COVID Waiver
Feb 11, 2025 12:29 AM
I acknowledge the contagious nature of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 and that the CDC and many other public health authorities still recommend practicing social distancing.
I further acknowledge that Florida Dance Workshop LLC has put in place preventative measures, listed below, to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
*Temperature checks will be done before students and staff are permitted in the studio.
*Frequent sanitizing of all high traffic surfaces, as well as providing students with sanitizer prior to and at dismissal of classes.
*Marked spots on the dance floor & modified class size to allow for social distancing between DANCERS & TEACHERS as much as possible.
*Modified class format to maintain social distance as much as possible.
*Modified choreography to avoid unnecessary or prolonged physical contact.
*Using one entrance and exit for each room
*Limiting students to building until their scheduled class times
*Observation areas will be unavailable for parents and guardians, we ask that parents stay in their vehicles until dismissal and pick up children from designated exit, to help maintain the social distancing.
*No bags permitted in the studio, students must bring their shoes needed for the class that day. If there are multiple shoes, please utilize Ziplock bags. (This limits the amount of THINGS coming into the studio as well as minimizing the need for “gathering†close to cubbies)
*NO food in the in studio at this time. If unavoidable, please LIMIT eating to the observation area only & only if absolutely necessary. All efforts to eat BEFORE and AFTER your classes should be made, unless it is MEDICALLY NECESSARY or scheduling REQUIRES your child to have food/snacks at dance.Â
*Cell phones use should be MINIMIZED & cell phones should be sanitized FREQUENTLY BEFORE & AFTER leaving the dance studio
*No street shoes permitted on the dance floor. Dancers must REMOVE SHOES IMMEDIATELY when walking into entrance and CARRY SHOES to cubbies.
*Any belongings must be stored in individual cubbies. (Water, keys, shoes)Â
*We have reduced the use of extra equipment in class, such as mats, bands, weights, blocks for the time being. Students are asked to use hand sanitizer BEFORE and AFTER touching equipment.
*We encourage the use of MASKS for anyone who is NOT dancing, or teaching (for example: a kid who must wait 30 minutes between classes). MASKS should NOT be worn during exercise (dance)
I further acknowledge that Florida Dance Workshop LLC can not guarantee that I will not become infected with the Coronavirus/Covid-19. I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to and/or infected by the Coronavirus/COVID-19 may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including, but not limited to, studio staff, and other clients and their families.
I voluntarily seek services provided by Florida Dance Workshop LLC and acknowledge that I am increasing my risk to exposure to the Coronavirus/COVID-19. I acknowledge that I must comply with all set procedures to reduce the spread while attending my appointment.
I attest that:
I am not experiencing any symptom of illness such as cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell.
* I have not traveled internationally within the last 14 days.
* I have not traveled to a highly impacted area within the United States of America in the last 14 days.
* I do not believe I have been exposed to someone with a suspected and/or confirmed case of the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
* I have not been diagnosed with Coronavirus/Covid-19 and not yet cleared as non contagious by state or local public health authorities.
* I am following all CDC recommended guidelines as much as possible and limiting my exposure to the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
I hereby release and agree to hold Florida Dance Workshop LLC harmless from, and waive on behalf of myself, my heirs, and any personal representatives any and all causes of action, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses and compensation for damage or loss to myself and/or property that may be caused by any act, or failure to act of the salon, or that may otherwise arise in any way in connection with any services received from Florida Dance Workshop LLC. I understand that this release discharges Florida Dance Workshop LLC from any liability or claim that I, my heirs, or any personal representatives may have against the dance studio with respect to any bodily injury, illness, death, medical treatment, or property damage that may arise from, or in connection to, any services received from Florida Dance Workshop LLC. This liability waiver and release extends to the dance studio together with all owners, partners, and employees.