Terms and Conditions 2024/2025

Feb 07, 2025 05:09 AM

The In Motion School of Dance takes great pride in the level of professionalism and quality of dance classes that they offer. In order to maintain this high standard, it is important to have certain policies in place and enforce them accordingly. Please note that where stated, In Motion also includes its agents, employees and director.

In Motion School of Dance operates on a three-semester basis: Sept-Dec (Term 1); Jan-Mar (Term 2); Apr-June (Term 3). Dance training and education will be provided at our highest standard either via in-studio learning or otherwise.
Parents are requested to disclose any medical information, social or learning challenges, or other relevant information to the In Motion Team. This will enable us to work with you to provide the best and safest experience for your dancer. This can be done through your parent portal.
Tuition, registration, and costume fees are NON-REFUNDABLE and due in full once registered for any term class, camp or program offered and are not dependent on in studio learning. Once a dancer registers for class they will be automatically charged for each consecutive term until written termination is received. Dancers participating in Term 2 will automatically be registered and charged for Term 3 as we cannot fill that dancer's spot after Term 2.
Account credit not applicable to merchandise, private classes or reimbursement. In Motion may terminate this agreement at any time upon notice in writing or email.
In the event of termination, tuition, registration, and costume fees are NON-REFUNDABLE.

In Motion charges an annual non-refundable registration fee of $40 per student at the time of registration.

The MAMAs Discount is available to parents who are active paying members of the MAMA Bermuda Group. The MAMA discount is 10% off Term 1 Tuition, NOT including the costume fee. It is ONLY applicable to Term 1 and cannot be applied to subsequent Terms 2 or Terms 3. The discount for Term 1 is only available to members whose children are 5yrs of age or younger.

In Motion has implemented a fee structure for performance classes which divides the cost of the Annual Dance Showcase costume fee. Instead of paying the costume fee all at once, it is divided across three terms and included in the total tuition amount. Please note that this NON-REFUNDABLE costume fee is exclusive of shoes, leotards, bags and any other amenities required in addition to the main costume and is not dependent on the dancer performing in the Annual Dance Showcase or continuing classes. Dancers joining in the 2nd or 3rd Term will be charged a costume fee for the previous terms. Costumes will only be given out if and when a dancer's account balance is cleared/ paid in full. Costumes will be kept at In Motion 1st Position Offices and will be available for collection once an account has been paid for in full.

Any outstanding balances (inclusive of late fees or store items) will automatically incur a monthly non-refundable $35 late fee per student until the account is paid in full. Late fees will commence one month after the date of registration. If dance fees continue to be unpaid your student may be asked to sit out in class and sent home with a note at the Team and Directors' discretion. Company and Work Study discounts will only be applied to accounts that are up to date. Tuition still outstanding as at July 31st 2024 will be automatically sent to our law firm or Bermuda Debt Collection Agency for further processing and collection and all pertinent expenses will be the customers responsibility.
In Motion sends out account statements monthly, however you can access your account through your parent portal at any time by logging into your portal, or through our website at www.inmotionbda.com
All payments made via online bank transfer must be accompanied by an email containing a screenshot of the transfer confirmation (with private information redacted) so that our Team can apply the payment to your account. Payments made through your parent portal will be automatically updated and applied to your account. Online card payments through the parent portal incur a 2.75% convenience fee. Term tuition, registration fees, and costume fees are non-refundable once a dancer is enrolled in a class regardless of the actual number of classes attended.

Dancers who miss a class will not be reimbursed for this class, nor is In Motion required to provide them with a makeup class. Although In Motion makes every effort to offer 9-12 classes per semester, classes missed due to Public Holidays, school holidays, hurricanes, inclement weather or any other situation out of In Motion's control, are not subject to a refund or a makeup class. Remote classes may be offered in special circumstances when seen fit.
80% attendance is required during Term 3 for participation in our Annual Dance Showcase. The teacher/choreographer may choose not to include a dancer in their choreography if they are not in attendance.
In Motion will make every effort to maintain teacher consistency, however in the event that a teacher is sick or absent, a substitute teacher will be provided for the class. In rare circumstances, one or more classes may be combined.

