To limit the number of people inside the facility at one time and to minimize the spread of viruses, spectators are not allowed inside the studio (with the exception of parents/guardians of young dancers on their first day of class). It can be intimidating for students to try to learn a new skill while being watched, and we don't want our dancers to feel any pressure of being on display as they learn and practice new skills.
Basic Health Reminder: Please keep your student home if they demonstrate any type of illness including: Fever over 99.9, Cold or Flu Symptoms, Runny Nose, or Cough. Anyone who has symptoms of COVID-19, or a known exposure to a COVID-19 infected person shall adhere to the current CDC recommendations of isolation before returning to the studio. All students and staff will be encouraged to wash their hands and/or use hand sanitizer upon the entry of the facility and after participation in class. Masks are optional unless otherwise directed by the current CDC standards.
Dancers must come dressed, ready to dance with shoes on prior to the start of their class. The restroom is available for changing if needed.
Clothing should be well fitting and designed for movement such as t-shirt and leggings; no jeans. Appropriate shoes or footwear for each style of dance the dancer is participating in are required or dancers may choose to dance in their socks or barefoot; no street shoes allowed on dance floor.
Hair must be secured away from face. No loose or dangling jewelry is permitted to be worn during class. A charge will be applied to your account for hair tie provided to dancers who do not have their hair pulled back at $1 for the first times and $3 per each remaining time.
Dancers who wear dresses or skirts to class must wear shorts, leggings, or a leotard/tights combo underneath. Dancers who are sent to class without proper undergarments under dresses/skirts will be given loaner leggings to wear for the day and will incur a $3 usage fee per incident.
Proper hygiene is required, including but not limited to clean and odor free clothing and the use of deodorant as needed. No strong perfumes, colognes, or body sprays are permitted in the studio.
Food and drinks (other than water) are prohibited in the studio except for special events. Dancers must bring water with them to class as the studio does not have a drinking fountain. Bottled water is available at the studio for a fee for dancers who forget to bring water. A charge will be applied to your account for water bottle provided to dancers who forget to bring water to class at $1 for the first times and $3 per each remaining time.
Participants should arrive to each class on time to ensure they are ready to begin at the start time. All participants are expected to be punctual. It is imperative that all dancers participate in warm-up to ensure that their body is ready for physical activity. If a dancer misses warm-up, it could lead to an unnecessary injury.
All participants interested in performing at shows and recitals are expected to attend classes weekly. Poor attendance may result in exclusion from specific performances.
Younger participants (10 years old and under) must be picked up at the door after class and will not be released to walk to the parking lot on their own.
Dynamic Dance LLC retains the right to charge for time a staff member is required to wait with a participant after class for a late pickup, up to $10 for every 5 minutes your child is left waiting. It is not the staff's responsibility to watch your children who are waiting outside the studio. If the participant's pick up person does not arrive, and the staff member must leave the site with your child, a message will be left with the student's emergency contact with the details and pick up instructions.
Participant/Participant's Guardian agrees to the following: Every individual is expected to conduct themselves to the highest integrity, respect, and proper conduct at all times.
Dancers are expected to treat their peers, staff, and the facility with the utmost respect. Parents will be consulted if a student is exhibiting poor behavior.
Dancers should refrain from touching the curtains or mirrors and should not swing or hang on ballet barres.
As a matter of respect for dance peers and the teacher, dancers are to keep talking to a minimum during class and participate fully in the class.
Dancers who consistently refuse to follow directions, are disrespectful to the teacher and/or their classmates may be asked to sit out of class. The teacher will give the student a warning in class at the time of the first infraction. If the behavior continues a second time the studio will email the parents to discuss a solution. If the behavior continues to be a problem the student might be asked to drop the class. Dynamic Dance staff will call the parents to meet in person if this is the case.
If a parent/guardian or student shows disrespect or defamation to any parent, staff member, or student, a meeting will be called immediately and dismissal may be considered at the discretion of the studio owner.
Gossiping of clients, parents, students, employees, faculty or directors is prohibited. Physical, mental, emotional or cyber bullying by parents, staff or students will not be tolerated and may result in dismissal from the studio. Any harassment, profanity, physical and/or verbal abuse, falsification or misrepresentation of facts, insubordination, disrespect, rudeness, and/or any behavior deemed inappropriate by the directors is grounds for dismissal from the Dynamic Dance LLC program or events at any time.
Participant agrees to observe and obey all posted rules and warnings, and further agrees to follow any instruction or directions given by Dynamic Dance LLC, its officers, employees, faculty, directors, owners, subcontractors, and agents of Dynamic Dance LLC. I agree to pay for all damages to the facilities of Dynamic Dance LLC caused by any negligent, reckless, or willful actions by me or my family.
Dynamic Dance LLC requires all tuition payments to be made in full prior to participating in class and performances. Tuition in inclusive of registration fees, class fees, recital fees, and any applicable costume fees.
Annual tuition amounts for the Sep-June dance year are broken up into 10-monthly installment payments known as "tuition." Dancers joining mid-season will have a prorated tuition based on their start date. Monthly autopay payments are due and will be processed on the 1st of each month. Any failed payment processes will be required to be remedied within 10 days of the due date or will be assessed a $10 late fee.
