Medical, Image Waiver and Liability Release
A. I understand that by taking part in this dance class and/or performance, there is a possibility of injury or sickness to my daughter's/son; therefore, I give my permission for my daughter/son to participate in the dance class and/or performance at/with Variations, a dancer's studio and do hereby grant permission to hospital staff members to administer immediate treatment to my child should she/he be injured.
B. I give permission Variations, a dancer's studio to use images of myself and my child to promote their programs and activities.
C. I also agree to hold harmless the owners of 180 Spring Road, Huntington, NY , Variations, a dancer's studio, and its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all loss, cost, damage, injury, claims or cause of actions of every nature whatsoever incurred as a result of my child's participation in the dance class or camp or any related activity. I understand that tuition is non-refundable.