policies contained in this handbook. If there is a question or concern regarding anything The 906 Sports Academy, Competitions, etc please do not hesitate to reach out.

General Policies

Parents and athletes should never interrupt a class in session. If immediate assistance is needed, please see the front desk. The 906 Sports Academy will not tolerate any disturbances from parents, children or other athletes at the facility or at performances/games that will hinder our coaching, or athletes' learning.

No food, drinks, or gum is allowed inside the classrooms/fields. You MUST clean up after yourself within the facility. If you fail to clean up after yourself, you are taking the risk of being expelled from entering the facility.

You must bring dry/clean shoes for all practices/events and may not wear wet or dirty shoes into the facility.

Children must be supervised at all times and are not free to run around the facility or classroom. No climbing on the furniture or left unattended and absolutely not climbing or pulling on nets.

ATHLETES!!! No cell phones or computers may be used during class time. (This means no emailing, Internet use, or text messaging.) All devices must and will stay in your bag in the changing room.

All communication with educators, coaches, any staff members or the director must go through The 906 Sports Academy’s front office, this includes setting up private lessons with a specific educator.
Please contact the studio at  info@the906sports.com to set up or discuss.

Never speak negatively about educators, athletes, coaches or other parents from our academy or other schools. All athletes must show respect for their educators. Coaches and staff at all times. Inappropriate behavior could result in dismissal from The 906 Sports Academy. The 906 S.A. has a 3-strikes and you're out policy that will be adhered by.


The 906 Sports Academy places a strong emphasis on sportsmanship. Athletes are expected to display good sportsmanship at all times, win or lose. This includes shaking hands with opponents, showing support for all 906 athletes, refraining from unsportsmanlike conduct, and accepting decisions made by officials.

Respect for Coaches and Teammates

Respectful communication with coaches and teammates is essential. Athletes are encouraged to express concerns or issues through appropriate channels and in a constructive manner.

Discipline Policy

The academy has a progressive discipline policy in place. Infractions will be addressed through verbal warnings, written warnings, suspension, and, in severe cases, expulsion from the program. The severity of the discipline will be determined based on the nature and frequency of the behavior.

5. Communication

Communication Channels

Effective communication is vital for a successful sports program. Coaches will communicate with athletes and parents via email, team apps, team meetings, and our academy's online portal. It is essential for parents to regularly check for updates.

Weather Cancellations

Classes might be canceled and rescheduled at a different time. In-studio closures due to unforeseen events will be announced by 1PM on that day. Notifications will be on the website, Facebook page, e-mailed, and texted. We don’t go by the school district cancellations.

Parent-Coach Meetings

Parent-coach meetings may be scheduled periodically to discuss the athlete's progress, goals, and any concerns. Parents are encouraged to attend these meetings to actively participate in their child's sports journey. You may also receive periodic updates via email regarding your athlete.

Updates and Announcements

Important updates, schedule changes, and announcements will be communicated through our official channels. Parents are responsible for staying informed and regularly checking for updates on our website and communication platforms. Our official channel is e-mail (please ensure proper and correct emails are listed in the LeagueApp), we will also post important reminders via facebook and team related items into our Team Apps.

6. Uniforms and Equipment

Uniform Policy

Athletes are required to wear the official The 906 Sports Academy uniform during all games, and events. Uniforms can be purchased through the academy's designated supplier. Uniforms must be kept clean, in good condition, and worn as instructed by coaches. Dance costumes will be purchased through the studio and will be handed out, once full payment is received. Each vendor has their own policies and fees for exchanges /returns. Some vendors do not allow any exchanges/returns. Please be aware of their policies when you are placing sizing orders.

Equipment Requirements

Each sport may have specific equipment requirements. Athletes are responsible for obtaining and maintaining their personal equipment, such as shoes, pads, and any other sport-specific gear. We will have some amazon DEMO days during the season, with professional staffing available to help fit your athlete for equipment.

Personal Equipment Responsibility

Athletes are expected to take good care of their equipment. Any loss, damage, or theft of personal equipment should be reported to coaches and may be the responsibility of the athlete or their family to replace.

7. Safety and Health

Injury Prevention

Safety is our top priority. Coaches are trained in first aid, concussion, and other emergency protocols are in place. Athletes are expected to follow safety guidelines and report any injuries promptly. Do not attend camps, classes or games if you are sick. Athletes/parents may be required to attend any and all Bellin events/calls/trainings throughout the season.

