Studio Policies & Procedures
Mar 13, 2025 06:13 PM
These policies apply to all students who are intending or are currently enrolled at Dance Dynamics.
REGISTRATION: Our goal is to place students in the most appropriate class for their age and ability level. Proper class placement is the best way for our students to grow and succeed. Our teachers will design a class program best suited for your dancer. The teachers and directors have the final authority in class placement. You can register for classes through our online system or at our studio. Registration fees will vary per season. Registration fees are non- refundable.
DANCE ACCOUNTS: All of our families have online accounts containing their schedule and charges and payment history. Payments can be made directly from the Dance Studio Pro Parent Account(or App). You log in with your email address and create your own password keeping your information secure. We will email and contact families through our dance accounts. It is very important to keep your contact information up to date and to use the best email for communication.
ENROLLMENT/REGISTRATION FEE(s) - Enrollment/Registration Fee is Non-Refundable.
PAYMENTS: Tuition payments are due by the first of each month. Fees are based on a yearly program and are broken into convenient monthly payments – monthly fees remain the same September through May whether the month is 3 weeks long or 5 weeks long. (Tuition is based on a 9 month period)
DSP AUTO-PAYMENT - Dance Studio Pro Auto-Payments is your responsibility to update and keep information current. Please contact Latisha or of suggested billing errors, or if needing to withdrawal a student. All withdrawals require a 10 day notice. We Draft on the 1st of each month and 15th of Feb for the annual recital fee. (Competitive Company Dancers refer to your yearly schedule)
RETURNED CHECKS/ ACH BANK DRAFTS - There will be a $25 charge for returned checks(or electronic ACH drafts). This fee is based on Arkansas State Code 4-60-103. Anyone having two or more checks or ACH returns for insufficient funds will be asked to pay in cash or by money order. Checks(or ACH's) cannot be re-deposited.
LATE FEES: Any invoice 15 days past due will incur a $25 late fee. Late fees will continue to accrue until bill is paid or payment arrangements have been made with our office.
DRESS CODE: Dressing properly for class is part of the discipline required for dance. Specific requirements per class are addressed in our program guide. Absolutely no baggy shirts or pants will be allowed to be worn in class (with the exception of HipHop). Students who do not comply with our dress code will be given a warning. If a student continually dresses inappropriately they will be asked to sit out.
DANCE SHOES: Specific requirements are addressed in our online program guide. All shoes can be purchased through Footlights, online, or other dance websites. Pointe shoes should only be purchased and worn with teacher approval and recommendation.
ATTENDANCE: Dance training takes consistency. Classes progress though our curriculum with weekly and monthly goals. Regular attendance is essential to a student's progress. Missing class means missing important technique work and choreography. Please email the studio if your child is going to miss class. If your child has to miss class due to illness they may attend another class at their level to make up.
MISSED CLASSES - There will be no refunds made if your child misses a class, however they may make-up in a different class within the following week (Please see Latisha or ask your instructor(s) if there is a preferred class to attend for the make-up).
INCLEMENT WEATHER/MAKE-UP CLASSES - If we cancel a class due inclement weather, you can make-up in another class at their level (Please see Latisha or ask your instructor(s) if there is a preferred class to attend for the make-up). Make-ups need to be done the following week after the missed class.
WITHDRAWAL/DROPPING A CLASS - This MUST be communicated in writing and sent to our office (not the teachers). Billing will continue until notification is received. Please remember that class space has been reserved for your child. A 10 day minimum notification is required for withdrawal.
ANNUAL RECITAL - At the end of each dance year, we have our Annual Dance Recital. Our recital is the first weekend in June. To help cover the facility rental, staffing, janitorial, security, etc. we charge a recital fee per family. This fee also includes the dancer's individual & class picture(s), a Recital T-Shirt, and the Recital Video link to the show.
COSTUME DEPOSIT(s) - Costume Deposits are non-refundable after Jan 10th (costumes have been ordered)
RECITAL FEE(s) - Recital fees are due by Feb 15. The recital fee is non-refundable after April 1st. If your dancer will not be participating in the recital, please notify the office in writing as soon as possible before Jan 1st. It is extremely important that you let us know if your dancer will not be participating in the recital since it affects purchasing of costumes, the class choreography and, ultimately, the other students in his/her class.
FEES - Summer Fees for Classes, Camps, and Competitive Company Intensive & Try-Outs are non - refundable after the session has started. Camp fees are non - refundable 2 weeks prior to camp date(s).
Please note: Because of the number of students we have enrolled in the studio, you will not be typically called. Our main source of communication is sending information emails through Dance Studio Pro. We also have a private FaceBook group called "Dance Dynamics Dance Family" where we post updates, incoming news, pictures, and videos of our classes and dancers. We try to post (and our Instructors share post) on social media if we are closed for holidays and inclement weather. You can always visit our website for information, or call the studio. The parent Portal App (Dance Studio Pro) allows you to send us an email, look up past email history, call the studio, and receive messages from an Instructor.
By agreeing to these Policies and Procedures. you are agreeing and granting Dance Dynamics and their staff permission to use photographs and videos of your child for any legal use, including but not limited to: social media, publicity, copyright purposes, illustrations, advertising, or web content. Furthermore, you understand that no royalty, fee or other compensation shall become payable to you for reason as such. As a parent you may revoke this at any time, by contacting Latisha Daniel, Owner of Dance Dynamics by email The revocation will not reflect any actions taken previously before the receipt of this written notification.
Lastly, we are not required to provide a refund if you change your mind, but are happy to work with you if you are communicating with us of your personal situation.
Thank you!