Advanced Classes 2024-2025

Adv. Beginner - Tues 5:30pm BERKS
4 spots left
'AB' level is for dancers who have completed Beginner Softshoe at Teacher's Discretion. Dancers in this class will work on softshoe and hardshoe - AB Reel, Light Jig, Slip Jig, Treble Jig, Traditional Set, and ceili performance dances.
Ages 0 - 0
5:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Berks County - Allegro Studio
12 spots left
Open Studio will allow the dancer access to practice in our studio during non-class hours for the September 1, 2023 - August 31, 2024 school year + summer. Pay one $129 rental package fee for the year and come practice whenever you'd like from calendar Open Studio times - no need to schedule it. Available hours will be most Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays (around occasional TCRG privates or Oireachtas Workshops), plus holidays, and any day before 4:30 when class starts. Practice at least 9 times over the whole year and your Open Studio will have had paid itself off (otherwise $15 an hour). Open Studio access does not count toward private lessons (which are still $15 an hour to the studio). During Open Studio, dancers are expected to display good sportsmanship and share music and space. Studio access may be revoked after a warning for property damage, negligence, or unsportsmanlike conduct.
Ages 0 - 0

12:00 PM to 12:00 PM
Blue Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Novice - Mon. 5pm (4:30pm after St Paddy's)
2 spots left
Ages 0 - 0
5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Green Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Prizewinner - Mon. 5pm (4:30pm after St Paddy's)
2 spots left
Class shifts to 4:30-6:00 after St Patrick's Day when ceili teams start back up.
Ages 0 - 0
5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Green Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Open Champ - Mon. 6:30pm (7pm after St Paddy's)
1 spot left
Champ dancers attending only 1x a week must come on this night (only night that new material will be taught). Shifts to 7:00-9:00 after St Patrick's Day when ceili teams start back up.
Ages 0 - 0
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Blue Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Prelim Champ - Mon. 6:30pm (7pm after St Paddy's)
1 spot left
Champ dancers attending only 1x a week must come on this night (only night that new material will be taught). Shifts to 7-9pm after St Patrick's Day when ceili teams start back up.
Ages 0 - 0
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Green Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Adv. Beginner - Tues 5:30pm
3 spots left
Ages 0 - 0
5:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Blue Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Adult Intermediate/Advanced
3 spots left
For all level adult dancers. Adults are also welcome to attend our regular classes for their level.
Ages 17 - 0
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Green Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Adv. Beginner HARDSHOE - Wed 5:00pm
5 spots left
Ages 0 - 0
5:00 PM to 5:45 PM
Green Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Champ Hardshoe - Wed 6:30
2 spots left
Hardshoe focus class for Open Championships. PRELIMS are welcome to add it as a 3rd class per week (must also take Mon/Thurs).
Ages 0 - 0
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Blue Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Adv. Beginner SOFTSHOE - Thurs 4:45pm
6 spots left
This Advanced Beginner class covers SOFTSHOE. Dancers who sign up for this should also sign up for Wednesday HARDSHOE, or the Tuesday class which covers softshoe and hardshoe.
Ages 0 - 0
4:45 PM to 5:45 PM
Blue Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Novice - Thurs. 5:30pm
This class is full
Ages 0 - 0
5:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Green Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Prizewinner - Thurs. 5:30pm
This class is full
Ages 0 - 0
5:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Blue Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Champs Additional Class - Thurs. 7pm
3 spots left
This class covers softshoe/hardshoe for Prelim/Open, and is ONLY available as a 2nd or 3rd class per week (no new material will be taught on Thursdays).
Ages 0 - 0
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Blue Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
U9 Championship Class
1 spot left
This class is by invitation-only for Under 9 dancers training for 3 round championships at teacher's discretion. This class will work on 3 Reels and 3 Treble Jigs for competing at "Future Championships" or Preliminary Championship events.
Ages 4 - 9
5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Blue Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio

