Payment Policy 2024-2025
New Plymouth Classes (Aug/Sept-May)
Tuition Rates & Fees
Registration Fee (All Classes except Summer Rec): $20 per student / max $40 per family (Non-Refundable)
Late Fee: Tuition payments made after the 8th of each month will be charged a $10 late fee per student. Sign up for Autopay to avoid any late fees.
Recreational Classes:
Commitment is by Session; Performing is optional during the Session. Each Session has 13-16 classes. Sessions are billed over 3-4 months. (No December or May Tuition for Rec) Session I Sept 3rd-Dec 12th; Session II Jan 7th-May 2nd
Class - Rec Level - Pre-Req, Ages (Grade) by Sept. 1st - Session Dates - Length - Monthly Tuition (paid by the 8th)
-Tater Gems - ------- - None, 4-6 yrs (PreK-K) - 30 min - $35
-Little Gems - Rec 1 - None, 6-8 yrs (1st-3rd) - 30 min - $35
-----> see Sapphires - Ages 9-11 – –
-Rare Gems - Rec 1-2 - None, 12+ yrs (6th-up) - 45 min - $40
Performance T-shirt: Basic $15+, Juniors Fitted $20+ (GC t-shirts are required for performances. Performing is not required for Rec classes.) Onyx II Performance or Comp Costume as determined by class in addition to T-shirt; $TBD
Performance/Comp Classes:
Commitment is by year from Sept to May + Performances in Summer
Class Name - Skill Level - Pre-Req, Ages, by Sept. 1st - Class - Length - Monthly Tuition (paid by the 8th)
-Sapphires - Novice - Exp. Req’d for Ages 7-8; None for Ages 9-11y - 45 min - $45
-Rubies - Beginning 1 - Exp. Req’d and approval; for Ages 8-12yrs - 60 min - $50
-Onyx - Intermediate 1-2 - Exp. Req.; 12+ yrs (6th-up) - 60 min - $50
Recommended Solos Videos Online $20
Costume Fee: $90-$100 estimated max (1 Costume; We will look for lower cost costumes first)
Extra Team Practice Fee as needed: $10 each (if needed; 45-60 min each)
(Optional) Comp Fees if they choose to compete: $21-22 per event (1 local comp and chance to go to Nationals in Utah. Optional)
Competition Team Classes:
Commitment is by year from Mid-August to May + Competitions + Performances in Summer
Class Name - Comp Level - Pre-Requisites - Class - Length - Extra Class Length once per month - Total Monthly Tuition (includes Solos Class)
-Jades - Beginning II - 1-3 Yrs clog, Tryout - 60 min - 60min/mo - $55
(Required) 1 Monthly Extra Class: Beginning: 60min once per month; Included in Tuition
(Required if dancing Solos) Solos Videos Online or DVD $20
Costume Fees: $90 to $150 estimated max; either 1 costume or combo; We will look for lower cost costumes first.
Competition Fees: $20-21 per event (2-3 competitions; at least 3-4 events at each)
-Pearls/Emeralds - Intermediate I / II - 2 Year comp, Tryout - 60 min - 60-75min/mo - $55
-Boys Team - Advanced - -add on to Emeralds; placed - 30 min - ------- - $10 (additional)
-Topaz - Advanced - 3+Years comp, Tryout - 90 min - 90-105min/mo - $65
-Champ Prep - Championship - -add on to Topaz; placed - 30 min - --- - $10 (additional)
-Diamonds - Championship/Pro - 4+Years comp, Tryout - 120 min - 90-120min/mo - $75
(Required) 1 Monthly Extra Class: Intermediate: 60min once per month; Adv: 90min; Champ/Pro: 90-120min once per month; All Included in Tuition
(Required if dancing Solos) Solos Videos Online or DVD $20
Costume Fees: $90-$100 estimated max per costume (Pearls & Emeralds 1-2 Costumes; Topaz 2-3, Diamonds 2-4)
(Some pieces may be mixed and matched to lower cost such as using the same pants for 2+ dances.)
Comp. Fees: $21-22 per event (at least 3 competitions; Pearls-Emeralds at least 3-4 events at each; Topaz-Diamonds at least 3-6 events at each)
Discounts & Credits
Family Discounts: (Can be combined)
All Classes Family Discount: $10 off monthly tuition for each additional immediate family member! (Sept-May only)
Competition Class Family Discount: Additional $10 off monthly tuition for each additional immediate comp team family member! (2 Comp members= $10 off)
Adult Class Parent Discount: Additional $10 off tuition for each parent participating in the Adult Class! (Must have at least 1 student active in any class)
Friend Referrals: $20 credit to your account for each Friend Referral! (Friend must pay Registration and 1 month’s tuition)
Tuition Policies:
Tuition Due Date: Tuition payments are due the 1st of the month. Payments made after the 8th will be charged a $10 late fee.
