
Mar 14, 2025 03:04 AM

In the event of injury or illness arising during participation of my child/ward in any Dance Factory activities, I, the undersigned parent/guardian, do hereby give permission for my child/ward to receive medical treatment deemed necessary by the designated family physician or by another qualified, licensed physician who is available (doctor, dentist, emergency medical person). I acknowledge, understand and agree that this authorization is to be used only emergency situations when I cannot be contacted or when I am able to be contacted but cannot be present. I hereby hold Dance Factory employees harmless in the exercise of this authority.

I, the undersigned parent/guardian, do hereby give my consent to my child's/ward's participation in all Dance Factory activities. I understand that participation in tumbling, dance, cheer, parade, and performance activities involves the risk of injury. I assume all risks & hazards incidental to such participation including transportation to and from activities and I do hereby waive, release, absolve, indemnify, and hold harmless Dance Factory and its employees for any claim arising out of injury or illness to the applicant whether the result of negligence or for any other cause.