In Motion has a mandatory uniform policy in effect to maintain a level of professionalism and uniformity at the school. Dancers are expected to adhere to this policy in each class. Dancers without the proper uniform will be asked to observe class at the teacher's discretion. Dancers are to come prepared for class with the appropriate dance attire, shoes and hair according to the uniform descriptions in the student handbook.

In Motion reserves the right to ask a dancer to leave or observe class due to unruly or disrespectful behavior. Dancers more than 15 mins late may be asked to observe class as a precaution to prevent injuries caused from insufficient warmup. In Motion is not responsible for personal items, information notices or costumes left behind by dancers.
We appreciate an email to inform us if a dancer will not be in attendance.

In Motion holds an Annual Dance Showcase each June and it is understood that each dancer continuing or attending performance focused classes from Jan-Mar (Term 2) and Mar-June (Term 3) will participate in this event.
A dancer missing class while Annual Dance Showcase choreography is being taught may be omitted from those sections of dance worked on in their absence, without further notification.

Students must attend at least 80% of classes per term to become adept with the syllabus and be considered for RAD exam/class awards. Examinations are optional and at the teacher's discretion. Dancers must reach the required minimum age by 31 December in the year in which they are taking the examination. There will be no exceptions to this rule.
80% attendance is required for consideration / participation in ballet examinations (NOT including private lessons).

Due to the nature of exercise and physical training, In Motion cannot be held accountable for any personal injury sustained during the course of class or in and around its premises.
Pre-existing medical conditions or injuries, which may affect a dancer in class, should be brought to the teachers attention, in writing, at the beginning of each term.

I hereby grant In Motion School of Dance permission to use my dancers likeness in photograph(s) and video(s) in any publications or publicity materials (including but not limited to social media, advertising, newsletters, videos and Web use), in perpetuity. If you do not want your dancer's image to be used for marketing or advertising purposes, we require this in writing via email for our records.

Once a dancer registers for class(es) they will be automatically charged for each consecutive term until written termination is received (via email). Tuition and costume fees (if applicable) are non-refundable and due in full once registered for any class(es) and not dependent on in-studio learning.
Term tuition, registration fees, and costume fees are non-refundable once a dancer is enrolled in a class regardless of the actual number of classes attended. I agree that all agency charges, legal costs and other expenses incurred by In Motion in attempting to recover overdue amounts will be charged to the account of the appropriate debtor.
I give permission for In Motion to obtain information from any source to verify any statements made in this application. If a dancer has missed more than three consecutive classes without informing us or without good reason, In Motion may release their spot in class to another dancer without further notification to the account holder or parents. The account holder or parents will still be required to pay tuition despite the missed classes.

In Motion sends all notes home via email or on the portal. It is your responsibility to ensure you are receiving our emails on a timely basis and to check your portal for updates and information. Should you at any time opt to "unsubscribe" from school emails, you may miss important iformation pertaining to your dancers classes, costumes, and showcase.
Please refer to our student handbook in your parent portal for more detailed information

SUMMER: Summer registration cannot be canceled unless written notice is provided at least 4 weeks prior to the program start date. Tuition is non-refundable and will be charged regardless of the number of days attended in any specific program. Camp tuition is due before the first day of camp, after that point weekly late fees will apply. Note that camp aftercare is a separate charge and will be automatically applied to accounts if dancers are in attendance for 10 minutes or more past the last listed camp pick-up time (week rates are available through your parent portal registration).
Parents are requested to disclose any medical information, social or learning challenges, or other relevant information to camp staff. This will enable us to work with you to provide the best and safest experience for your camper.

AS PER ONLINE REGISTRATION: By clicking accept I have read and understood the terms and conditions and this release of liability, and waive any right to sue In Motion, its agents or employees for any accidental injury or loss associated with attending classes or programs.