Welcome to CSOD login page

Welcome to CSOD
CSOD is a family run company that will provide your child with quality technical training. We are delighted to have you/your child begin/continue their dance journey with us.
Enrolling with CSOD all parents/guardians and students agree to abide by the following rules and regulations set out below.
1.1 By enrolling with CSOD you agree that you are over 18 years of age and are either a parent/guardian of the student you are enrolling or a student yourself.
1.2 The registration payment must be paid in full in order for your enrolment to be processed. Unpaid enrolments will not have their place held if classes were to fill prior to payment being made.
1.3 All enrolments are to be completed honestly and legally by the parent/guardian or student and hereby releases any directors, teachers or staff of CSOD from any claims of damages or injuries sustained whilst participating in any activity related to CSOD in and out of the studio environment.
1.4 Cecchetti Ballet exam students who are studying Grade 4 syllabus and greater, OR aged 7 (from 1st May) years must enrol into PBT.
1.5 In the event we start a group competition team - students will be offered a place in our competition teams and must comply with their contracts and enrol in required classes.
1.6 If CSOD does not offer a particular style/class you may enrol elsewhere however you may not enrol into another studio if CSOD offers this style.
1.7 Enrolment information will not be given out to any third parties
(a) with the exception of student names for external sourcing for costume and trophy/medal purposes etc.
(b) any persons not recorded on the students enrolment will have no access to information provided.
1.8 CSOD reserves the right to combine or cancel classes due to insufficient enrolments.
1.9 Makeup classes are only available for students if another class of the same type is offered until Term 4 commences. No additional classes will be created.
1.10 Casual class students may not be able to participate in the mid year/ end of year performances unless they attend more than 90% of classes.
1.11 Enrolling into Cecchetti Ballet examination classes are considered a specialty class
(a) students will be advised when they are eligible to sit their examination.
(b) students may not qualify to sit their examination in the year they start training based on the directors/ teachers assessment
(c) students may need several years of training before they are eligible to sit an exam
(d) An end of year routine will be choreographed for our Cecchetti examination students that all students are required to attend all rehearsals and perform.
1.12 CSOD reserves the right to refuse enrolments.
1.13 CSOD has a heat policy - please refer to separate document
1.14 CSOD has uniform requirements - please refer to separate document
1.15 CSOD may require at any time to train students using online methods.
(a) if a teacher is unfit to attend to the studio for health reasons
2.1 Payment is charged as per hour the student trains per week.
2.2 Term payment is charged as per a 10 week block regardless if the term is more or less than 10 weeks.
2.3 Term payments are charged before the beginning of each term.
2.4 Payments are required in FULL as per INVOICE DATE
2.5 Payments still outstanding by week two (2) of the invoice due date will incur a 10% late fee.
(a) a further 5% late fee will incur each week until fully paid.
2.6 Term payments that are carried over to the next term will incur a $50 late fee.
2.7 Payment plans are optional
(a) if you are unable to pay your invoice in full by the specified due date please contact us to arrange alternative payments
(b) this however must be established before the invoice due date not after.
2.8 No refunds are available for change of mind.
(a) this includes termination of enrolment at any stage by the parent/guardian or student
2.9 Credits/ refunds may be available to students who have obtained an injury/illness that prevents them from participating in class for an extended period of time.
(a) a medical certificate for the injury/illness sustained by the student from their acting physician for the specified dates will only result in a credit/ refund given at the directors discretion.
2.10 Term payments are non refundable/ credited on missed classes.
(a) CSOD will not issue any refunds or credits for any reason (unless stated above 2.9) including where a student misses a class, does not want/unable to attend class (either in person or online) this includes holidays, other activities clashing, public holidays or the student is unwell.
(b) we require 24 hours notice if you cannot attend a private lesson due to illness , other activities etc.
(c) students who provide a medical certificate may have their invoice credited upon the discretion of the director.
(d) if any classes are cancelled by the teacher or director , a make-up class is at the discretion of the teacher if there is availability.
2.11 A once off $30 registration payment per student is required upon enrolment.
(a) this must be paid within 7 days upon enrolment and will not be invoiced.
(b) this payment covers all the administration costs associated with your enrollment such as the Parent Portal etc. and secures your child’s spot for the year.
