Covid-19 Policy
Feb 10, 2025 07:40 PM
In order to be allowed to enter the The Marilyn Jones Dance Centre, please read and agree the following statements:-
I/we have not experienced any symptoms associated with Covid 19, including respiratory symptoms, temperature, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties & loss of, or change to, my/our sense of smell or taste in the last 14 days.
I /we have not been in contact with any persons presenting any of the above symptoms or anyone who has been confirmed with a Covid 19 diagnosis in the last 14 days.
I/we have not been told to self-isolate in the last 14 days.
I/we are in an “at risk†category or classed as an “extremely vulnerable person(s)†and confirm that I/we would still like to attend the Marilyn Jones Dance Centre.
I/we confirm that I/we will adhere to any direction given to me/us by a teacher of The Marilyn Jones Dance Centre whilst at the studio, including adhering to any requirements for hand washing and sanitising.
I/we will inform The Marilyn Jones Dance Centre, if I/we become aware of a change to my/our health in the next 14 days, particularly if I/we develop symptoms associated with Covid 19, including those symptoms listed above.
I/We confirm that I/we have read the above statements and confirm that I/we can comply with conditions of entry and will not hold The Marilyn Jones Dance Centre responsible if I/we become ill as a result of being at this studio.
It is important that you notify The Marilyn Jones Dance Centre if ANY of the answers above change.
The following measures are in line with the current Government guidelines
Do not come to your class or lesson if you are displaying any Covid-19 symptoms.
If attending for a class, please enter the studio and sanitise hands.
Please complete and agree to the Self-Declaration/Waiver Form above, if anything changes you must let The Marilyn Jones Dance Centre know straight away who will then implement the correct procedures depending on track and trace guidance.
Once your class or lesson has finished please leave promptly to allow your teacher to prepare the room for the next pupil(s)/class.
We will have a gap in between age groups to wipe down, with antibacterial wipes, any surfaces that you have touched whist in the studio.
Toilets will available and these will be cleaned following each use, we would appreciate if parents could make sure children have used the toilet before coming to the studio if possible. Antibacterial wipes will be provided for older students/adults to wipe everything down after they have used the toilet, please dispose of them in the bin provided – PLEASE DO NOT FLUSH THEM DOWN THE TOILET.
We will limit the number of chairs in the studio, and these along with any other “touched surfaces†will be wiped down in between sessions.
Please come dressed for dancing, changing of clothes other than shoes is to be avoided.
Please bring and take home any drinks that you may need.
Only the people who are attending the class or lesson are to be present, children will be dropped off at the front door, parents of children in Reception or over will not be allowed to stay. The children will then be handed over at the front door. We ask parents to try and pick up and drop off as close to class starting and finishing time to allow us to clean in-between classes.
Adhere to all signage.
Observe our Covid-19 rules at all times.