2024-2025 Beginner Year

Little Shamrocks - Tues 4:00 BERKS
1 spot left
Softshoe fundamentals for beginner dancers ages 2-3. This class starts in OCTOBER.
Ages 2.5 - 3.5
4:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Berks County - Allegro Studio
Little Leprechauns - Tues 4:30pm - BERKS
5 spots left
Softshoe fundamentals for 4-5 year old beginner dancers, or younger students who have previously graduated from the Shamrock curriculum.
Ages 4 - 5
4:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Berks County - Allegro Studio
Tir Na Nog -Tues 5:00pm - BERKS
2 spots left
Softshoe fundamentals for new dancers ages 6-10, or younger children who have graduated from the Little Leprechaun program.
Ages 6 - 10
5:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Berks County - Allegro Studio
Beginner - Tues 5:30pm - BERKS
1 spot left
Softshoe fundamentals for ages 10+, or younger children who have graduated from the Tiny Toes program.
Ages 10 - 16
5:30 PM to 6:15 PM
Berks County - Allegro Studio
Little Shamrocks - Tues 9:00am
5 spots left
Softshoe fundamentals for beginner dancers ages 2-3.
Ages 2.5 - 3.5
9:00 AM to 9:30 AM
Beginner Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Little Leprechauns - Tues 9:30am
7 spots left
Softshoe fundamentals for 4-5 year old beginner dancers, or younger students who have previously graduated from the Shamrock curriculum.
Ages 4 - 5
9:30 AM to 10:00 AM
Green Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Little Shamrocks - Tues 4:50pm
1 spot left
Softshoe fundamentals for beginner dancers ages 2-3.
Ages 2.5 - 3.5
4:50 PM to 5:20 PM
Beginner Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Little Leprechauns - Tues 5:30
1 spot left
Softshoe fundamentals for 4-5 year old beginner dancers, or younger students who have previously graduated from the Shamrock curriculum.
Ages 4 - 5
5:30 PM to 6:00 PM
Green Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Adult Beginners
5 spots left
This session is the perfect way to start out with Irish dancing! This class will teach you the softshoe Irish dance basics (like hop 123s, sidestep, and leaps), as well as social ceili dancing in this 45 minute class. Once you've mastered your Beginner Reels and Slip Jigs, you'll be invited to add our adult hardshoe class from 7:45-8:30pm! There is no requirement to purchase the Irish dance shoes or performance outfit; come in your socks or sneakers and athletic clothes, ready for a fun workout! Class is a monthly tuition and has an optional Thursday makeup offered anytime you miss a class.
Ages 14 - 0
7:00 PM to 7:45 PM
Blue Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Tir Na Nog - Wed 4:30pm
1 spot left
Softshoe fundamentals for new dancers ages 5-9, or younger children who have graduated from the Little Leprechaun program.
Ages 5 - 9
4:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Green Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Beginner - Thurs 4:45
4 spots left
Softshoe fundamentals for ages 10+, or younger children who have graduated from the Tiny Toes program.
Ages 10 - 16
4:45 PM to 5:45 PM
Beginner Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Tir Na Nog - Thurs 5:45pm
3 spots left
Softshoe fundamentals for new dancers ages 5-9, or younger children who have graduated from the Little Leprechaun program.
Ages 5 - 9
5:45 PM to 6:15 PM
Green Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Little Shamrocks - Fri 4:30pm
5 spots left
Softshoe fundamentals for beginner dancers ages 2-3.
Ages 2.5 - 3.5
4:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Beginner Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Little Leprechauns - Fri 5pm
1 spot left
Softshoe fundamentals for 4-5 year old beginner dancers, or younger students who have previously graduated from the Shamrock curriculum.
Ages 4 - 5
5:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Green Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio

