2018-19 Policies & Waivers

Feb 18, 2025 04:11 PM

--- I, the parent or legal guardian of the student, understand that my acceptance of these policies constitute acceptance of the following conditions of my child’s enrollment at Steppin’ Time Performing Arts Center.

--- I understand that I will be provided a link to the 2018-19 Policies and Procedures Guide, including information, important dates and expectations about the dance year and I am responsible for this information.

--- I hereby authorize the staff and director representing Steppin’ Time Performing Arts Center to give consent for any and all necessary emergency medical care for my child, while said child is in the custody of Steppin’ Time Performing Arts Center personnel. I also hold harmless Steppin’ Time Performing Arts Center or any other Steppin’ Time Performing Arts Center personnel in such an event.

--- I will provide all pertinent medical conditions my child has, including asthma and food allergies.

--- I understand that my monthly payment is an all-inclusive installment, including all charges for recital including costumes, tights, recital fee, t-shirt and video. Registration fee and optional things such as spirit wear or recital portraits are the only thing charged separately. Anyone who is not able to participate in recital may opt out of all-inclusive and return to tuition only payments if they notify us before September 30. Dropping class after September 30 will not result in a refund of any inclusions.

--- I understand that I am required to enter a card for automatic payments. I understand that I can avoid my card being charged by paying with check before the 1st of the month. By entering a credit card for automatic payments, I am authorizing Steppin Time PAC to charge my monthly installments on the 1st of every month September through June unless I officially terminate my enrollment.

--- I understand that if I wish to terminate the above listed student’s enrollment at Steppin’ Time Performing Arts Center, that I must email a “Termination of Enrollment” note to Steppin’ Time Performing Arts Center office, which will relieve me of future monthly installment payments. TUITION IS BASED ON ENROLLMENT—NOT ATTENDANCE. MY TUITION LIABILITY CEASES EFFECTIVE THE FIRST OF THE NEXT MONTH AFTER I SIGN A “TERMINATION OF ENROLLMENT” FORM. No refunds will be given for inclusions after September 30.

--- A Videographer/Photographer will be present at several Steppin’ Timer Performing Arts Center events throughout the year. Events include, but are not limited to, performances, rehearsals and dress rehearsals, classes and other promotional events. Steppin’ Time Performing Arts Center has the right to use these images for marketing and promotional materials, including but not limited to, print advertisement, newsletters, and websites.