Emergency Procedures

In the event of an emergency, coaches will follow established protocols to ensure the safety of all athletes. Parents will be informed of any emergency situations as soon as possible.
Health and Medical Information

It is the responsibility of parents to provide accurate and up-to-date medical information for their child. This includes information about allergies, medications, and any pre-existing medical conditions. This information will be kept confidential and shared only with relevant coaching staff.

8. Parental Involvement

Volunteer Opportunities

Parental involvement is highly encouraged. Opportunities for volunteering may include assisting with events, transportation, concession or other team-related activities. Parents interested in volunteering should email the academy at info@the906sports.com

Supportive Environment

Parents/Guardians play a crucial role in creating a positive and supportive environment for all athletes. Encouragement and positive reinforcement contribute to the overall success and well-being of our athletes.

Spectator Code of Conduct

Parents and spectators are expected to model good sportsmanship and respectful behavior during practices and games. Cheering for all athletes, regardless of the outcome, contributes to a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. If these rules are not adhered with, disciplinary action will be taken.

9. Academic Commitment

Balancing Sports and Academics

The 906 Sports Academy recognizes the importance of balancing sports and academics. Athletes are expected to prioritize their academic commitments and communicate with coaches/the academy if additional support is needed.

Academic Support Services

The academy may offer academic support services, such as tutoring or study sessions, to assist athletes in maintaining their academic performance. Details about these services will be communicated as needed.

10. Events, Tournaments and Competitions

Participation in Competitions

Participation in competitions/tournaments/events is a valuable part of the athlete's development. Coaches/the academy will provide information about upcoming events, and attendance is expected unless otherwise communicated. Travel may be required for some competitions/tournaments/events.

Travel Policies

When travel is necessary, the academy will provide detailed information about travel arrangements, accommodations, and any additional requirements. Parents are responsible for ensuring that athletes arrive at designated locations on time. Coaches and academy staffing may not transport or stay with athletes/parents of the academy.

Team Events and Celebrations

Team-building events and celebrations are an integral part of the sports experience. These events foster camaraderie and a sense of belonging. Parents are encouraged to participate and support these activities.

11. Annual Recitals (dance/gymnastics)

Winter Show, all performers including performing gymnastics students will be in our annual Winter Show, scheduled the first or second week of December. Our annual Spring Show, each student could be in 2 shows on a Saturday and is required to participate. We will not have a Sunday show. We have over 200 dances each year and have to split each show accordingly to keep show time below 2 ½-3 hours for our Spring Show. Dancers are expected to be on time to all rehearsals and showtime given. If you are an older student (not a Tippy Toes or Tutu, Bowties & Tappers, etc.) you will be required to stay at rehearsals until your group has gone on stage based on the order of age of class (example: Tippy Toes, Tutu, Bowties & Tappers, Violets, etc.). A rehearsal schedule breakdown will be provided on our website once we are closer to recital dates.
Parents are NOT allowed on stage during practice. We have a show finale, and this will require everyone to participate in it. Additional practices might be scheduled towards the end of the season for the finale or for “my grown-up and me” dances. Recitals will always be announced at least 6 months in advance.

We will always have administrators available at rehearsals for questions.
Please remember to keep any negativity or drama outside of any The 906 Sports Academy events, it WILL NOT be tolerated!

All balances must be paid three (3) weeks in advance of any performance to be able to participate in recitals. Any student with a balance on their account may not perform at any The 906 Sports Academy or outside events.

Additional performance opportunities are scheduled throughout the season which could include community performances, basketball games, parades, NFL, NBA, Bowl games and so much more. Once confirmed, performance schedules will be available at least three (3) weeks prior to a performance, if possible.

Additional rehearsals may be scheduled for athletes at the discretion of the educator. Parents and athletes will be notified of additional rehearsals at least two weeks in advance.

All dance/gymnastics athletes participate in our recitals, to be held at Norway’s Fine Arts Center (Norway School). Please note that all athletes must participate in the dress rehearsal in order to perform in the recital.

Detailed show breakdown, hair, etc will be e-mailed closer to the show date along with placed on our Recital Website Page. The recital offers our dance/gymnastics athletes a professionally directed performance that allows them to present to their families and friends the results of a year’s hard work, dedication, and progress.

