Welcome to Dance Dynamics Parent Portal

Welcome to Dance Dynamics we are very glad you have considered Dance Dynamics to be a part of your child's dance education. We are here to help you on your dance journey. To see our class schedule and quick registration click on Classes at the top of the page. Once you select the class you would like to register for you wiIl be asked to create your parent account and add your dancer(s) you can then add additional classes for each dancer you are registering. Available Classes will be listed for each dancer registered based on age. If you have any questions feel free to contact us via email office@dancedynamicslafayette.com, text or a phone call. 317-914-3402.
Welcome to Dance we are excited and can't wait to begin your dance journey!
Make sure you download our app dance studio pro It's Free!! The app includes all your dancers music and information you need to help you to have a successful and stress free journey.
If you are not receiving newsletters or promos please click the link below to resubscribe.
You can easily order all dress code and dancewear and shoes at this link: https://www.shopnimbly.com/dancedynamicslafayette