The undersigned hereby agrees to the following
1) I am participating in workshops, classes and/or competitions offered at or by Arrais Ballet LLC ("Arrais Ballet") during which I will receive information and instruction about ballet and other related activities.
2) I acknowledge and understand that ballet is an inherently risky activity and that my participation will require physical exertion that will be strenuous and may cause physical injury.
3) I may be subjected to a variety of hazards and risks, both foreseen or unforeseen, which may cause me to suffer physical or emotional injury, paralysis, death or damage to myself, to third parties or to property (collectively "Damages"). I acknowledge that such Damages can occur due to natural causes, negligence or intentional acts or omissions of Arrais Ballet, or the negligent or intentional acts or omissions of third parties and/or fellow participants. In consideration of the services of Arrais Ballet, I expressly agree and promise to accept and assume the risk of all such Damages, to include all related costs thereof, that occur during or in connection with my participation in any and all activities related to Arrais Ballet.
4) I acknowledge that ballet and all related activities require intense physical exertion that may be strenuous and may cause physical injury and therefore involve unique risks of Damages, and I am fully aware of the risks and hazards involved. I acknowledge the nature of sprung dance floors, "marley" floor covering, mobile floor barres, and other dance equipment, and the consequences of wearing ballet slippers, pointe shoes, socks, or bare feet and other related dance footwear, and I accept full responsibility for my own choice of footwear. I acknowledge that the description of these risks is not complete and that other unknown or unanticipated risks may result in Damages.
5) My participation is purely voluntary, and I elect to participate despite the risks. I am satisfied with the condition of Arrais Ballet's facility and hereby assume all the risks inherent in the activities there. I am not relying on any oral, written or visual representation made by Arrais Ballet to induce me to participate in ballet related activities. In consideration of the services of Arrais Ballet, I expressly agree and promise to assume the risk of all such Damages, to include all related costs thereof, which occur at Arrais Ballet in connection with my participation in any of Arrais Ballet's activities.
6) In consideration of being permitted to participate in Arrais Ballet's workshops, classes and/or competitions, I knowingly, voluntarily, and expressly waive any claim I may have against Arrais Ballet and instructors who teach at Arrais Ballet for injury or Damages that I may sustain as a result of participating in those activities.
7) I, on behalf of my heirs or legal representatives, forever release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue Arrais Ballet or instructors who teach at Arrais Ballet for any injury or death or other Damages caused by their actions or omissions, including their negligence.
8) I have read the above carefully and I fully understand its contents. I voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions stated above by signing below.
If Participant is under 18:
I, __________________________________ have read the above and I fully understand its contents. I voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions stated above by signing below.
I understand that as parent or guardian I will be contacted if medical attention is required during class time. If I cannot be reached, I hereby authorize an administrator of Arrais Ballet to arrange for treatment as necessary. I shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend Arrais Ballet, its officers, boards, agents, servants and employees, except in cases of willful misconduct and gross negligence on their part against any and all claims, actions, or suits brought for damages or alleged damages, and from all liability, loss and expense, including reasonable legal expenses, resulting from any injury to person or property or from loss of life sustained by my child while my child is a student at Arrais Ballet or while he/she is fulfilling a role in any Arrais Ballet production or event in which he/she has been invited to participate on or about Arrais Ballet's premises or any other venue where such activity is taking place. I agree I will not hold Arrais Ballet or any of its agents or instructors liable for any article lost or stolen while my student is at Arrais Ballet. I understand that in signing above, I am agreeing to accept all of the foregoing.