Additional recital information will always be emailed. Please check your emails regularly. The academy schedules many check-in calls to review any upcoming information important for your athlete.

A big part of art training includes learning through performance. Although performance opportunities can help prepare some athletes for a possible career, they also contribute to children’s success in non-sports activities. The experience helps build self-esteem and confidence, which can result in better in-school presentations, improved social skills, and strong college and job interview skills. The rehearsal process is a tremendous learning experience as well. It helps the children develop retention skills, and by working with their classmates on a group performance, they learn the positive aspects of working as a team to create the best end result.

Recital Tickets

Tickets for any Winter/Spring Show recital will go on sale at The 906 Sports Academy website via online. Tickets are for reserved seating only. Tickets are also available at the door the day of the show if seats are available. Tickets purchased are non-refundable, please review and ensure you have your performers correct show time.

Recital Photos

Yearly class and individual photos are scheduled late May/early June once all uniforms/costumes are received. More information will be provided closer to the scheduled date. Competition photos will be scheduled early in the season.

Class Placement

The team meets regularly to discuss the students’ progress and/or placement. It is our policy to offer appropriate opportunities to every child.
Placement decisions are derived from many years of teaching experience. Often a child is placed in a particular group or class where he or she will feel confident, in order to promote the development of self-esteem. Some students who are placed in a higher level become discouraged, only to lose their passion for sports. Others respond to the challenge of being in a class with students who are more proficient by pushing themselves to work harder. Placement is highly individual and the factors that go into the decision are complex.

Registration Form

Photo Release
I ALLOW U.P. Dance Academy, LLC to utilize my or my student(s)’s photographs or images to be published for U.P. Dance Academy, LLC advertising, website, social media or any other advertising source.

Parent Release Form For Media Recording
I, the undersigned, do hereby grant permission to U.P. Dance Academy, LLC to use the image of myself or my student(s). Such use includes the display, distribution, publication, transmission, or otherwise use of photographs, images, and/or video taken of myself or my student/students for the use in materials that include, but are not limited to, printed materials such as brochures and newsletters, advertising, videos, and digital images such as those on U.P. Dance Academy, LLC website and social media accounts. I agree that all right, title and interest in and to all such images and any reproductions or derivative works shall be the exclusive property of U.P. Dance Academy, LLC. I agree that U.P. Dance Academy, LLC does not owe me any compensation for the acts that I have consented to in this Section.

Tuition and Hold Harmless Agreement
I hereby acknowledge that I am aware of U.P. Dance Academy, LLC’s tuition guidelines and policies and understand when payment is due. I understand that it is my responsibility to obtain the tuition amount due for myself or my student(s) class(es). I understand that if tuition owed is more than ONE (1) month past due, my student will be asked to sit out during class and will not be able to participate in ANY U.P. Dance Academy, LLC events, competitions or any other performances. If tuition owed is more than ONE (1) month passed due, collection efforts will begin, and I will be responsible for ALL amounts due and owing and U.P. Dance Academy, LLC’s cost of collection and court fees. A $20 late fee will be added to my account for each student and each month that I am passed due after the 6th of each month. Payments are due by the 5th of each month. I understand that there is a drop fee (can be viewed in the Handbook). I understand that tuition is non-refundable within the month or the last month-June. I understand that the Membership fee, costume fees and any other fees U.P. Dance Academy, LLC pays out to vendors, is non-refundable unless otherwise refunded by the vendors. Auto-pay will be pulled on the first of each month for tuition. U.P. Dance Academy, LLC has the right to pull auto-pay on any open account balance throughout the months of the seasons, August through July. June 2025 tuition is due at the time of registration. October 1st the October and November tuition will be pulled via ACH (If you do not register by Oct 1st, we will pull the months at the time of registration into class) Nov 1st, the December tuition will be pulled via ACH. This will place you into paying ahead each month. There is a strict no-refund policy on tuition unless a Medical Form, signed by a Doctor, is received. If you decide to drop out you may attend the following month's class as it is prepaid.

I have read and agree to abide by U.P. Dance Academy, LLC's policies. I understand and agree that if U.P. Dance Academy, LLC has to close for reasons including but not limited to weather, pandemic, major sickness, etc that classes will be held and taken virtually for time being.