2.12 A 5% family discount applies if two (2) or more students are enrolled from the same family, (discount does not apply to ballet exam and private lessons)
2.13 Casual classes MUST be paid per week in cash prior to the lesson commencing.
2.14 A once off $25 performance payment will be invoiced to each student with their term two payments for our Mid Year Performance.
2.15 A once off $60 payment will be invoiced in Term 4 for our End of year performance.
(a) covering costs for our venue rehearsal for our end of year performance including venue hire, technicians, props, performance download etc.
2.16 All payments including private lessons will be invoiced via email except for the initial start up yearly registration payment.
2.17 Students who enrol midway through a term may have their payments pro-rata. This will be at the discretion of the director. Pro-rata payments are not available for missed classes due to public holidays or personal reasons.
3.1 Costumes are sourced externally they can either be;
(a) made to measure and charged in full for you to own
(b) hired
(c) required to be purchased on your behalf as per the class teachers requirement.
3.2 A non-refundable $20 deposit per costume (sub section 3.1 a or 3.1 b) is required for the mid year performance.
(a) full payment is required two (2) weeks prior to the performance date
3.3 A non-refundable $50 deposit per costume (sub section 3.1a or 3.1b) is required for the end of year performance
(a) full payment is required three (3) weeks prior to the performance date.
3.4 Students who wish to have competition costume(s) made are required to pay a $50 non-refundable deposit before work can commence.
3.5 All costume monies are to go to reception in cash in a clearly marked envelope.
4.1 Students participate in classes, events, activities and performances at their own risk.
(a) CSOD will not be held liable for any injuries sustained.
(b) in the event an individual (students, staff, parent/guardians and siblings) sustain an accident or injury an ambulance may be called on their behalf and the individual affected will be liable for any cost incurred. We highly recommend students and their families have an ambulance subscription if they attend onsite. CSOD is not liable for any ambulance or medical costs.
4.2 Students with any medical conditions must provide CSOD with a treatment/management plan.
4.3 Students who require the use of equipment whether provided or self initiated such as knee pads or exercise balls etc do so at their own risk.
(a) CSOD will not be liable if a student injures themselves due to lack of own supply or misuse/accidents.
4.4 Acrobatics is done at your own risk.
(a) CSOD will not be held liable for any injuries sustained during an acrobatics class or performing any type of acrobatics in another class/ performance or in waiting areas.
4.5 All students, parents/guardians and family members agree to respect all other students, teachers, staff and directors.
4.6 Any form of abuse or bullying will not be tolerated at CSOD. 22
(a) any occasions where this is brought to our attention may result in the individual responsible to be asked to leave the immediate area and not permitted to re enrol in the future.
4.7 Child protection laws prevent photos or video recordings of children other than your own.
(a) unless permission is sought by all students' parents/guardians there is to be no photography or video taken whilst students are in class excluding staff members.
(b) photography and videos taken at performances are not to be uploaded onto any social media platform without concealing the identity of other students or seeking permission from all parties - including teachers and the director of CSOD regarding copyright of routines and costumes.
4.8 The use of alcohol, drugs and smoking is prohibited whilst inside our studio.
5.1 Enrolling at CSOD you give consent to use the name and image /video of the student for media & promotion.
(a) this will include use on our website and social media platforms. If you would not like your childs images and footage to be used please ensure you tick the relevant field upon your enrolment.
5.2 Any parents wishing to post their student on social media may do so unless another student/s is in the same image or video.
(a) before posting either concealment of the other student's identity or permission from their parent/guardian must be sought.
6.1 In the event a pandemic or epidemic occurs during our training year which requires a government lockdown
(a) CSOD will continue to provide live/ pre recorded classes/materials via our online learning platforms- ZOOM and parent portal.
(b) whilst working off our COVID-19 contingency plan, timetables and classes may be altered/ combined/ shortened or cancelled.
6.2 As CSOD will continue to offer our services online, term fees will be non-refundable.
(a) we understand some students are adverse to online learning and choose to not participate; however please bear in mind that CSOD will not provide any credits or refunds for classes not attended.
6.3 Any rules or regulations put in place by the government must be adhered to at all times whilst at CSOD.
7.1 By continuing to enrol with CSOD you are agreeing to all terms and conditions that are stated. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of rules and regulations of CSOD may result in being asked to leave the studio and / or legal action being taken.
By continuing to create an account or log in you agree to ALL terms and conditions stated above.