Policy Form for Recital Student
I _______________________________understand that by signing this form, I am stating that I understand that my child/ren and I agreed to dance at Dance 4 Life Academy for the season from August 1st until June 20th. I understand that if I need to drop during the season for any reason, that I still owe Dance 4 Life Academy for the months that I left early, competitions/recitals I haven’t paid for and other fee’s that may be due. I understand that by initialing the below section, I am stating that I have read and understand the studio polices. I have read and understand this agreement and agree to abide by it.
___________________________________ ______________________
Signature Date
_____1. Registration fee: Each student will pay a $45 non-refundable registration fee upon enrollment.
_____2. Tuition Payments: Tuition is due by the 1st of the month and or a $15 late fee will be assessed. If payment has not been received by the 7th the student will be asked to sit out in class. Monthly tuition payments are non-refundable.
_____3. Returned Checks: A $30 fee will be assessed for all returned checks.
_____4. Make-up Classes: There is no adjustment to tuition due to closure for vacations, holidays, student absences, inclement weather, or the length of the month.
_____5. Absences: Please contact the teacher to report student absences. Students may make up missed classes in another class that is scheduled that week or following week.
_____6. Important Information: will be provided via web, text, Face-book and bulletin board postings, as well as hand given papers and the portal.
_____7. Parent Supervision: parents are responsible for and expected to supervise all children accompanying them at Dance 4 Life Academy or at any event for Dance 4 Life Academy. Please ensure that you are on time when picking up your children and they are instructed to stay inside the studio until you arrive. You may only drop them off 5 minutes before class and 5 minutes after or a late fee will be applied. We will NOT open our studio doors until 5 minutes before class time.
____8. Contracts: You are required to fill out a contract and liability form before you/your child attend any of our programs. If you pull your dancer out of dance and break the contract, you have to continue paying the rest of the season. No competing student will be allowed to be pulled, if in doing so it can jeopardize the chances of your child returning to our team the following year and you will be required to pay a $450 contract breaking fee, due to rearrangement of the routine, choreographer time, extra make up classes to make up for the lost of your dancer and for any extra cost due to routine now having one less student. (We want to teach the children team work and dedication, along with responsibility and commitment)
____9. Disruptive Behavior: Your child will be given two warnings. If your child continues to disrupt class, they may be asked to leave the classroom and or not participate in our upcoming event.
_____10. Lost Items: The staff at Dance 4 Life Academy is not responsible for students belonging. Please label all dancewear and dance shoes with dancer’s name. We are not responsible for lost, stolen, or misplaced personal items and/ or dance attire.
_____11. Costumes: All costume/competition fees/tuition and other fee’s are non-refundable.
_____12. Recital: All students are requried to be apart of our annual dance recital in December and June.
_____13. Food & Beverage: Children may pack food with them daily but no food can be kept at the studio. We will be selling water bottles, Gatorades and snacks that you or your child can purchased if desired for $1.00