OUR AGREEMENT- By attending classes at Wellington Ballet Studio you are accepting the following terms and conditions. Please take the time to familiarise yourself with our studio policies.
From school age/Pre Primary ballet level upwards we recommend that parents & caregivers leave their children to enjoy their dancing time independently, as soon as they are comfortable. We have a parent observation week during the last week of the Term where parents are invited to come and observe classes to see the progress made.
Tippy Toes, Magical Movement and Beginning Ballet parents MUST be on the premises for the class duration. To make this work it is appreciated that noise is kept to a minimum. Please do not overly interact with students or the teacher during the class. WBS reserves the right to ask any parents or siblings that are disruptive to leave. Mobile phones and pagers should be switched to silent. If you need to take an important call during class please step outside the studio.
There are no scheduled breaks between classes, unless it is a quick question please contact Miss Hannah outside of teaching hours. Your positive experience at WBS is our priority. If you have a concern please talk to your class teacher as soon as possible so that any issue can be addressed and resolved in a timely manner.
WBS is a small business and in order to pay our overheads your prompt or in advance payment is appreciated.
Fees are due in full two weeks after the statement/invoice date which is generally sent out in the week before classes commence for the upcoming Term.
A LATE PAYMENT FEE (LPF) of 10% or $20.00 (whichever is less) will be added to accounts that remain unpaid after the due date. If a split-payment plan has been arranged before the due date, the LPF will be waived.
By arrangement you may make 2x 1/2 split fees payments. The first by the due date of statement and the second by week 6 of the current Term.
Students whose fees remain unpaid may forfeit their place in the class.
Fees are on a per Term basis (save new students entering part way through a term which will be proportional) and are non refundable should a student leave for any reason during a Term.
Payment may be made by Internet Banking or by credit card through your parent portal.
Note that credit card payments incur an additional 3.4% PayPal conveyancing fee.
Should a debt accumulate any debt agency recovery fees will be added to the outstanding amount.
Two weeks advance notice shall be given for any increase in fees.
Fees are based on providing a minimum of 8x weeks of classes per Term. However this can be 9x or 10x weeks and there is no extra charge if this is the case. Note that the last Saturday of a Term may or may not be held and is advised each Term.
If a WBS teacher is unwell (or contracts Covid 19) every effort will be made to find a relief teacher and the affected students invited to attend an alternate existing scheduled class (if one is available). If this proves impossible then the classes will be forfeited and there will be no refunding of fees.
If a class has places available a trial class ($15.00 payable in advance) may be scheduled through your parent portal. This is a good option if you are unsure if your child will enjoy dancing, however note that it can take a few classes for children to get used to a new environment.
There is a registration/administration fee of $22.50 for each calendar year per student. This will be billed when registering for a class online or by invoice if the registration is taken via email.
Inter-Term class enrolments AUTOMATICALLY roll over, booking the same class place for the following term to give priority to existing students.
Parents MUST let the school know via email by the last Sunday of the current term if their child will not be returning (or they wish to change to a different class time).
Parents will be charged a LATE CANCELLATION FEE of $20.00 to cover administration and the holding open of the class place, if cancelled after the last Sunday of the Term.
Students must re-register over the summer break for Term 1 of the next year's classes.
Classes with three or less students may be asked to merge with another class of an appropriate level or the Term fee increased to cover the running costs.
On enrolment WBS reserves the right to place a student in the class most appropriate to their age, ability and prior experience in dance.
WBS encourages students to enter for assessments which are held towards the end of Term 3. The assessment dates and fees are advised closer to the time.
These are always motivational and a positive experience giving students a sense of occasion, a performing opportunity, pride in their achievements and recognition for their hard work. WBS reserves the right to recommend which form of assessment is best suited to your childs personality and current development in dance.
Ballet & Jazz students study their syllabus progressively over Terms 1, 2 & 3 and are advised to commit to undertaking all 3 Terms to be eligible to enter for the assessments. If a Parent/Caregiver/Teacher feels that a student should or is unable to participate on this occasion, it should be discussed well before entries are due.
Students entering for RAD ballet assessments MUST be available to attend the 'Grades School' (extra preparation classes) for 2 or 3 weekends prior to the exams. Additional fees apply to the Grades School.
Jazz students may have 2x extra classes prior to AJDANZ assessments or as otherwise advised, these extra classes have associated fees.
Are available (time permitting) by invitation for dedicated WBS students to enhance their dance studies and to represent WBS in local ballet competitions. If this is a regular booked weekly lesson the hall hire must be paid for even if the student does not attend. If the lesson is cancelled with less than 1 hours notice than the full private lesson fee applies.
WBS reserves the right to video and photograph students for teaching purposes within class. Permission will be sought if photographs are to be used in advertising.
WBS chooses not to participate in social media to ensure children’s safety and privacy while at classes.
WBS asks that parents do not take video’s or photographs of students during class unless written consent has previously been given.
Each year during Term 4 WBS creates a theatrical production involving all levels (except Tippy Toes).
This is a highlight of the year for students and great fun for everyone!
Costumes will be organised and their associated fees advised during Term 4. Costumes can range from $45.00-$80.00 depending on the complexity and requirements, main character costumes are usually more expensive as they are tailor made by our seamstress.
