I acknowledge that I am the parent/guardian with legal responsibility for the above-referred participant(s) and am therefore authorized to legally bind him/ her. I acknowledge that activities provided by The Dance Pointe involve movement and physical demands that may result in physical injury. I understand that dance is a physical activity that requires instructors to be allowed to come into appropriate physical contact with students for the sole purpose of correcting a movement or technique. (1) I agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless The Dance Pointe, its agents, representatives, officers and employees and all instructors from and for any and all claims (including but not limited to claim of negligence or carelessness), causes any and all claims, actions, causes of action, damages, and attorney fees, arising from personal injuries that may be sustained by my child, resulting from participation in the programs provided by The Dance Pointe regardless of program location. (2) Photo Liability Release: I allow pictures of my child to appear on The Dance Pointe website. (3) Tuition Payment Agreement: I understand that by signing this agreement, I am committing to paying the required tuition by the due date determined by The Dance Pointe and will incur late charges if over 30 days overdue. (4) Cancellation Policy: Deposits are non-refundable. Tuition refunds will be issued only due to a medical condition or immediately after the second class session. Registration fees and deposits will not be refunded. No refunds will be given on classes missed due to school holidays and/or snow days.