Nationals 2025

NATIONALS Solo Entry 2025
3 spots left
North American Championships held in Washington DC! Entry is a $150 family fee (due Feb 15th) and $150 champ solo (due April 15th). To register, sign up here and then also turn in your cash, venmo, or check payment by April 15th. Entries are non-refundable after April 15th. 3 Nationals Classes are included with entry: Mondays 7-9pm on June 16, 23, 30.
Ages 0 - 0

12:00 PM to 12:00 PM
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Nationals 4hand & Weekly Class
This class is full
4hand Teams are invited at Teacher's Discretion. Four $80 tuition payments cover competition fees, weekly Monday 60 minute class, and three 1 hour workshops (June). There is also a $150 family fee for the competition (charged 1x per family regardless of number of competitions entered). For families who prefer to pay upfront, there is a 5% discount on solo fee & family fee if paid in full by March 15th through cash or venmo @crystalglickcarper (our processing fee savings passed on to you!).
Ages 5 - 0
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Blue Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Nationals Trad Set Entry & Weekly Class
5 spots left
Open to Novice, Prizewinner, and Prelim dancers who are invited at Teacher's Discretion. Dancers must know their trad set prior to the first class on March 26th to be eligible (you may schedule privates or get help learning it in regular class). Experience a National Championship and all of the hard work and pride that goes into this amazing, competitive experience! Four $80 tuition payments cover competition fees, weekly Wednesday 45 minute class, and three 1 hour workshops (June). There is also a $150 family fee for the competition (charged 1x per family regardless of number of competitions entered). For families who prefer to pay upfront, there is a 5% discount on solo fee & family fee if paid in full by March 15th through cash or venmo @crystalglickcarper (our processing fee savings passed on to you!).
Ages 5 - 0
5:45 PM to 6:30 PM
Blue Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio

New Beginners Spring '25

Little Shamrocks - Tues 4:00 BERKS
1 spot left
Softshoe fundamentals for beginner dancers ages 2-3. This class starts in OCTOBER.
Ages 2 - 3.5
4:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Berks County - Allegro Studio
Little Leprechauns - Tues 4:30pm - BERKS
5 spots left
Softshoe fundamentals for 4-5 year old beginner dancers, or younger students who have previously graduated from the Shamrock curriculum.
Ages 4 - 5
4:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Berks County - Allegro Studio
Tir Na Nog -Tues 5:00pm - BERKS
This class is full
Softshoe fundamentals for new dancers ages 6-10, or younger children who have graduated from the Little Leprechaun program.
Ages 6 - 10
5:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Berks County - Allegro Studio
Beginner - Tues 5:30pm - BERKS
This class is full
Softshoe fundamentals for ages 10+, or younger children who have graduated from the Tiny Toes program.
Ages 10 - 16
5:30 PM to 6:15 PM
Berks County - Allegro Studio
Little Leprechauns - Tues 9:30am
6 spots left
Softshoe fundamentals for 4-5 year old beginner dancers, or younger students who have previously graduated from the Shamrock curriculum.
Ages 4 - 5
9:30 AM to 10:00 AM
Green Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Little Shamrocks - Tues 4:50pm
1 spot left
Softshoe fundamentals for beginner dancers ages 2-3.
Ages 2.5 - 3.5
4:50 PM to 5:20 PM
Beginner Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Little Leprechauns - Tues 5:30
1 spot left
Softshoe fundamentals for 4-5 year old beginner dancers, or younger students who have previously graduated from the Shamrock curriculum.
Ages 4 - 5
5:30 PM to 6:00 PM
Green Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Adult Beginners
5 spots left
This session is the perfect way to start out with Irish dancing! This class will teach you the softshoe Irish dance basics (like hop 123s, sidestep, and leaps), as well as social ceili dancing in this 45 minute class. Once you've mastered your Beginner Reels and Slip Jigs, you'll be invited to add our adult hardshoe class from 7:45-8:30pm! There is no requirement to purchase the Irish dance shoes or performance outfit; come in your socks or sneakers and athletic clothes, ready for a fun workout! Class is a monthly tuition and has an optional Thursday makeup offered anytime you miss a class.
Ages 14 - 0
7:00 PM to 7:45 PM
Blue Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Tir Na Nog - Wed 4:30pm
1 spot left
Softshoe fundamentals for new dancers ages 5-9, or younger children who have graduated from the Little Leprechaun program.
Ages 5 - 9
4:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Green Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Beginner - Thurs 4:45
5 spots left
Softshoe fundamentals for ages 10+, or younger children who have graduated from the Tiny Toes program.
Ages 10 - 16
4:45 PM to 5:45 PM
Beginner Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Tir Na Nog - Thurs 5:45pm
3 spots left
Softshoe fundamentals for new dancers ages 5-9, or younger children who have graduated from the Little Leprechaun program.
Ages 5 - 9
5:45 PM to 6:15 PM
Green Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Little Shamrocks - Fri 4:30pm
4 spots left
Softshoe fundamentals for beginner dancers ages 2-3.
Ages 2.5 - 3.5
4:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Beginner Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Little Leprechauns - Fri 5pm
3 spots left
Softshoe fundamentals for 4-5 year old beginner dancers, or younger students who have previously graduated from the Shamrock curriculum.
Ages 4 - 5
5:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Green Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio


Dream Big! MONDAY
4 spots left
A fun-filled week for Novice and Prizewinner dancers! Camp is meant for dancers to attend all 3 days, but you can choose just 1 or 2 days if your schedule requires. Camp days are 10am-2pm with a 30m lunch break. Each day will include 2+ hours of dancing, drills & exercises to strengthen and stretch, learning about dream and goal setting to achieve those dreams, time to focus on friendship and team building, and a lunch break to sit and chat to continue to encourage friendships in class. Miss Faith is looking forward to a fun week of workshops with your dancers!
Ages 5 - 16
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Blue Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Dream Big! TUESDAY
5 spots left
A fun-filled week for Novice and Prizewinner dancers! Camp is meant for dancers to attend all 3 days, but you can choose just 1 or 2 days if your schedule requires. Camp days are 10am-2pm with a 30m lunch break. Each day will include 2+ hours of dancing, drills & exercises to strengthen and stretch, learning about dream and goal setting to achieve those dreams, time to focus on friendship and team building, and a lunch break to sit and chat to continue to encourage friendships in class. Miss Faith is looking forward to a fun week of workshops with your dancers!
Ages 5 - 16
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Blue Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
5 spots left
A fun-filled week for Novice and Prizewinner dancers! Camp is meant for dancers to attend all 3 days, but you can choose just 1 or 2 days if your schedule requires. Camp days are 10am-2pm with a 30m lunch break. Each day will include 2+ hours of dancing, drills & exercises to strengthen and stretch, learning about dream and goal setting to achieve those dreams, time to focus on friendship and team building, and a lunch break to sit and chat to continue to encourage friendships in class. Miss Faith is looking forward to a fun week of workshops with your dancers!
Ages 5 - 16
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Blue Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Riverdance Camp June 23-25 (for Beginners)
5 spots left
This camp is for ages 3-4, either with no previous experience or currently enrolled in our Shamrock/Leprechaun program. Explore Irish dancing and creative movement in this energetic environment full of lots of hops and jumps! Boys and girls will also learn about Irish culture through storytelling and art projects. On the last day we'll put on a small dance show, so bring your cameras!
Ages 3 - 4.5
Monday Tuesday Wednesday
9:00 AM to 9:45 AM
Blue Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Riverdance Camp June 23-25 (for Beginners)
7 spots left
This camp is for ages 5-12, either with no previous experience or currently enrolled in our Beginner program. The camp schedule includes Irish dancing training, stretching and fitness, games that promote building friendships with the other dancers, storytelling, and art projects that teach about Irish history and culture. On the last day we'll put on a small dance show for the parents, so bring your cameras!
Ages 5 - 12
Monday Tuesday Wednesday
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Blue Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Princess Camp, 3-4 yr olds
6 spots left
We will learn princess qualities like courage and kindness, play princess games, princess crafts, and Irish dancing of course! Our tiniest dancers love to move their bodies to the energizing Irish music, practice skills like jumping, hopping, leaping, clapping, skipping, left and right, watch and follow, and repeating choreography patterns. For 3-4 year olds.
Ages 3 - 4.5
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
10:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Blue Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Princess Camp, ages 5-10
9 spots left
We look forward to greeting your princesses for 3 day of Irish dance and princes play. We will learn about princess qualities like courage and kindness, play princess games, princess crafts, and Irish dancing of course! For brand new dancers, as well as Irish dance students who are currently in Leprechaun, Tir Na Nog, Beginner, or Advanced Beginner (camp is soft-shoe only).
Ages 5 - 10
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
12:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Blue Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio

