Welcome to Free My Muse Theatre Company!
I am 18 years of age or older.
I give permission for my child to be measured and fitted for costumes by costumers approved by the Artistic Director. I understand that during measurements or fittings, my child will be in close physical proximity to the costumer and I understand that all fittings, measurements and costuming will be conducted in a respectful, safe manner with privacy of most importance.
I recognize that all Free My Muse communication may come in email form and I give permission to receive emails from Free My Muse Theatre Company. Free My Muse Theatre Company will never share your contact information.
If a family chooses to discontinue classes at Free My Muse, a pro-rated refund shall be given with a deduction dependent on where the exit takes place during the year. Pro-rated refunds will not be given in semester-based classes after the third week of classes unless there are extenuating circumstances, in which case a credit will be provided. There is a $20 charge on any NSF Cheques and a 15% charge per month on outstanding balances past 30 days. If we experience the need to change our COVID-19 policies based on SHA recommendations or temporarily close our doors, we will immediately change to our online Zoom format with class content altering to best serve students learning and experiencing theatre online. If it is recommended that masking come into affect, Free My Muse will announce this change. Refunds or credits will not be given.
I, the guardian/parent, give permission for the above mentioned actor to be photographed or video-recorded by parents, students and the instructors of classes for memorabilia/keepsake/promotional purposes as well as by press or media PUBLICALLY promoting youth theatre and the arts. I am aware that my child’s name, voice and image may be used in press or media releases or articles as well as online, including Facebook and Instagram. I understand and accept responsibility for my child’s image and name and therefore destination of image and name used in photographs, video recordings, television news, articles and other online media or keepsake sources.
I understand that theatre and movement can be vigorous physical and emotional activities and I do not hold Instructors of Free My Muse Theatre Company, special guests or other class participants responsible for any injuries sustained during the rehearsals/classes and I understand that every possible measure is taken to ensure my child’s physical and emotional safety.
To receive emails from our registration portal, we need you to opt-in. We will never share your email address.