Terms and Conditions incl COVID-19 (2020)
Mar 14, 2025 12:50 AM
TLW Dance Terms and Conditions
Terms and conditions must be accepted by all students and parents/guardians. Failure to do so could result in a student being asked to leave TLW Dance. Please be aware all personal data provided to TLW Dance is only used by TLW Dance and not passed onto any other party.
COVID-19 Additional terms and conditions:
TLW Dance is complying with all government regulations regarding Covid-19 and does not accept any responsibility should an individual contract the virus.
1. All parents/guardians/ and the older students (of secondary school age) must download the new TLW Dance app. Avaible the end of August 2020.
2. Parents/students MUST check themselves into class each day via the app, confirming no sysmptoms of COVID 19 or contact with an individual who has tested positive in the last 14 days.
3. All primary school aged children must be brought to the studio by ONE adult and the adult must wait with their child/ren outisde of the building on designated spots. Children over 6 years of age are encouraged to enter the building independently. Children under 6 years may enter the building with an adult who is wearing a face covering.
4. If the sole adult of a child over 6 years of age wants to enter the building they must wear a face covering.
5. For collection of primary school aged children, ONE adult per family must wait outside the premises in a designated area maintaining social distancing rules.
6. All children of secondary school age must be dropped in the TLW Dance carpark and walk to the studio along the pavement, maintaining social distance. TLW Dance discourages children having to cross the road. TLW Dance does not accept any responsibility for children outside the property. TLW Dance discourages parents from parking or dropping their children directly infront of the property due to the children and parents waiting outside the building.
7. All students must wait on on the designated spots, when arriving at the studio. They must wait here until they are asked to enter the building. On entering the building they must use the hand sanitiser.
8. Students must bring a full water bottle to class as the kitchen will be out of use during this time.
9. Please ensure students only arrive with essential items ie water bottle, dance shoes, medication
10. Students must bring all necessary medication in a plastic – wipe clean – box. This should be given to the receptionist or teacher on arrival.
11. Once students are inside the building they should listen carefully to direction of the staff.
12. TLW Dance ask students to adhere to the social distancing rules and try their upmost to adhere to them.
13. Students will receive clear instructions on leaving the premises.
14. In the case of FIRST AID, TLW Dance will contact parents immediately and wear all correct PPE. Students showing new symptoms of COVID 19 will be isolated until collected by parents/guardians.
15. TLW Dance asks parents to update them regularly on the health of their child. Should the student or ,any member of their household, develop symptoms TLW Dance must be notified immediately.
16. TLW Dance will do its upmost to continue all classes, even in the cases of self-isolation of staff. This will be done through cover staff or online tuition.
17. Please note all changes in legislation will be communicated through email and the TLW Dance App – please ensure all your contact details are current on the parent portal.
18. If, during this time, classes have to return to Zoom TLW Dance does not accept any responsibility for any injuries sustained.
19. TLW Dance cannot lend out any items of clothing or shoes, we ask all students come prepared to dance.
20. If, during a class session, a child requires extra support all teaching staff will wear a face covering.
21. If there is a national or local lockdown classes will resume on zoom. A months notice of cancellation is stil required in the event of classes running online.
1. Fees are paid through our Parent Portal, on the auto-pay system. This is a safe and secure platform. A payment card must be registered when you sign up on line. Invoices will be emailed through 5 days prior to the monies being taken on the 1st of each month, via auto-pay. If any additional costs have been added to the account during the month, such as exam fees or dancewear these will also be taken from the registered card on the first of the month – unless you have spoken to a member of the TLW team. The tuition fees have been calculated over a 12 month period so payment must be made each month.
2. If your child decides to leave TLW we request one months notice. This notice needs to be in writing and given to reception. Failure to do so incurs the next month.
3. Payments for additional costs, such as uniform, exam fees, and costumes, are now all done through the parent portal. These payments will be taken on the 1st day of the month after they have been added to the account. When additional costs are added to the account, excluding dancewear a date of payment will be given out. These payments can also be made through the parent portal by parents / guardians. Alternatively they can also be paid at reception in a named envelope.
4. If any payment is returned an admin charge of £5 will be requested.
5. TLW cannot offer refunds if the student is absent from class and places cannot be held if a student decides to continue with another activity at the same time as a TLW class. If a child is receiving medical treatment TLW dance reserve the right to suspend fees for a period, if evidence is provided. All medical information is kept confidential.
6. If TLW should cancel a class it will do its upmost to reschedule, if however the class has not been rescheduled or your child has not received extra dance time (including exam sessions) the class will be credited. If class has to be cancelled due to adverse weather conditions this will not be rescheduled or refunded.
