SC Policies
Mar 14, 2025 12:50 AM
Fee policy Fees are strictly payable in advance (by the end of the previous term) for the student to be placed on the roll for the next term. Failure to pay fees by the due date may result in the loss of enrolment position. Invoices are emailed out each term. In some instances the attachments can be deleted by the receiver’s spam protection but the email is always transmitted. If you receive an email without the attachment, please reply to the sender and another will be sent directly. All public holidays are observed and accounted for within the fee structure. Refund policy After commencement of classes, no refunds will be given. In cases of illness or injury, make up classes can be arranged. Make up classes must be within the same term and only in classes where positions are available. These are limited to two per term. Class uniform policy All students, with the exception of adults and pre school jazz, are required to have The Dance Factory regulation uniform by mid 2nd term. Students must wear their uniform to all lessons. Hair is to be neatly groomed and secured off the face. No jewellery can be worn to classes. Examinations All syllabus Jazz classes are taught with the intention that students sit examinations in the third term each year. Exams are compulsory for any students attending syllabus classes. Students will be entered into either an examination or a medal test. This decision is made by the teacher as to which is most suitable for the student. Examination fees are additional to term fees and are invoiced on the term three invoice. For those students who do NOT wish to sit examinations or medal tests, they should enrol in classes which do not train for exams (ie. open classes; contemporary, adult classes). Class attendance Regular class attendance is vital for students to keep abreast of their syllabus work. Students must be punctual to classes to ensure they receive a complete warm-up. Teaching technique Dance teaching requires physical contact with students to ensure correct technical placement and our teachers are directed to teach in this manner. Class observation Observers may view classes quietly at the back of the studio. To ensure optimum tuition with minimal distractions, we ask parents to wait in the comfortable foyer. At the end of the term we hold a ‘cushion week’ where we invite parents to view class and see the progress made by students. We do ask that young children do not attend ‘cushion week’ viewing classes as this is often distracting to students and teachers however we welcome all older siblings and family members. Private lessons In the ‘lead-up’ to examinations, private lessons are available to students within the Academy and can be booked at the studio. These must be paid for in advance and are non-refundable if students do not attend their lesson. Studio care Smoking, eating and animals are not permitted on the premises. Any deliberate damage to property will result in instant dismissal. Any repairs to property will be charged to the student’s account. Newsletters & noticeboard It is the responsibility of parents and students to read the noticeboard on a weekly basis and to read newsletters. Newsletters are distributed via email. Performance & costume policies The Dance Factory has an annual school performance at the end of each year. Participation is optional, however, students are strongly recommended to participate to develop their presentation and stage skills. Each student participating in the performance is required to attend their classes, dress rehearsals and all relevant performances. No parent/guardian is able to help backstage or in the dressing rooms without authorised approval. Professional performance dvd and photographs are available for purchase. Performance tickets are an additional cost. Choreography & copyright Choreography for classes, performances and competitions remain the artistic and intellectual property of the Studio Charli Dance Factory and/or the syllabus providers. Choreography cannot be copied or used without prior permission of the Studio Charli Dance Factory. Photography & filming of students For safety, privacy and copyright reasons, photography or filming of students in class and at concerts is not permitted. Health, safety, medical & injury policies The Studio Charli Dance Factory is not liable for personal injuries sustained or any loss of, or damage to, personal property whilst on the premises. The Studio Charli Dance Factory aims to provide a safe environment to reduce the risk of injury. It should be recognised by all students, parents/guardians that dance by its very nature carries a risk of injury or accident. It is the responsibility of the student, parents/guardians to notify the teacher in the event of an injury or medial condition prior to class. A first aid kit is available to any student. We do not dispense Panadol, pain relief or medication to any students. Studio Charli Dance Factory students are under supervision whilst in class time only. Teachers and staff are not responsible for students outside their allocated class time. For safety reasons, students must be collected from inside the building. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to ensure their student does not wait outside the building. Fire safety In the event of a fire, students are to follow their teacher’s instructions and walk to assemble in front of the building. Conduct The Dance Factory strives to maintain a friendly environment for learning. We ask that any concerns are to be directed to the Studio Director. Use of image Images or video of students may be used for marketing purposes. Queries To help us ensure classes run to schedule, please do not approach teachers during class changeovers. Queries can be directed via email to Privacy act Our online application form collects personal information about all students. Under the Privacy Act 1993 you are entitled to have access and request correction of this information. Application and dismissal policy The Studio Charli Dance Factory maintains the right to dismiss any student or parent who breaches any of the stated terms and conditions, damages property or causes disruption to classes of a severe nature. The decision is at the sole discretion of the Studio Director. The Studio Charli Dance Factory reserves the right to decline applications and re-enrolments without giving reason.