GSD Waiver of Liability and Policies

Feb 11, 2025 12:11 AM

Gasper's School of Dance Waiver of Liability
Updated 8/1/2020

I understand that I (my student) am participating in a dance/fitness class by my own will and at my own risk. BY signing this agreement I understand Gasper's School of Dance and Performing Arts will not be held liable for any injuries or accidents that occur throughout the duration of the dance/fitness class being attending. I also understand that Gasper's School of Dance and Performing Arts is not responsible for any lost or stolen materials.

I agree that my safety is primarily my own responsibility. I agree to make sure that I know how to safely participate in the activity, and I agree to observe any rules and practices that may be employed to minimize the risk of injury. I agree to stop and seek assistance if I do not believe I can safely continue, to limit my participating, to reflect my personal fitness level, and to refrain from any and all actions that would pose a hazard to myself and others.

Gasper's School of Dance Studio Policies

1. Gasper's School of Dance's tuition billing cycle is in 4-week increments called "Rounds." Please note that the beginning of each round does NOT coincide with the beginning of the month.
2. A non-refundable registration fee of $30.00 per student ($60.00 family max) will be charged during registration; including pay-as-you-go students. At the top of each season.
3. All students are registered for the season (10 - 4 week rounds); unless a drop form is received.
4. Pay-as-you-go cost: $20.00 per 1 hour class; $25.00 per 1 1/2 hour class.
5. Cost of tuition is stated in our most current brochure, as well as the website.
6. College rate is $10.00 per class with a valid ID. Student must sign-up for the round to receive this special rate. College Drop-IN Rate is $12.00
7. Parent rates are indicated in our most current brochure. To receive a parent rate, you must have a child actively enrolled in a class.
8. Tuition is due the FIRST Monday of the round.
9. Accounts with past due tuition will be assessed a late charge of $15.00, one (1) day after tuition payment is due, and again for every 30 day the balance is left unpaid.
9.1 Accounts with past due competition, costumes, private lessons, gasper gear or extra charges will be assessed a 1.75% late fee if not paid by the due date. This will recur each round on remaining balance until paid in full.
10. Account past due for over 90 days will be sent to collections.
11. Tuition must be paid by check, cash, VISA, or Mastercard, or ACH. You may elect to have each round's tuition payment automatically charged to a Visa or Mastercard or ACH. Please note there is a convenience fee for credit card payments and online ACH payments.
12. No refunds are given for any reason, include, but not limited to, missed classes due to weather, sickness, performance, family matter, and/or school obligations. Students wishing to make up any missed classes must do so within 4 weeks of missed class, otherwise the student forfeits that class and tuition.
13. Students will be responsible for the full payment of all classes they have registered for, prior to the start of each round. Statements are emailed and available on your parent portal two weeks prior to the new round.

1. Student photos taken during rehearsals, classes, photo shoots, and GSDPA activities may be used for publication and website purposes.
2. Video taping of class may be used for personal use only. You may not post more than 20 seconds of a choreographed dance on-line. GSDPA reserves all rights to choreography and class syllabus.
3. All ZOOM videos are property of Gasper's school of Dance. Do not copy, sell, share or distribute without permission from Gasper's School of Dance.

1. Locker rentals are available for rent during the season. These will be billed at $20.00/Month or $135.00/Season (paid September). You or your child will be assigned a locker number at time of rental. Please see rental agreement for more policy information.
2. Locker rental may not be shared with another student outside your family.
3. Non-Rented Lockers: If a locker is not rented and available on your class day, student may use these on a day-to-day basis.At the ed of the day, lockers that are not rented out, will be emptied and items will be placed in the lost & found. (Note:The lost & found is cleared out the last day of each month and donated to a local thrift store).

1. Classes need at least three (3) students to begin class. If less than three (3) students show up for the class, start time, end time is at the discretion of the instructor. Account will be charged full amount for the hour regardless.
2. No student will be admitted to class if the are more than 10 minutes late.
3. Tardy students must wait to be invited in by the instructor.
4. Scheduled class times and locations are subject to change at anytime, at the discretion of the instructors.
5. Placement of all students is a the discretion of the directors of Gasper's School of Dance and Performing Arts. The completion of one level does not guarantee acceptance in the next. Advanced classes are offered by invitation or audition only.
6. Students may audition for a higher level class at any time at the cost of $20.00 per class, upon approval of instructor.
7. ALL pre-pointe and pointe students must be enrolled in a ballet class in addition to their pointe training.
8. Missed Classes: If class is missed, you will be allowed to make up the class within 4 weeks (with the exception of the final week of Round 9). No make-ups will be given or transferred over to a new season or to summer sessions (please make-up prior to the missed class.)
9. Add a Class: Students may add a class at anytime. Registration fee may apply.
10. Drop a Class: To drop a class, students must submit a drop form, available at the front desk. The Drop Form MUST be submitted the latest 2 Monday’s prior to the start of the next round. Failing to do so, the student will be responsible for the session's tuition.
11. Student may drop a class for up to 2 rounds and return to class without being charged a registration fee. Dropping more than 2 rounds will result in an additional registration fee at time of re-enrollment.

