Participation Waiver
Mar 14, 2025 08:11 AM
Evolution Dance Experience LLC
Liability Waiver and Acknowledgement of Risk:
I understand and agree that in participating in any dance class, workshop, rehearsal or performance, there is a possibility of physical injury, illness or even the possibility of death. I further understand that there are risks of physical injury or illness, arising out of and inherent to the activity of dance. I knowingly waive all rights and or cause of any action of any kind, including any and all claims of negligence arising as a result of such activity from which liability could accrue to Evolution Dance Experience. I also exempt, release and indemnify Evolution Dance Experience, its owners, agents, volunteers, assistants, employees, guest artists, faculty members, and or students from any and all liability claims, demands, or causes of action whatsoever from the damage, loss, injury, illness or death to me, my children or property which may arise out of or in connection with the participation in any classes or activities conducted by Evolution Dance Experience. Each student/guardian has the right to decline participation in any activity which they are not comfortable with or which they feel may be harmful. Student/guardian is also responsible for informing instructor(s) of any physical limitation which may prevent full participation in class. It is required that all students be covered by their family’s insurance. I am aware that this is a release of liability and an acknowledgement of my voluntary and knowing assumption of the risk of injury or illness. I have signed this document voluntarily and of my own free will in exchange for the privilege of participation. If I am signing this waiver for my children, I certify that I am the parent or legal guardian and have the right to waive these rights Evolution Dance Experience is not responsible for personal property. I also give Evolution Dance Experience permission to use photos/videos taken of the above signed student for advertising, sales of media from dance shows and for any other publicity purpose. I certify that I am the parent or legal guardian and have the right to waive these rights.
I have received the studio handbook and agree to adhere to all the content stated therein including studio policies, tuition and payment information, dress code and the calendar. I agree to be responsible for reading studio correspondences and respective deadlines, if applicable. I hereby acknowledge that I have read the statements above and agree to participate accordingly.