At Hallelujah Academy of Performing Arts (HAPA), we are committed to fostering a respectful, safe, and nurturing environment. This Code of Conduct outlines the expectations for students and parents/guardians to ensure a positive experience for everyone.
1. As a Christian organisation we uphold Christian values and morals. We expect students and
parents/guardians to respect and support these principles. Honesty and integrity are fundamental to our community.
2. Students are to arrive on time for classes. It minimises disruption and ensure participation in warm ups for health and safety. Please notify staff if you will be late.
3. Respect is paramount. Students must refrain from talking during teacher instructions. Disrespect toward teachers, staff, or the principal may result in removal from the class.
4. Parents/guardians are expected to respect and follow the guidance and direction of the class teacher.
5. Students are to remain in the designated waiting areas between classes unless using the amenities.
The surrounding buildings and carpark are not to be used for waiting or activities.
6. Primary school students must remain under direct parental/guardian supervision outside of class and may not leave the premises without a parent/guardian. High school students may leave the premises without a parent/guardian only with a signed permission form and teacher notification.
7. Parents/guardians are responsible for supervising young children’s trips to the toilet and for preventing or cleaning any mess made by children in their care. Failure to clean up undue mess may result in a cleaning fee.
8. Swearing, blasphemy, crude language, or inappropriate jokes or behavior are prohibited on the premises or while representing HAPA.
9. HAPA maintains a zero-tolerance policy for bullying, including but not limited to violence, harassment, intimidation, gossiping, mocking, or deliberate exclusion. Any violation may result in dismissal from the academy.
Dress Code
10. Appropriate and modest clothing needs to be worn on the premises and when representing HAPA.
Uniform t-shirt, plain black comfortable pants for movement and appropriate footwear for your class
are to be worn. Short shorts, midriff-revealing clothing, or immodest dress are not permitted. For dress-up days, a modest standard must be maintained.
11. Hair must be tied back and kept off the hair and face. Please see specific requirements for classes.
12. Excess jewellery must be removed during class. Sleepers and small studs are acceptable.
Social Media, Digital Devices & Intellectual Property
13. Phones and other digital devices must remain put away during class, rehearsals and performances.
14. Digital devices used on the premises or while representing HAPA must not display or share inappropriate content, including swearing, crude language, or offensive images. Misuse of devices may result in confiscation, requiring collection by a parent/guardian.
15. Photos of performance costumes are only allowed to be posted on social media after the final
performance or with prior approval from the HAPA principal.
16. All HAPA shows, content, original songs, and routines remain the intellectual property of the academy and may not be used outside the academy without written permission from the principal. Posting of scenes, songs, or routines on social media requires prior approval.
Financial Commitments, Communication and Conflict Resolution
17. Parents/guardians are responsible for timely payment of fees. Fees are compulsory.
18. Concerns or behavioral issues should be addressed by scheduling a meeting with the HAPA principal. Interrupting classes disrupts students and the academy’s operations and is not permitted.
19. HAPA reserves the right to ask students or parents/guardians to leave the class or academy for inappropriate behavior. Respect toward teachers, staff, students, and fellow parents/guardians is essential at all times.