Welcome to our Online Portal

Please reference this portal to view your account history, class schedule, check the class notes for your dancer or to make a payment! If you are an existing students please LOGIN. If you are a new student or interested in a trial, please REGISTER!
-When taking a Jazz, Lyrical, Modern or a Turns & Jumps class a BALLET class is required for enrollment.
-When taking Musical Theatre Level II-V or Latin Jazz Level II-III, a BALLET class is required for enrollment. Level I classes have no class requirement.
-When taking Tap, Hip Hop, Precision & Poms, or an Acro/Tumbling class, there is no additional class requirement.
-When registering you will automatically be enrolled in the monthly installment plan, FIRST & LAST month tuition will be automatically billed for your first payment. After that you will automatically be billed the monthly tuition rate.
-To enroll in a HALF or FULL YEAR payment plan please contact the office at 732-549.2244.
-The annual registration fee is $30 per individual, $50 for families of 2 or more (residing at the same address.)
-Should you decide to discontinue a class, MDC requires a written notice 30 days in advance in order to assure proper credit on our tuition account. Please understand that you will still be responsible for all tuition and fees until your withdrawal notice is attached to your child's file. Tuition fees are non-refundable.
-No refunds or adjustments for absences for any reason (illness, vacation, holidays, etc) Instead, you are welcome to take up to 4 make-up classes per class enrolled!
Our Annual end of the year Recital performance is a special event which students and parents look forward to with great anticipation! Students are given the chance to perform some of what they have learned in class on stage in costume, with professional lights, audience, and- of course- applause! Our Annual Recital is always one of the first 2 weekends June. It is not mandatory for our students to participate in the recital, however, we must be notified by November 15th if you choose not to participate.
-Purchase a costume and all needed accessories from the studio. A costume deposit will confirm your recital commitment and will be due in November.
-Attend all assigned rehearsals and recital dates. Excessive absenteeism may withdraw a student from recital participation and no refunds will be given for costumes or tuition.