To aid choreography, ensure students are confident and enjoy the performing experience, parents whose child is participating in the production must undertake that they attend all classes and rehearsals in Term 4 unless sick. If a student misses more than two rehearsals they may lose their place in the show.
Undertake to attend classes regularly from Pre Primary upwards. Remember their uniform and uphold good classroom etiquette, treating other students and teachers with respect. From Primary Level upwards students MUST have their hair up in a tidy ballet bun if long, or off the face with a headband or similar if short. All gear (shoes, bags, drink bottles etc.) should be kept clear of the dance floor and under or on a chair.
** NOTE - WBS students may only attend external private lessons, classes or summer schools with the studio Directors approval and prior knowledge.**
This is provided in good faith. Please follow the clear instructions for buying and selling on the box. It is your responsibility to remove your items when you depart the studio.
Will be accepted throughout the year, except 2 weeks prior to exams and the end of year production. Please be aware that depending on their start date, new students may not be able to enter for exams or dance in the production. When new students enter the class it will continue to run at the current level and pace. Private lessons are available for students wishing to catch up to the level of the class.
Public holidays will be observed unless otherwise advised. Classes that fall on a public holiday may not be made up. Public holidays that officially finish at midday will be considered a full day by WBS (for example Anzac Day).
WBS reserves the right to amend the timetable and to change the venue of classes if necessary.
WBS asks that Parents/Caregivers and students treat all our venue respectfully, by leaving NO rubbish if a bin is not available, not eating inside the studio when observing a class, leaving bathrooms tidy and remembering to take all belongings with you on departure.
Please remove soiled/sandy shoes before entering Worser Bay LSC.
Lost property will be kept until the end of the current term and then donated to charity.
Due to the nature of hiring a venue, classes may occasionally need to be rescheduled. Our venue gives WBS as much notice as possible to allow parents/caregivers to be notified. WBS and the venue will make every effort to offer an alternative date for a make up class. Should this prove to be impossible the class will be forfeited.
Parents/Caregivers must fill out the online section on students medical background. Teachers should be informed of any student injury prior to the commencement of a class.
WBS makes every effort to ensure safe dance practice and our students well-being, however we take no responsibility for injuries. Should an injury occur the student will be given first aid to the best of our ability and Parents/Caregivers notified as soon as possible, and referred to an appropriate professional.
All gear including buggies, bags, drink bottles, shoes etc. must be kept off the dance floor.
If your child is unwell PLEASE STAY AT HOME TO REST & RECOVER. You will be contacted to pick your child up if they are noticeably sick.
This is particularly important in the current environment and we should be mindful of WBS teachers & families who have immunocompromised family members or may be pregnant etc.
A text or email to notify the teacher of your child's absence is always appreciated.
If a WBS teacher is unwell (or contracts Covid 19) every effort will be made to find a relief teacher and the affected students invited to attend an alternate existing scheduled class (if one is available). If this proves impossible then the classes will be forfeited and there will be no refunding of fees.
WBS has a safeguarding policy in place, which can be viewed vis this link - (coming)
Please note the extra safeguarding precautions set out below that are requested of all caregivers delivering and collecting dancers at our studio venue - The Worser Bay Life Saving Club
Pre School aged children's parents must remain on the premises and observe in the studio for the class duration.
Parents of school aged students who do not remain for the class must wait with their child until the class start time and arrive promptly to collect their child at their finish time.
This means waiting inside the premises to collect them. Please do not drop them off outside or wait outside or in your car to collect them. There is a car park and road immediately outside the studio door.
Please do not drop your child off early for their class and leave. We cannot guarantee their safety or supervise them before their class commences.
Students who’s parents are running late must know to remain sitting on a white chair inside the studio where the Director can see them until collected. They are not permitted to wait outside the venue. It is the teacher and parents responsibility to regularly remind students of this.
Parents are required to let their child’s teacher know if they are to be collected by someone new or being dropped home by another students parent.
Guidelines regarding the safe use of the changing rooms and toilets - There are occasions where surf life saving juniors training is also using the facilities. Unless students have a caregiver present students must not get changed on the premises as we cannot ensure your safety. During classes students are to use the toilet located in the vestibule/foyer area which is closest to the studio to minimise risk.
Due to the nature of dance it is necessary at times for WBS staff to physically correct students in an appropriate teaching manner. WBS complies with the RAD and DANZ codes of Professional Dance Teaching Practice:
In the event of a pandemic WBS will follow the NZ governments instructions.
WBS will change to a Zoom timetable to teach our students if the need arises due to isolation or lockdown requirements. The timetable will be advised as soon as practicable.
There will be no refunding or altering of term fees, unless WBS decides not to offer a Zoom class for a particular level. Our plan and guidelines for operating will be found under 'shared files' in this portal and emailed to you if the need arises.
WBS will follow each venue's procedures in the event of an emergency.
In the event of a long or strong earthquake teachers and students will follow the evacuation route up Awa Rd to Worser Bay School. They will wait there and if the all clear is given, return to the studio to wait with students until you collect them. It would be helpful if you can make sure your child knows how to 'turtle' (kneel and cover back of neck & head with hands). Please put your childs teacher's mobile number in your phone for emergency use.
WBS reserves the right to make changes and additions to the above Terms and Conditions.
It's great to have you with WBS, thanks for reading this and happy dancing!