Jennifer’s Jazz IT UP, Jennifer Mercer, teachers, contractors, administrators, staff, fellow dancers/families, the Mercer family and anyone affiliated with Jennifer’s Jazz IT UP Studio of Dance or JJIU assumes no responsibility for accident, injuries or aggravation of pre-existing injury or illnesses in the class, on the premises or during any off-site trips, parades, performances or competitions. I hereby certify that the participant is in good physical condition and able to participate fully in this program. I waive, release and discharge all rights and claims I may have against Jennifer’s Jazz It Up Studio of Dance, Private Training Academy, JJIU, Empower Talent, Empower Music (CJ Huyer), Jennifer Mercer, the Mercer family, dancers, it’s owners, Jennifer Mercer, employees, choreographers, photographers, administrators and anyone affiliated with as well as the premises and the property owners. Negative attitudes will not be tolerated. Any breach of studio policies may result in being released from the studio with no refund. No Refunds will be given after 3 dance classes have been taken. A $100, plus HST cancellation fee, as well as processing fees, will apply to anyone requiring a refund. Past-due accounts will NOT be tolerated. All NSF cheques are subject to a $100.00 NSF fee. Payment for returned payments must be in cash and include the $100.00 NSF charge. All accounts that are 10 days in arrears will be charged a 15% late fee, compounded per month. Costume Deposits will not be refunded. Registration of any/all classes at the studio is a 1 year commitment that is non-transferrable and non-refundable. By signing this registration, and participating in a minimum of 3 classes the signer is personally responsible for all costs (eg. Costumes/Lessons) related to the 1 year (Sept. – May/June) commitment of classes, performances and competition fees. This includes commitments agreed to verbally, digitally, written or otherwise.
For Competitive students: Any additional costs agreed to verbally, digitally, written or otherwise by the parent/guardian outside of the stated studio competitive team fees are the sole responsibility of the signer/ parent/ guardian (i.e. competition fees, choreo fees, makeup, team wear, etc.) Failure to comply with payment arrangements may result in your account being sent to collections, late fees or legal action. Music, concepts, choreography, and costumes are JJIU's property. All prize winnings are the property of JJIU. You do not have the right to contact or solicit JJIU students, parents or staff to encourage termination. The client base is the property of Jennifer’s Jazz IT UP, any breach of this may result in legal action. If you sign up and cancel, but the studio has already paid deposits for shows, costumes or competitions, you will be responsible for paying the full amount.
You are registering for an in-person class. In the event a required lockdown/stay-at-home order goes into effect due to a pandemic or another natural disaster, threat to society, or other, we will make every attempt to run classes via virtual classes or online tutorials. There will be no refunds or tuition prorating or credits given. All payments will still be required.
Jennifer’s Jazz IT UP, it's owners, staff and fellow patrons assume no liability. In the event that classes cannot be held at the studio, classes will convert to virtual classes. No refunds or credits will be issued. Please register at your own risk.
I acknowledge that the $85.00 costume deposit is a partial payment towards the final payment. Final payment is due when the costumes come in.
The studio will be closed for all holidays, March Break, Easter, Chrsitmas, long weekends. Unless otherwise stated. These closures have been taken into consideration when doing the payment information.
I give permission for Jennifer’s Jazz IT UP studio of dance/Private Training Academy, studio affiliates (choreographers, teachers, photographers, videographers to use photographs/videos of my child for promotional use in the newspaper, brochures, magazines, websites, social media, Facebook, IG, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube and any other marketing, as well as displays for JJIU / Empower Talent, Music, Sports.
I agree to respect the privacy of the Mercer family and their home. I will limit my visit to the studio premises only. I will be respectful of the neighbours and enter the premises with caution as this is a residential property. No refunds or credits will be issued. Please register at your own risk.