At Georgia Dance Lab, we understand that absences may occur due to illness, family emergencies, and other unforeseen circumstances. However, regular attendance and punctuality are crucial for your progress, as well as the overall class experience. Here are our attendance guidelines:
1. Notification of Absence
If you need to miss a class, please notify the studio in advance whenever possible. You can do this by calling 478-394-3621, emailing, or using our online absence reporting form. If your absence is due to illness or injury, please provide as much detail as you can, as this helps our instructors modify classes appropriately.
2. Makeup Classes
We allow students to make up missed classes within the current semester in a level-appropriate class. Please coordinate makeup classes with the studio office in advance to ensure space availability.
3. Excessive Absences
More than three unexcused absences may result in the student being dropped from the roll for that class. Excused absences include illness, family emergency, and religious holidays. Other absences are considered unexcused.
4. Tardiness
Consistent tardiness is disruptive and impacts you and the classmates learning. If you're more than fifteen minutes late, you may be asked to observe class instead of participating.
5. Attendance and Performances
Regular attendance is a requirement for participation in performances and recitals. Students with excessive absences may be unable to participate, as determined by the instructor.
6. Attendance and Studio Events
Good attendance may be a factor in selection for solos, lead roles, and other special opportunities.
7. Policy Amendments
We reserve the right to modify this attendance policy as needed. Changes will be communicated to students and families via email and studio website.
By registering for classes, students and families acknowledge they've read, understand, and will comply with all of the above mentioned policies and releases.
Thank you for your cooperation in maintaining a positive and productive learning environment.
Code of Conduct
At Georgia Dance Lab, our top priority is creating an enjoyable, respectful, supportive, and safe environment for all students. We expect teachers, staff, parents, and students to work together to maintain a constructive and emotionally and physically safe space.
We have zero tolerance for bullying. Bullying includes verbal acts, physical acts, or other forms of harassment in classes, rehearsals, performances, or anywhere in and around the studio. Examples of bullying behavior include spreading rumors, posting degrading content on social media, name-calling, making offensive comments about race, religion, gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status, disrupting class or rehearsal with conversations or comments, and using phones during class without permission. Respect for teachers and staff is essential; disrespect such as excessive side conversation, talking back, non-compliance with instructions, leaving without permission, and speaking ill of teachers/staff will not be tolerated.
Violations of the code of conduct may result in one or more of the following actions: a private conversation with the student and a warning from the teacher, a parent/student conference, withholding a solo role, prohibition from performing in studio shows, suspension from class, or in extreme cases, expulsion from the studio.
Payment Due Dates and Late Fees Policy
* Tuition is due by the 5th of each month.
* A $10 late fee will be applied to accounts not paid by the 10th.
* Accounts 1 month past due may incur additional late fees and could result in expulsion from the program.
* Each additional sibling will be discounted in tuition. The second child with receive a 5% discount, third child will receive 7% discount, fourth is 10% fifth is 12%, sixth is 15% and seventh is 17%.
Registration and Recital Fees
* A non-refundable $25 registration fee per student is due upon enrollment. Each additional sibling will be discounted. First child is $25, second child is $15 and each additional child after is $10 each.
* Non-refundable recital fees are $35 per student per show, each additional sibling will be discounted. Recital fees are due on the first class of November (Christmas show) and first class of April (Spring recital).
Costume Fees
* Recital costume fees are non-refundable
* Christmas Show: Half of the total costume fee is due with September tuition. The other half is due with October tuition.
Spring Recital: Half of the total costume fee is due with February tuition. The other half is due with March tuition.
Costumes will not be ordered if first 1/2 deposit is not paid.
Participation Requirements and Additional Expenses
* Current tuition payment is required for class participation and stage productions.
* Additional expenses may apply based on your child's class and performance needs.
I acknowledge and consent to allow Georgia Dance Lab to use:
Photos and/or videos of my child/myself in publications (such as flyers/brochures), advertisements (such as newspapers or online ads), our studio’s website, or on social media sites (such as studio’s Facebook or Instagram account). I understand that in some cases, my child and/or my name may be used. I further understand no financial compensation will be for use of these photos/videos.
I hereby grant permission for my child to participate in all activities provided by Georgia Dance Lab. I release and hold harmless Georgia Dance Lab, its proprietors, instructors, and sponsors from any liability for injuries to my child or claims by me/us as parent/guardian, arising from my child's participation in these activities. I agree to indemnify Georgia Dance Lab, its proprietors, instructors, and sponsors against all losses and liabilities they may incur due to my child's participation.