U.P. Dance Academy, LLC gymnastics punch card system. I acknowledge that cards expire the day of the Spring Show recital or the last day of the season class. Punch cards cannot be used during the summer or the following season. No refunds on punch cards are given. I understand that U.P. Dance Academy, LLC reserves the right to refuse instruction to anyone not abiding by U.P. Dance Academy, LLC policies. I understand that U.P. Dance Academy, LLC reserves the right to cancel a class or combine classes, if enrollment falls below a certain number of students per class. I understand that U.P. Dance Academy, LLC is not responsible for lost, stolen items, or unclaimed merchandise. I understand that participating in any sports programs involves risk and possibly injury. I understand that U.P. Dance Academy, LLC and its staff will not be held responsible for injuries or sickness sustained in class, while performing, traveling or other events U.P. Dance Academy, LLC goes to perform or compete. I authorize U.P. Dance Academy, LLC to secure any emergency medical treatment my child may need. I hereby release U.P. Dance Academy, LLC from all liability or legal responsibility that may arise from the acts that I have authorized or consented to herein. I have carefully read and understand the terms and conditions of this form and the Handbook. I know where to find the handbook, including on the parent portal, in case I need to refer back to any important information.

By signing below, I acknowledge that the information on the form above is accurate, that it may be needed in case of an emergency, and that U.P. Dance Academy, LLC may rely on the information provided. I further acknowledge that I have read, fully understand and agree with the terms and conditions of the Tuition Agreement above.

I have read and fully understand the content of the Student Handbook that I received either via email, on paper, or can be viewed at any time on U.P. Dance Academy, LLC Parent Portal under class files. I further understand that I give up substantial rights by signing this document, as listed in the handbook. I agree to abide by all dates, tuition, rights, rules and legalities within the handbook. I voluntarily sign and agree to the terms of the agreements listed in the Student Handbook, on behalf of the minor student(s) and myself, my spouse, heirs, assigns, and related individuals. I also agree to pay the drop fee based on if I or my student(s) is a recreational or competitive student. The full information can be found in our Student Handbook which has been emailed to the email listed at the time of registration along with being available on one of the studio TV’s, in U.P. Dance Academy, LLC Parent Portal under class files and available at all the front desks. I am also signing that I have read the handbook and all its contents within. Additional fees are within the Student Handbook. I acknowledge that I have received and read through all additional possible fees that can be accrued when late for costume orders, competition fees, withdrawal fees and costume size exchange fees. I do not hold U.P. Dance Academy, LLC liable for any injury or sickness sustained prior, during or after class(es). If an injury or sickness occurs before, during or after class(es) or you have a prior history of injury or sickness, U.P. Dance Academy, LLC highly recommends seeing a medical professional regarding all health-related questions.

As stated in the Student Handbook, to discontinue any lesson(s), at least a TWO (2) week notice must be given. All auto-debit or automatic credit card charges will be stopped as of the first of the following month. Tuition, last month tuition, Membership Fee, and costumes are non-refundable unless you have prepaid for upcoming months. If I or my student(s) drop out from a performing recreational inclusive class prior to Winter or Spring Show and choreography must be re-done there will be a $175 drop fee added to my account per class. If I or my student(s) drop out of a production class after auditions and casting is complete there will be a $200 drop fee added to my account. If I or my student(s) drop out of a competition class after September 1st there will be a $350 drop fee added to my account. If I or my student(s) drop from a competition Special Group after the first rehearsal, there will be a $200 drop fee added to my account per group. If I or my student(s) drop from a Special Performance after choreo is set, a $100 fee will be added to my account. If I or my student(s) drop from a performing recreational class without a costume, a $100 fee will be added to my account. If I or my student(s) drop from a non performing recreational class, a $75 fee will be added to my account. Please note: Tuition is based on the season regardless of how many weeks are in a given month. Tuition payments average out to four classes each month. No refund is given for weather related canceled classes as we will now be having any in studio cancellations online. We DO NOT charge for recital practices. The month of May will serve as a double month to make up classes for the month of June. During the month of May you may attend an additional class of your choice; 1 additional class per week. Auto-pay will be pulled on the first of each month for tuition. The Dance Academy has the right to pull auto-pay on any open account balance throughout the months of the seasons, August through July.

Thank you for choosing The 906 Sports Academy! We look forward to a successful and fulfilling sports journey with you. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our administration or coaching staff.