7. If a student has been asked to leave to TLW due to breach of any of these conditions listed the fees will not be refunded.
8. All monies paid in Cash or Cheque must be received in a sealed envelope with student’s name, amount and reason written on the front. Please put student’s name on the back of the Cheque.
1. All students must wear the uniform specific to their class and hair must be tied up off the face, ideally in a bun for Ballet.
2. If a student is wearing inappropriate uniform, footwear or with untidy hair they maybe asked to leave the class.
3. Students must not wear any jewellery or fitness trackers to class. These can result in injury.
1. The timetable allows the necessary Covid 19 cleaning so students must be ready to start at the start time of their class. Students must be ready to enter the premises at their allotted time and be collected at the correct time. Due to the guidelines and the social distancing rules TLW Dance cannot hold children in reception due to late collection. If you are running late for collection please call a member of staff immediately.
2. If a parent or member of the student's family wishes to speak to the teacher they must email on tlwdance@googlemail.com, also ensuring the teacher can respond fully. If a student has a medical issue this must be passed onto the teacher by email by the start of term. If it is a new injury or medical condition please email at least 24 hours before the start of class.
3. Students are invited to take part in examinations when the teacher feels they are ready. Each student is an individual and some students may progress quicker than others. The decisions made by the teachers are made in the interest of the students and at the teacher’s discretion.
4. When students/parents/guardians sign to agree to show and examination participation all relevant monies are to be paid. There are no refunds if the students later decline participation.
1. Students are asked to be respectable of their teachers and of each other. TLW wants all students to be involved, included and valued. TLW has zero tolerance to bullying and any students found to be involved in such like will be asked to leave immediately.
2. Students must follow all instructions given by teachers when entering and leaving the studios and premises.
3. Please note, due to the nature of the activity provided by TLW Dance teachers may need to support the children through physical contact. This is only done to maintain a safe environment. During the Covid 19 pandemic spotting will be kept at a minimum and teachers will wear a mask if the support is essential.
4. Students must not talk or sit down in class unless the teacher has given their permission.
5. Students should not eat in the studio or chew gum during class. Drinks maybe taken into the studio in sports bottles with closed lids, any spillages must be reported immediately.
6. Students are not permitted to leave the studio without the permission of the teacher.
7. Students are responsible for their own property and we ask that all dance uniform and shoes are clearly labelled. TLW Dance will keep lost property for one term and then it will be donated to charity. Students bring valuables and possessions at their own risk.
1. We request than all contact information is kept updated. This information is kept securely and parents / responsible adults can request to see the information TLW Dance hold at any point. The information is held within the parent portal system.
2. TLW requires up to date information on health issues and injuries; this information is only shared with their respective teachers.
3. There is a certain level of risk by participating in physical and students taking part in any class or event are doing so at their own risk.
4. The desk area in reception is for TLW dance staff ONLY. At no point should anyone be behind this area.
5. Photographs are not allowed to be taken during class by parents, friends or guardians.
6. Photographs and videos of students may be taken and used for promotion and on social media. These are held in a secure memory portal.
7. Please state if you ARE NOT happy for your child's image to be used for promotion and on social media. Please be aware by agreeing to allowing their image to be used this is an indefinite agreement and the image can always be used.
8. Please note if you give permission for your child to be part of a TLW production you consent to the taking of photographs and filming of your child during this time. If you do not consent to any footage of your child being taken they cannot be part of the production. We apologise for this but, due to demand, the productions are recored and can be purchased on DVD. There is also the chance to purchase photographs; all photographs are taken by Erica Martyn Photography and she owns copyright to the images.
9. TLW would like you to be aware that all their mobile devices are encrypted and secure for when accessing your data. Only Miss Tiffany and Miss Lynne have full access to your personal data and teachers at TLW only have access to basic data, such as age, gender and all medical conditions. If there is any information about your child you deem helpful for teachers to know, please inform TLW Dance by email: tlwdance@googlemail.com
Indemnity Clause
I hereby release, indemnify and hold harmless TLW Dance, its owners, members, teachers and staff from all liabilities, suits, claims and / or demands of any kind or nature, legal or financial whether caused in any way by the negligence or not, arising from the participation in or observation of any TLW Dance activity for injuries to any person or person whether on or off the premises.
I understand that certain risks are inherent to and from participation and involvement with TLW Dance and various formal and informal activities. These activities included but are not limited to dance, acrobatics and performance. TLW Dance is not responsible for any lost or stolen property at any time.