1. There will be no refunds given for recital costumes. All sales are final, whether the class is dropped or the student chooses not to participate in the Spring Gala.
2. Recital costume payments and tuition must be paid in full at time of recital for you or your child to participate.

(Please also sign the Private Lesson Agreement if you plan on scheduling these lessons).
1. Please reference the Private Lesson Agreement, which must be signed prior to attending a private lesson with a GSD instructor.
2. Private Lessons should be scheduled through our front desk. DO not contact instructors through their personal email or phone. Please respect their privacy and space and contact the studio directly *Email, phone, or in person), we will help coordinate times with the instructor if they are not present at time of scheduling.
3. If a scheduled lesson must be canceled, it must be done 24 hours before the start of the lesson or a $30.00 charge will be added to your account. Refer to our Private Lesson Agreement for cancellation notification and further policies.

1. DRESS CODE: You can find our dress code information on our Dress Code Flyer located in our lobby. Our dress code is required for classes. You have 30 days to acquire items needed for said dress code.
2. No child may be dropped off more than 10 minutes before the beginning of their class. We will not be responsible.
3. The school will close due to weather, only if the Fargo Public Schools cancel or dismiss early due to weather. No refunds are given. Students may makeup class.
4. The Gasper's driveway is not a parking lot; it is a drop off zone. Cars should not be parked for longer than 3 minutes will be towed at the expense of the owner. Back parking lot at our Downtown Studio is not owned by GSDPA, park at your own risk. The back lot is available for use after 4:00pm.
5. Gasper's School of Dance and Performing Arts will not be held liable for lost or stolen articles or injuries incurred on or near the studio premises.
6. Email addresses listed on the registration form will be added to our email/newsletter database. You will receive current information about classes, auditions, cancellations, and upcoming events.
7. Email addresses listed on the registration form is the email address we use to send out Statements and important studio updates.
8. Portals are for class observation, please do not talk to your child, or tap on the glass. This can be very distracting to not only your child but the entire class.
9. Parents are not allowed to enter the classroom unless invited by the instructor. this is very distracting t o not only your child, but the rest of the class. Our staff is trained to handle situations and will dismiss your child if they see needed.
10. Keep talking to a minimum and at a whisper in classroom observation areas. Silent phone ringers and sounds. Take any phone calls and conversations to the lobby.
11. Policies may be changed at any time, at the discretion of the directors and operations manager of the school.

1. In addition to the development of our dancers and the enjoyment of the sport, the safely and protection of our participants is central to Gasper's goals. Gasper's has implemented a locker room policy as a means to help protect its participants from abuse and misconduct, include, but not limited to, emotional abuse, bullying threats, harassment, and hazing. To help prevent abuse or misconduct from occurring in our locker rooms, Gasper's has adopted the following locker room policy. This policy is designed to maintain personal privacy as well as reduce the risk of misconduct in locker rooms. For the purpose of this policy, the term locker room includes, but is not limited to, any space used to prepare for a dance practice or event, which includes a space that participants may use to get dressed, whether at Gasper's or another location.
2. Parents in Locker Rooms: Except for younger participants, we discourage parents from entering locker room unless it is truly necessary. It a participant needs assistance, then we ask that parents let Gasper's know beforehand that he or she will be helping the participant. With our younger age groups, it may be necessary for parents to assist the participants getting dressed. We encourage parents to teach their participants as young as possible how to get ready for practice or a performance so that participants will learn as early as possible how to get prepared independently. In circumstances where parents are permitted in the locker room, we ask that the parents abide by the same policies as the participants. Gasper's in its discretion, may prohibit parents from a locker room.
3. Cell Phones and Other Recording Devices: cell phones and other devices with recording capabilities, including voice recording capabilities, including voice recording, still camera, and video cameras, are not permitted to be used in the locker rooms. If phones or other such devices must be used, they should be taken outside of the locker room. Gasper's reserves the right to collect any phone that is used in the locker room. Gasper's reserves the right to look at the phone to ensure the phone does not contain any pictures or videos that compromises another participant's privacy.