Bay Area Dance Moves Waiver

Mar 14, 2025 08:11 AM

A signed Registration/Release Form is required for all students;

Please read over carefully and sign below:

I have read & agree to abide by Dance Moves policies regarding in studio expectations, tuition, withdrawal, late fees, costumes, attendance, and dance attire.

I understand that a valid debit/credit card must be on file at all times and that all tuition payments must be made through the Auto pay system each month (tuition will be run on the 5th of each month).

I understand that Dance Moves reserves the right to refuse instruction to anyone not abiding by Dance Move’s policies.

I understand that Dance Moves reserves the right to cancel a class if enrollment falls below six (6) students per class.

I understand that Dance Moves is not responsible for lost items, stolen items, or unclaimed merchandise. If items are labeled, we will make every effort to return them to you; PLEASE LABEL ALL DANCE SHOES, CLOTHES, ETC.

I understand that participation in a dance program involves risk and possible injury. I understand that Dance Moves and its staff will not be held responsible for injuries sustained in class and at home during live-streaming classes, while performing, or traveling to or from its facilities; I authorize Dance Moves to secure any medical treatment my child might need. Please provide preferred medical facility information.

I allow Dance Moves to use my child's name or photographic likeness in all forms and media for advertising, trade or any other lawful purpose.

I consent to receive occasional messages through email, text, phone call and other methods from Bay Area Dance Moves as related to my account, to studio activities upcoming, and for marketing purposes. I may opt out at anytime by sending a message to Dance Moves requesting to be unsubscribed.

Dance Moves has put in place preventive measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and/or any other virus; however, Bay Area Dance Moves cannot guarantee the student will not become infected with COVID-19 and/or any other virus. Please do not come to the studio if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.

Please note the above stated polices are subject to change and additional policies may also be added at any time. Please check our website ( for the latest information and updates.

I have read and agreed to the above stated polices.