Summer 2025 - 8 Week Session

Little Shamrocks - Tues 9:15am - Summer
5 spots left
Softshoe fundamentals for beginner dancers ages 2-3. 8 Week session. No experience required. Dancers wear the Hooley tshirt and dance shoes available for purchase at Hooley studio. Tuition is $65 per month.
Ages 2 - 3.5
9:15 AM to 9:45 AM
Beginner Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Little Leprechauns - Tues 9:45am - Summer
8 spots left
8 Week session. No experience required; new beginners welcome. Dancers wear the Hooley tshirt and dance shoes available for purchase at Hooley studio. Tuition is $65 per month.
Ages 4 - 5
9:45 AM to 10:15 AM
Green Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Little Shamrocks - Tues 4:10pm - Summer
4 spots left
Softshoe fundamentals for beginner dancers ages 2-3. 8 Week session. No experience required. Dancers wear the Hooley tshirt and dance shoes available for purchase at Hooley studio. Tuition is $65 per month.
Ages 2 - 3.5
4:10 PM to 4:40 PM
Beginner Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Novice/PW - Tues 4:45pm - Summer
14 spots left
Ages 0 - 0
4:45 PM to 6:15 PM
Blue Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Beginner - Tues 6:15 - Summer
11 spots left
8 Week session. No experience required; new beginners welcome. Dancers wear the Hooley tshirt and dance shoes available for purchase at Hooley studio. Tuition is $75 per month.
Ages 10 - 15
6:15 PM to 7:00 PM
Green Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Prelim/Open Champ - Tues 7pm - Summer
18 spots left
Ages 0 - 0
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Blue Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Tir Na Nog - Tues 7pm - Summer
9 spots left
8 Week session. No experience required; new beginners welcome. Dancers wear the Hooley tshirt and dance shoes available for purchase at Hooley studio. Tuition is $65 per month.
Ages 5 - 9
7:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Green Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Adv. Beginner - Tues 5:30pm - Summer
19 spots left
45 minutes Hardshoe and 45 minutes Softshoe for Adv. Beginner
Ages 5 - 18
5:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Green Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Novice/PW - Thurs 5pm - Summer
15 spots left
Ages 0 - 0
5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Blue Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Tir Na Nog - Thurs 6pm - Summer
10 spots left
8 Week session. No experience required; new beginners welcome. Dancers wear the Hooley tshirt and dance shoes available for purchase at Hooley studio. Tuition is $65 per month.
Ages 5 - 9
6:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Green Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Little Leprechauns - Thurs 6:30pm - Summer
5 spots left
8 Week session. No experience required; new beginners welcome. Dancers wear the Hooley tshirt and dance shoes available for purchase at Hooley studio. Tuition is $65 per month.
Ages 4 - 5
6:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Green Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio
Prelim/Open Champ - Thurs 6:30pm - Summer
18 spots left
Ages 0 - 0
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Blue Room
Lancaster - Hooley Studio