Beat Dance Policies
Mar 14, 2025 12:52 AM
Please sign that you agree to the following terms and conditions:
- I agree that my I/ my child/ren will comply with the Beat Dance School Guidelines.
- I understand that there is no refund on fees, once paid.
- I give permission for the staff to act on my/my child’s behalf in an emergency should medical treatment be required.
- If there be a health condition that requires serious medical attention, we give permission for Beat Dance School staff to refer Me/My Child to the nearest Medical Facility and to call for an ambulance (at my own expense).
- You or your child will be participating in a movement activity. With all movement activity and dance-classes, there may be some risk of injury. While proper body alignment and safety is observed, and reinforced while dancing is taught, there may be circumstances beyond the instructor’s control. By signing below, you have informed the dance-teacher of any previous injuries or medical conditions that the teacher needs to know in attempt to assure either your-own or your children’s safety whilst exercising.
Beat Dance has only the interests of its students at heart and does not and will not share any private or confidential information with others.
- Beat Dance has a covid safe plan and covid conditions that all patrons and staff must adhere to. By signing you are agreeing to follow our covid safe plan in the interest of keeping eachother safe.
-Beat Dance has a Child safe policy,(which will be sent to you in communications) you agree to read this policy upon signing up.