To minimize crowding and reduce the spread of illness, spectators are not allowed inside the studio, except for parents/guardians of young dancers on their first day of class. Learning new skills in a pressure-free environment without feeling watched or on display helps students focus and gain confidence.
Students should stay home if experiencing any illness symptoms, including fever (99.9°F+), cold, flu, COVID-19 symptoms, vomiting, diarrhea, or severe cough. Hand washing and sanitizer use are encouraged upon entry and after class. Masks are optional unless otherwise directed by CDC guidelines.
Students in performing classes with mild injuries should attend class and participate as they are able. Otherwise, they should observe the class to avoid falling behind on choreography.
Dancers must arrive dressed and ready for class.
Attire: Form-fitting, movement-friendly clothing (e.g., t-shirts, leggings). No jeans.
Footwear: Appropriate dance shoes per style of class or socks/barefoot (no street shoes on the dance floor).
Hair: Must be secured away from the face. Hair ties are available when forgotten for $1 (first time) and $3 (subsequent times).
Dresses/skirts: Must be worn with shorts, leggings, or a leotard/tights combo underneath. Loaner shorts are available for use with a $3 charge if needed.
Jewelry: No loose or dangling jewelry.
Hygiene: Including but not limited to clean, odor-free clothing and deodorant use as needed. No strong fragrances allowed.
Food and drinks (except water) are prohibited unless for special events. Gum is never permitted. Dancers must bring a full water bottle; there is no water fountain on site. Dancers who forget water will be given bottled water for $1 (first time) and $3 (subsequent times).
Dancers should arrive on time to participate in warm-ups to help prevent injury. Regular weekly attendance is required for those performing in shows and recitals. Poor attendance may result in exclusion from performances and/or specific dance numbers. It is the dancer's responsibility to learn missed choreography, which may require private lessons.
Drop-ins are allowed for teen/adult classes based on availability. Individual class registration must be completed online at least 2 hours before class.
Children 10 and under must be picked up at the door by their guardian. A late pick-up fee of $10 per 5 minutes applies. Staff are not responsible for unattended children outside the studio. If a child is not picked up after class, staff will contact the emergency contact and provide instructions.
Dancers and parents/guardians must follow our studio code of conduct at all times.
Dancers and parents/guardians must conduct themselves with integrity, respect, and proper conduct at all times.
Respectful behavior is expected toward dancers, parents/guardians, staff, and the facility.
Talking should be minimal during class to maintain focus.
Disruptive and/or disrespectful behavior will result in warnings, parental/guardian contact, and potential removal from class. Repeat offenses may result in dismissal from the studio.
Gossip, bullying (physical, emotional, or cyber), and disrespect will not be tolerated and may lead to dismissal.
Parent/Guardian or student disrespect or defamation toward any parent/guardian, staff member, or student will result in a meeting and dismissal may be considered at the discretion of the studio owner.
Dancers must refrain from touching mirrors and curtains, or hanging on ballet barres.
Any damage to the facility caused by negligence is the participant’s responsibility to replace.
If a dancer refuses to follow directions or is disrespectful to the teacher or classmates, they will receive a verbal warning from the instructor.
If the behavior continues, the dancer may be asked to sit out of class temporarily.
In the case of multiple incidents, the studio will send an email to the dancer’s parent/guardian to discuss the issue and potential solutions.
If there is continued misconduct, Dynamic Dance staff will arrange an in-person meeting with the parents to determine further action, which may include dismissal from the studio.
Tuition must be paid in full before participating in classes and performances. Tuition in inclusive of registration fees, class fees, recital fees, and any applicable costume fees.
Tuition is an annual amount based on a 10-month dance year (Sep-June) and is billed as 10 equal monthly installments. Dancers joining mid-season will have a prorated tuition based on their start date.
Payments are due on the 1st of each month via autopay. Cash/check payments must be received by the 25th of the prior month or card on file will be charged on the 1st of the month.
A $10 late fee applies for payments not received by the 10th day of the month.
Tuition remains the same each month regardless of classes attended or classes not held due to holidays, weather closures, or teacher absences.
Performing dancers required to pay $35 recital fee and applicable costume fees.
Tuition and fees are NON-REFUNDABLE.
Dynamic Dance LLC reserves the right to reconcile any negligent tuition and or fees.
A 30-day written notice via email is required to drop a class. If withdrawing from a full class, the spot is forfeited.
Classes/class schedules may be changed or canceled by Dynamic Dance LLC based on teacher availability or low enrollment.
Participation in fundraising events is encouraged to support Dynamic Dance LLC initiatives.
Dancers under the age of 18 are not permitted to contact staff directly via phone, text, email, or social media. Dancers 18+ years old and guardians of minor dancers must only communicate with staff through designated and approved communications channels such as the studio email, studio text number, or studio managed WhatsApp groups. Personal contact information such as phone number, email address, or social media usernames should not be exchanged between teachers and dancers/guardians.
Dancers/Guardians grant permission to Dynamic Dance LLC to contact them via email and/or text.
Dynamic Dance LLC does not discriminate based on race, religion, gender, national origin, age, sexual orientation, disability, age, or any protected category.
By participating, dancers and parents grant permission, free of charge, for photos and/or videos to be taken and used for promotional purposes including but not limited to print, digital, and social media. Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis in the event that publicized images may be of harm or danger to the participant.
In-class videos for choreography practice must be kept within the class participants and must not be shared on social media.
Dynamic Dance LLC has implemented measures to reduce COVID-19 risks but cannot guarantee safety. By attending, participants assume all risks related to exposure and release Dynamic Dance LLC from any liability.
Participants/Guardians must comply with the current Parent Handbook policies.
Dynamic Dance LLC policies and procedures are subject to change and will be updated via the online Parent Handbook.
Participant/Participant's Guardian recognizes that there are certain inherent risks associated with attending Dynamic Dance LLC and assumes full responsibility for personal injury to themselves and further release and discharge Dynamic Dance LLC, its officers, employees, faculty, directors, owners, subcontractors and agents, for injury, loss, or damage arising out of Participant/Participant's family’s use of or presence upon the facilities or events held by/of Dynamic Dance LLC, whether caused by the fault of Participant, participant's family, Dynamic Dance LLC, or other third parties.
Participant/Guardian assumes full responsibility for personal injury and releases Dynamic Dance LLC, its employees, and agents from liability. In the event of injury, participants authorize Dynamic Dance LLC to seek necessary medical treatment at the participant’s expense.
Participants agree to hold harmless and indemnify Dynamic Dance LLC and its representatives from any claims, damages, or expenses arising from participation in studio activities.