All dance families must have a form of autopay on file. You may choose to set your autopay as a credit, debit, ACH, or GooglePay payments via the Studio Portal. If you choose to pay by cash or check, payment must be received by the 25th of the month prior to the 1st of the month tuition due date. If cash or check payment is not received by the 25th, your card on file will be charged on the 1st.
All students are invoiced monthly based on a 10 month dance year so your invoice will be the same each term unless you change classes. If you decide to withdraw from classes mid-term for any reason, you will still be charged for the entire invoiced period. If you wish to withdraw from classes at Dynamic Dance, it is a requirement that you notify the studio in writing at least 30 days prior to your drop date to avoid being charged the following month's tuition.
Tuition remains the same each month regardless of classes attended or classes not held due to holiday or teacher absence.
Dynamic Dance LLC tuition policies are subject to change. Dynamic Dance LLC reserves the right to cancel or change classes based on discretion. Dynamic Dance LLC reserves the right to reconcile any negligent tuition and or fees. Tuition and fees processed are NON-REFUNDABLE.
Performing dancers will also be required to pay a $35 per student recital fee and any relevant costume fees. Participant's account must be at a zero balance in order to be allowed to participate in performances.
Teen/Adult classes allow drop in participation based on class space available. Drop in students must sign up for individual classes online at least 2 hrs prior to class start time.
Participants are encouraged to participate in Dynamic Dance LLC fundraiser events including helping to raise funds, hosting fundraising events at the studio, and donating to fundraisers as they are able.
A 30-day written notice via email is required to drop a class or withdraw from Dynamic Dance LLC. Verbal notices will not be recognized. If the withdrawal is not received 30 days prior to the first of the month, the account holder will be responsible for the tuition of the dropped classes, regardless of attendance. Dynamic Dance LLC does not issue refunds for missed classes. If the participant chooses to withdraw from a class and that class is full, the participant forfeits their spot in said class. If a class they want to take is full, the participant will be placed on the waitlist. Classes are subject to change. Participant understands and agrees that Dynamic Dance LLC reserves the right to cancel or change any or all classes based on discretion including change in teacher schedules and low class registration.
Participant shall not discriminate based on race, religion, color, sex, marital status, family status, national origin, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender bias, source of income, or political affiliation in programs, activities, events, services, benefits or employment, or any other classification by law.
I understand and agree that parents, guardians, and students of Dynamic Dance LLC automatically grant permission, free of charge, to usages for their photos and videos for advertising and publicity purposes, inclusive of print advertising, educational videos, social media, television, video taping, or film broadcast in connection with promotional campaigns. Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis in the event that publicized images may be of harm or danger to the participant.
Videos taken in class and distributed to dancers for the purpose of learning and practicing choreography must be kept within the class participants. These in-class videos may not be shared on social media. Videos taken for the purpose of social media will be explicitly described as such prior to filming.
Participant/Participant's Guardian agrees to comply with information provided in the Parent Handbook.
Dynamic Dance LLC has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19; however, Dynamic Dance LLC cannot guarantee that participants will not become infected with COVID-19 or suffer injury/death from wearing a face mask. By signing this agreement, I as the Participant/Participant's Guardian acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily assume the risk that participants may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 or injured by wearing a face mask by attending Dynamic Dance LLC and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and death. Participant voluntarily agrees to assume all of the foregoing risks and accept sole responsibility for any injury (including, but not limited to, personal injury, disability, and death), illness, damage, loss, claim, liability, or expense, of any kind. Participant hereby releases, covenants not to sue, discharges, and holds harmless Dynamic Dance LLC its employees, agents, and representatives, of and from the claims, including all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs or expenses of any kind arising out of or relating thereto. I understand and agree that this release includes any claims based on the actions, omissions, or negligence of Dynamic Dance LLC, its employees, agents, and representatives, whether a COVID-19 infection occurs before, during, or after participation in the program.
Participant/Participant's Guardian recognizes that there are certain inherent risks associated with attending Dynamic Dance LLC and assumes full responsibility for personal injury to themselves and further release and discharge Dynamic Dance LLC, its officers, employees, faculty, directors, owners, subcontractors and agents, for injury, loss or damage arising out of my or my family's use of or presence upon the facilities or events held by/of Dynamic Dance LLC, whether caused by the fault of myself, my family, Dynamic Dance LLC or other third parties. In the event of an injury to the participant during any and all activities or events, Participant/Participant's Guardian gives permission to Dynamic Dance LLC, its officers, employees, faculty, directors, owners, subcontractors and agents to arrange for all necessary medical treatment for which Participant/Participant's Guardians shall be financially responsible. This authority will begin on the day of registration and will remain in effect until terminated in writing by the undersigned. Dynamic Dance LLC shall have the following powers: a. The power to seek appropriate medical treatment or attention on behalf of the participant as may be required by the circumstances, including without limitation, that of a licensed medical and/or hospital; b. The power to authorize medical treatment or medical procedure in an emergency situation; c. The power to make appropriate decisions regarding clothing, body nourishment and shelter.
Participant/Participant's Guardians shall defend, save hold harmless, and indemnify Dynamic Dance LLC, its officers, employees, faculty, directors, owners, subcontractors and agents from and against all claims, suit, actions, losses, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses, including attorney fees and other litigation costs, of any nature whatsoever resulting from arising out of or relating to the activities and events of participants under this contract.