Waiver of Liability & Image Use

Mar 14, 2025 12:49 AM

Waiver of Liability, Hold Harmless and Image Use Agreement
In consideration of being allowed to participate in Irish Dance activity program (the Activity offered by An Dragan Ceilteach Irish Dancers. (ADC), I represent, covenant, and agree, on behalf of myself and my heirs, assigns, and any other person claiming by, under or through me, as follows:

1. I acknowledge that participation in the Activity involves certain risks and that injuries, death, property damage or other harm could occur to others or me/my child. I accept and voluntarily incur all risks of any injuries, damages or harm which arise during or result from my or said minor child participation in the Activity, regardless of whether or not caused in whole or in part by negligence or other fault of Company, its affiliates, employees, officers, agents or insurers (Released Parties.)

2. I do forever waive, release, absolve, indemnify and agree to hold harmless ADC, its owners, officers, employees, agents and all others acting on its behalf from any and all claims of liabilities for injuries or damages to my or participating minor child’s person and/or property, including those caused by negligent acts or omission of any of those mentioned or others acting on their behalf arising out of or connected with my or minor child’s participation in this activity.

3. I agree to allow the ADC and its affiliates, the use of my and/or said minor child’s name and likeness in connection with this activity, for any lawful related purpose in perpetuity in all forms of media, including photo, video or film, now and forever known. I understand that at such events or related activities I and/or said minor child may be photographed or video recorded. I assign ADC, the rights and permission to use those for any social media and promotion including but not limited to photographs, videos, audio, promos that include me and/or said minor child during such activities. Any consideration for exception must be made in writing.

4. I agree that deposits, class tuition, and fees remain non-refundable if I choose to withdraw my participation.

5. By registering myself or my minor child, I acknowledge and represent that I have read and reviewed this Waiver, Release and Hold Harmless Agreement, fully understand, and accept its terms, and accept it voluntarily. In case of emergency, I agree to allow the above parties to call for emergency medical assistance and I am aware that I am financially responsible to those medical services.

Privacy Policy

The privacy of your personal information is very important to ADC. We will not sell, rent or trade your personal information to any third party. Special care will be taken to protect the privacy and security of your information and only used for studio purposes and to comply with the law.