We are immensely grateful to have the opportunity to work with such a wonderful community of dancers and families. In order to maintain a calm and pleasant atmosphere at the dance studio, we are introducing the following Code of Conduct.
A reminder to all dancers and parents that our staff put in a lot of work to support our students and to cultivate a positive environment at the studio. Please treat our staff with the same respect and kindness you expect from us.
Any person in contravention of our Code of Conduct will be asked to leave the studio. Issues that occur repeatedly may result in removal from classes.
1. OIDC is a safe space free from discrimination, harassment, bullying and violence. The studio has a zero-tolerance policy towards such behaviours, and any student parent or teacher who display such behaviours will be dismissed from the school. This includes disrespectful comments or tone of voice used when interacting with our staff.
2. Parents or dancers who have questions, issues or comments to discuss with the teacher are asked to email the school administrators and schedule a phone call if needed. Class time is for dance instruction.
3. All bags, coats and boots must be stored in the vestibule during class time. No personal items shall be left at the studio, and no outdoor shoes may be worn.
4. Students and parents are responsible for their belongings. Do not bring valuables into the studio or sitting area. OIDC is not responsible for lost, stolen, or misplaced property. Our lost and found bin, located near the main door, will be emptied periodically and the contents donated.
5. Parents, caregivers, and siblings are not to enter the studio while class is in session. Parents may wait in the sitting area, however no loud noise is permitted while class is in session. The dance teacher may ask any person who is distracting from the class to leave our space.
6. Dance teachers often need to raise their voices in order to be heard by all students. No parent or dancer is permitted to raise their voice in the studio for any reason.
7. Studio B in the basement is accessed through Studio A, therefore students will do their best to be quiet and respectful of classes that are in session while crossing the floor to enter Studio B.
8. The studio will open 10 minutes prior to the first class of the day; children are not to be left unattended until class starts.
9. Washroom spaces are to be respected. Students are expected to use the garbage provided and to tidy up after themselves.
10. The studio and all equipment must be respected. The mirrors and any fitness equipment are not to be played with. Should any person intentionally damage studio property, that person shall be responsible for repairing the damage at their own expense.
11. No smoking allowed in the studio or sitting room.
12. We are proud to be a peanut and nut free space. Please try to avoid bringing food to dance but if you need to please clean up after yourself.
13. Younger students are not allowed to leave the dance studio alone or wait outside for a parent to pick them up.