General Rules

Feb 18, 2025 04:58 PM

*All personal belongings must be kept in their studio cubby. In the Key of Dance is not responsible for items lost or stolen at the Studio. Please make sure your dancer consistently checks for all of their belongings.

*Pre-school 3-4 year old parents: Please make sure your dancer goes to the restroom BEFORE drop off to avoid accidents and less instruction due to bathroom breaks.

**Please make an effort to be prompt for class and in picking up your child! Excessive tardiness when picking up your child will not be tolerated.

**No parents, friends, or siblings are allowed in the classroom at any time, unless authorized by staff for a medical need. This is for the benefit of your dancer and the safety of others. They will learn more if they feel safe and if we have their complete attention.

**If your dancer drops a class, a 2 week written notice is required. You will be responsible for payment until the written notice is received and approved.

If a dancer expresses an injury, it would be extremely difficult for their teachers to allow the dancer to express injury for one class and no injuries when it comes to them wanting to take their favorite class. Injuries are taken very seriously. If a dancer truly expresses injury, they are encouraged to sit and take notes to not only avoid further injury, but to not miss what training transpired during their classes. If injury is consistent, the parent will be called for the dancer to be assessed and must return with a doctors note to eliminate further injury.

Parents must communicate absences/tardiness to minimize impact to the class. Missing classes could affect your dancer and their peers. Students that are no call no show contenders will be considered dropped from that class. This spot will be opened for others to enroll.

Tardy dancers must be escorted in and must take an additional 15-20 minutes to stretch & warm up themselves to eliminate injury. This could cause dancers to miss the entire instruction. Please ensure they are on time!!

*For the safety of our dancers, most times we follow Rockdale County's decisions on inclement weather school closings. However, you should always use your own judgement when deciding to travel due to weather. We will confirm our closings via email and social media when inclement weather affects In the Key of Dance.

If you need to speak with your child's teacher, please call or email us to set up an appointment, as we rarely have time in-between classes. You can reach us at or 678-806-5168

*Choreography, Costumes, & Music Selections are at the discretion/vision of the instructor. Challenging any of the three may not change the vision of the instructor/director.

**I understand that in the times we are having to live through, I cannot bring a sick a child to the studio amongst other dancers. I agree that if my dancer possesses symptoms such as a fever, chills, body aches, headache, sore throat, runny nose, loss of taste & smell, strep throat, vomiting, other flu like symptoms, or generally unwell, etc.. and allergies are not confirmed, I will abide by the rules & regulations of In the Key of Dance. If for any reason, I do not abide by the rules of having a sick child or covid-19 rules & regulations of In the Key of Dance, my dancer may be isolated & dismissed from class, removed from a performance if ill, or the program and I will remain responsible for my financial obligation.

**We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who refuses to abide by the studio policies & Procedures**