Payment will not be waived for any reason. You will be required to pay regardless of attendance.
Full tuition is charged each month; Comp: Sept-May; Rec: Sept-Nov, Jan-Apr. If you decide to quit, tuition is charged through the month you contact us.
A fee of $25 will be charged to your account for a returned check or chargebacks.
Private Lessons
$25 per 30 minutes. Private lessons for make-up of missed classes, extra help with team dances, and polishing only of individual dances or duets can be scheduled with a teacher or required by the director if needed. Any choreography required will be charged a separate rate (Freestyles, A Cappellas, Duets). Sharing of Private Lesson time between more than 1 dancer will be charged a separate rate determined by the instructor based on how many dancers and what is needed in the lesson.
Tuition Payment Options
Payments made after the 8th of each month will be considered late and charged a $10 late fee. Sign up for Autopay to avoid any late fees.
-AutoPay by Credit Card on file. (Preferred) Avoid late fees! We charge your credit card the balance of the current Monthly Tuition due every month with our secure, online program. Visit and click the “Member Log-in” or “Log-in & Register” buttons and follow the instructions.
-Pay Online manually with Credit Card. (Permission by Director) Accounts which fall behind on tuition will be required to sign up for AutoPay. Visit and click the “Member Log-in” or “Log-in & Register” buttons and follow the instructions.
-Pay Tuition in person or by mail. (Permission by Director) You may pay in person by either Cash, Check or Credit Card with permission of the Director. Accounts which fall behind on tuition will be required to sign up for AutoPay. Cash or checks may be placed inside our payment box at the studio. If placing cash in the payment box, please seal it in an envelope with your clogger’s name on it. Receipts for cash and check payments are emailed to you once the payment is posted to your account.
Mailing Address for Checks Only:
Gem Cloggers, 803 S Plymouth Ave, New Plymouth, ID 83655
Clogging Shoes
We sell New & Used clogging shoes and also take Trade-ins for used ones!
-Recreational Classes: Black or White Tap/Clogging Shoes (Clogging taps not required; can usually be added later depending on shoe)
-Novice through Beginning Performance & Competition Teams: Recommended to use leather-lace ups. Strap or Ribbon-tie shoes are ok for girls. Clogging taps on at least the toes are required. Normal taps on heels ok. Beginning Only - white is required.)*
-Intermediate Competition Teams: New- Now required to use white split-sole shoes when you are ready to practice toe steps when approved by the director. Toe Steps will not be used in any Intermediate competition events as toe steps are penalized in the Intermediate Level. Our Int cloggers will need these shoes to begin preparing and training for -Advanced level Toe Steps during their Intermediate classes when they are ready. Otherwise they may use the white leather lace-up style until then.*
-Advanced through Pro Comp Teams: White split-sole clogging shoes are required.*
*All cloggers who are competing Beg-Pro levels are required to have (new or used) White clogging shoes that are approved by the Director.
Costume Fees: ---->Once costumes are ordered you are responsible for the cost even if you do not continue with classes.
All prices include alterations and 6% Idaho Sales Tax. We make sure they fit and maintain a certain standard of modesty. We often add capris or leotards to complete the costume thus increasing the cost. Most teams will require tights at an additional cost.
All Competition teams MUST purchase a specific brand and color tights from our studio. Beg-Pro teams may also need to purchase a separate leotard.
Please refer to the front page for individual class costume fees. The initial fee is due upon registration. Payment arrangements can be made with us. Multiple deposits are required for some competition teams. In the event of an overcharge, a credit will be posted to your account or a refund issued (only for accounts that are current).
Extra Team Practice Fees (Performance & Competition Teams Only)
Performance Teams may have Extra Team Practices if needed. Competition Team members will be required to have Extra Team Practices at least once per month. These will be billed during the month they are scheduled to take place.
-Sapphires and Rubies: $10 each practice (if needed, 45-60 min each)
-All Beg 2-Pro Comp Teams: One Monthly Extra Practice is required and will be scheduled as to the team’s availability. Fee is included in monthly Tuition. If any more team practices are needed beyond 1 per month, $10-20 each additional practice will be charged. 60-120min each. Attendance is required and no discounts for missing will be given.
Statements and Newsletters
By default, statements and newsletters will be e-mailed to you each month at the address(es) specified on your online Gem Cloggers account.
Electronic Signature
By accepting this form online I acknowledge that I have read the 2024-2025 payment policy and agree to pay Gem Cloggers as is described therein.*