I understand that enrollment is for the entire session selected, and I accept responsibility for the total fee regardless of attendance. I understand that online registration is through enrollment in Auto-pay in my Parent Portal in Dance Studio Pro (DSP). If I prefer to make my payment off line, my check or cash must be received five days prior to the 1st of the month to allow posting to my account. I understand that if the schedule needs modification, or if any of my assigned classes do not the meet minimum enrollment, it may be necessary to adjust my class schedule. If extended closure of the physical location is required, classes will be provided virtually. I accept the safety efforts in place by the school to reduce the possibility of the spread of any illness and agree to the requirements for participants. I understand the natural risks involved with my participation in this or any physical activity and I release this school and it’s staff from all liability, loss and damages. I understand and agree to the policies of this school. I understand that some classes may be recorded for education purposes and give my permission for my/my child’s image to be used for media promotion.