1. Tuition is calculated based on how many hours of instruction a dancer takes per week. Classes meet weekly, and the tuition is paid monthly. The tuition prices shown is cost per month, NOT per class. Tuition is non-refundable and non transferable. 2. Students are not eligible for refunds on tuition for missed classes. They are allowed to attend a make-up class within 2 weeks of their absence for illness or family emergencies only. 3. I will not hold LM Premier or its instructor(s), staff or volunteers liable for any injuries that is a result of participation in dance class or studio events. 4. All students are guaranteed a total of 33-35 weeks of instruction for the season. The studio will be closed for the Christmas, Thanksgiving and Spring Break and there will be no refunds or make-up classes scheduled for these holiday breaks. 5. For the professionalism and safety of our dancers, all students are required to wear proper dance clothes and shoes to class. Please visit our website www.LMPremierdance.com for our class dress code. 6. I give LM Premier the right and permission to film, photograph, or video tape for any reproduction or advertisement. I give LM Premier the right and permission to film, photography or videotape for training and quality control purposes.