You must be over 18 to register for an account.
All students are required to sign up for automatic payments. Tuition payments are due on the 1st of each month & must be paid before I/my child attend class. Tuition remains the same each month & is not pro-rated for holidays, missed class etc. A $15 late fee will be applied after the 10th of the month for outstanding balances. If a student must miss their lesson due to sickness or an emergency, the CAPA instructor must be notified as soon as possible. Make-up lessons are not guaranteed and will be at the instructor’s discretion. If an instructor is sick or unavailable to teach, an available substitute instructor may fill in. PHOTO RELEASE: I give permission for photographs of my child in class or performances to be used in promotional material in print & web publications used ONLY to help promote the Academy. Liability Disclaimer: I for myself and/or my child release & agree to hold harmless Cornerstone Academy of Performing Arts & any of its sub-contractors for any liability, claims or demands for personal injuries, sickness, or death, as well as for expenses due to loss or damage to personal property. Since performing arts are physical activities, injuries may occur. Each student/guardian has the right to decline participation in any activity which they are not comfortable with. Each student/guardian is fully responsible for any injuries or harm occurring before, during or after a class. Student/guardian is also responsible for informing instructor(s) of any physical limitation which may prevent full participation in class. If injury occurs, it is understood that the student’s own insurance policy is the only source of reimbursement. ADULT STUDENT OR GUARDIAN ASSUMES RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL TUITION & FEES. ADDITIONALLY, SAID PERSON HAS RECEIVED & AGREES TO READ & ABIDE BY ALL STUDIO & PAYMENT POLICIES. For the safety of students & instructors, we reserve the right to deny entrance to anyone (student or guardians) due to safety concerns or inappropriate behavior or dress. Students must be dropped off and picked up at the class location by a parent or sibling over the age of 18. No student is allowed to walk from the parking lot without an adult. I understand that it is crucial to arrive for class on time and the instructor is not required to extend class when the student is late. I understand I/my child must obey the dress code required for my/their class (if applicable). If your child is no longer taking classes, a notification in writing is required & any outstanding fees on the account must be paid in full upon un-enrollment.