I have reveiwed, understand and agree to follow all Enchanted Dance Academy (EDA) studio practices and policies communicated through the EDA studio handbook/guide available for download on the (EDA) studio website, all studio practice/policy information communicated through (EDA) studio dancer account email and (EDA) studio gmail communication.
I agree to pay all participation fees. I, on behalf of myself, my heirs, executors, agents, assigns, and representatives, hereby indemnify, release and forever hold harmless Enchanted Dance Academy, as well as its directors, employees and instructors, from any and all claims of liability arising from any accident, illness, personal injury, death, or property loss or damage sustained by my child/myself/the minor child for whom I am a legal guardian,while that person is participating in activities connected with Enchanted Dance Academy including classes, rehearsals, performances, birthday parties, or other activities. I understand that dance activities have inherent risks of injury, and, being fully aware of all risk, I consent to have my child/myself/the minor child for whom I am a legal guardian, participate in the programs and activities offered by Enchanted Dance Academy, and I accept full responsibility for providing adequate health and accident insurance coverage for the protection of all of the following who participate in these programs/activities: my child/myself/the minor child for whom I am a legal guardian. By signing this statement, I declare that the aforesaid participant is in good health, with no physical conditions that might prevent his/her/my participation in strenuous and rigorous dance activities and other training and performance connected with dance and musical theater. Further I understand and acknowledge that because of the physical nature of DANCE, there may be physical contact between directors, employees, staff, company members, instructors and students during rehearsals, shows, workshops, productions, and especially during dance instruction. I understand that at times for proper instruction and safety, physical contact is required and necessary. I have carefully read this Agreement, Waiver, Release, & Assumption of Risk and fully understand its contents. I understand that this is an assumption of risk and release of liability, and I sign it of my own free will. I understand that at times for proper instruction and safety,
physical contact is required and necessary.
I authorize Enchanted Dance Academy to take and use photos and videos of my
child/myself/the minor child for whom I am a legal guardian for all Enchanted Dance Academy educational and promotional purposes.
If I am signing this in my capacity as the legal guardian of a minor child, I authorize Enchanted Dance Academy to use photos and videos of the minor child for promotional purposes.
I understand and agree to all health/safety related rules and protocols administered by Enchanted Dance Academy that may be put in place on a temporary or permenant basis. I understand if my child is sick with any illness they will not come to class, and if testing positive for any widespread illness such as flu or Covid 19 my child must have a doctor’s note clearing them to return to activities/dance. When testing positive for flu, Covid-19 illness Dancers must stay out of dance class for at least until symptom-free. I understand it is urged that my child will stay home from dance if someone in my immediate household contracts any contagious/infectious virus until symptom free. I understand I am willingly and voluntarily allowing my child to participate in an activity at the dance studio where they are around other people, thus increasing their risk of Flu, Covid-19, and/or other infections/illnesses contracted. I understand the risk associated with allowing my child to participate in dance classes regarding infectious virus spread and any other illnesses. However, while I also understand Enchanted Dance Academy will do whatever it can to prevent the spread of the disease, Enchanted Dance Academy cannot be held responsible should any child, parent or guardian contract COVID-19, any flu or other infection/illness while utilizing Enchanted Dance Academy’s services and premises. I hereby release and discharge Enchanted Dance Academy and any of its owners, directors, officers, Instructors and employees from any liability whatsoever which may arise as a result of the student participating in events sponsored by Enchanted Dance Academy. I understand the dancer absence practices at Enchanted Dance Academy and that when attending or absent, my account on file will continue to be charged for dance tuition whether my child is participating live in studio, streamline via Virtual/Zoom or completing a makeup class according to policy.
Dancer Signature (if over 18): ____________________________________________
Date: _____________
Print Name Parent/Guardian:_____________________________________________
Print Child’s Name: ____________________________________________________
Signature of Legal Guardian: _____________________________________________
I have carefully read this Agreement, Waiver, Release, & Assumption of Risk and
fully understand its contents. I understand that this is an assumption of risk and
release of liability, and I acknowledge through electronic registration or written signature of my own free will.By completing a dancer registration/class enrollment I acknowledge/sign this agreement. Upon class registration, and first class attended by my dancer, this agreement is considered signed and acknowledged by the dancer's guardian.