Terms and Conditions apply to all students attending ADS classes, workshops, productions and events, including Free Trials.
Classes DO NOT operate on Public Holidays. Wherever possible, extended rehearsals will be offered prior to performances to make up for lost time.
Timetable Alterations
Action Drama Studio has the right to vary advertised classes, times, days, locations and fees. The student or parent/guardian is unable to make a claim in regard to any alteration.
Drop and Go Policy
There is no facility for parents, family or friends to stay and watch classes at any studio. This gives teachers opportunity to encourage student independence and to prepare children for performances without distractions. Parents will be invited to a mid-year and end of year performance.
Free Trial Lesson
All new students are entitled to one free trial lesson per year only. ADS promotions and vouchers cannot be used in conjunction with each other.
Important Student Information
ADS needs to be informed when any details previously stated on the Enrolment Form have changed, especially contact details and relevant medical information.
Third Party Software
ADS offers third party software to process payments for added convenience e.g. Dance Studio Pro, Stripe, PayPal, TryBooking. Please refer to the terms and conditions of these services. These terms, including charges to customers by these companies are outside of ADS’ control. ADS also absorbs charges from these services on their side. ADS does not add any of their own extra fees to customers for online or credit card payments.
Privacy Policy
Action Drama Studio adheres to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (as amended) (Privacy Act) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). Personal information will be gathered, stored, used and disclosed in accordance with current privacy legislation.
Class Fees apply to students enrolling in ongoing classes, on an annual basis.
On enrolment an annual Registration Fee of $35 is auto charged up front and is non-refundable, no exceptions.
10% of the total annual fee will be charged automatically to hold your child's place.
The balance of fees will be split and spread over the remaining year, and will fall due at the start of each term.
Pro-rata fees apply when students join after the official start date.
Refunds are not possible for missed classes.
ADS prides itself on providing a safe, welcoming and supportive environment for all members of our school community. We are committed to the fair and equitable treatment of all individuals regardless of their background or personal attributes. Bullying, harassment or any other forms of inappropriate behaviour targeting individuals based on their personal attributes may result in students being withdrawn from classes. Refunds cannot be guaranteed in regard to such a withdrawal and will be at the discretion of ADS.
ADS expects and encourages positive behaviour at all times, with an emphasis on creating a safe learning environment for all. If a child, adult student or parent presents a behavioural problem that is threatening to others (physically or psychologically), causes actual harm or prevents other students from learning and enjoying their experience at ADS, this may result in withdrawal from class. Refunds cannot be guaranteed in regard to such a withdrawal and will be at the discretion of ADS.
Agreement on Enrolment, including Free Trials.
Parent/guardian must warrant that their child does not suffer from any illness, disorder or injury that would render it unsafe for them to take part in ADS classes and that if the teacher requires any information or instructions for the safe management of the student, this information must be included on the registration form. Adult students must also disclose if they have any illness, disorder or injury that would render it unsafe for them to take part in ADS classes.
MEDICAL EMERGENCIES - in case of accident or untoward incident, consent must be given by parent/guardian of student for any necessary medical treatment/services, including but not limited to First Aid administered by staff where necessary. Parent/Guardian must agree to meet any and all expenses incurred.
DUTY OF CARE - Action Drama Studio teachers and assistants will take all reasonable care of students. Parents agree to not hold them or ADS responsible for any damage and/or loss of property and/or accident/injury that may occur in on any ADS premises, on location or whilst rehearsing, filming or performing e.g. events, end of year performance.
PHOTO/VIDEO - It is a condition of enrolment that permission is given for video and photographs to be taken of all students during classes, workshops, rehearsals and performances. Videos and photographs may be used in ADS advertising (all forms of print, digital and online), unless the parent requests non-publication of their child’s image. You may opt-out of this by sending a message to ADS Staff via the Parent Portal or by sending an email.
OVERDUE FEES - In the event of non-payment of fees, the student (if an adult) or the parent/guardian (if the student is under 18 years) will be liable for all costs and expenses (including but not limited to debt recovery and legal expenses.
FORCE MAJEURE - Neither party will be liable to the other for any delay or failure to fulfil their obligations under this agreement if that delay and/or failure arises from causes beyond their control, including but not limited to fire, floods, acts of God, acts or regulations of any government or supranational authority, war, riot, terrorist activities, strikes, lockouts and industrial disputes.
PRIVACY POLICY - Action Drama Studio adheres to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (as amended) (Privacy Act) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). Personal information will be gathered, stored, used and disclosed in accordance with current privacy legislation.