Consent Form
Mar 14, 2025 12:50 AM
The SABB or its employees are not responsible for personal injuries, damaged or lost personal property.
I give SABB permission to use dance photos of my child for advertising purposes including newspapers, the school's website, and social media.
I understand that I am responsible for tuition payments. If I choose to withdraw, I must notify the school in writing two weeks before the next tuition payment is due. No refunds will be given unless a doctor's note is received and payments are non-transferable.
Classes are dependant on sufficient registration.
By sending my child to dance, I confirm that my child and members of my household have not in the past 10 days had any of the following symptoms of COVID-19 listed below:
• Fever greater than 100.3 degrees Fahrenheit
• Cough
• Shortness of Breath
• Flu like symptoms including GI upset, fatigue, body aches, or muscle pain
• Chills or repeated shaking with chills
• Sore Throat
• Headache
• Sudden loss of taste or smell
By sending my child to dance I further confirm that he/she has not been exposed to a person under investigation for COVID-19, or a person diagnosed with COVID-19, in 10 days prior to any dance class attended.
I will hold harmless and indemnify, the School of the Albany Berkshire Ballet, teachers, associates, and employees against any claims, and actions, in exchange for programs with the School of the Albany Berkshire Ballet during this Covid-19 pandemic.
I understand that there may be risks with being in the proximity of other people. I understand School of the Albany Berkshire Ballet is taking precautions to limit the spread of the virus and following New York State Reopening: Mandatory Safety Standards for Workplaces, yet there is still possibility for transmission. I make this decision for my child of my own free will relying upon my knowledge and judgement of any injury they may have sustained or possible illness, including the transmission of COVID-19, during participation in programs. My decision to release the School of the Albany Berkshire Ballet from any liability has not been affected by any false statements or representations pertaining to those injuries or illnesses. I understand that this action is my decision.
I will not send my child to the studio if he/she, or any member of my household, are experiencing any of the signs and symptoms of COVID-19, as outlined above. This COVID-19 consent to participate will be used each day programs are held. This written consent will be in effect for future classes and programs, and by sending my child to the studio I am consenting to continued negative responses to COVID-19 signs and symptoms. If my child or someone in my home has any of the symptoms listed above, he/she may not attend class at the studio.