Policy and Release Forms
Mar 14, 2025 03:29 AM
Payments- There is a one-time Registration Fee of $30.00 per family. Tuition rates are subject to change. Tuition is averaged on a ten month schedule (September-June) regardless of how many weeks are in that month. Tuition is due by the 5th of each month, whether classes are attended or not. A $15.00 late fee will automatically be applied after the 7th. *All returned checks will be responsible for a $45.00 NSF Returned Check Fee, which may also result in a $15.00 late tuition fee. NO REFUNDS. NO PRORATIONS.
Costume Fees- Costume Fees for the recital must be paid by November 5th. Child sized costumes will be charged $80 per costume. Adult sized costumes will be charged $90 per costume. Combination classes only do ONE dance in the recital. Company students, Ballet V, Ballet VI students, & Pointe students may have an additional costume charge. Any late costume fee payments may result in shipping costs and costume not arriving in time.
Accounts- Tuition and costume fees must remain current. Dancers will not be permitted to take class until payment is made. If TUITION is delinquent any payments will go toward the outstanding tuition balance first. Costumes will not be released until all accounts are current and in good standing Any outstanding fees are subject to collections. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Dress Rehearsal-All students will participate in our annual Dress Rehearsal and Recital as well as Picture Day. Students not attending Dress Rehearsal will not be allowed to participate in the recital. No exceptions. If I/my child(ren) decide not to participate in the recital, the dance studio must be notified on or before November 1st or else you are RESPONSIBLE FOR COSTUME PAYMENT. No refunds or exchanges on costumes.
Recital Info/Package - Every family is required to purchase a recital package in order to participate in the June Showcase. Packages include 4 tickets, a t- shirt, and a program. Additional tickets can be purchased as needed . Your account must be paid in full before the recital fee can be paid.
Absenteeism- Tuition is not pro-rated based on class attendance. Any student with excessive absenteeism will not be permitted to perform in the recital. Elevate Performing Arts Center reserves the right to determine what excessive absenteeism is on a case by case basis. I understand that it is my responsibility for me/my child to make up any missed classes.
Discontinuation of classes- We request a 2 week written notice if you decide to discontinue classes. If we do not receive notice, you may be responsible for one month's tuition. NO REFUNDS.
Dress Code- I agree to follow the dress code that Elevate Performing Arts Center assigns. *Please see the dress code posted in the studio or in the Parent Portal.
Refund Policy-I understand that Elevate Performing Arts Center does NOT give refunds for tuition, registration fee, recital fee, or costume fee.
Liability Release - I release Elevate Performing Arts Center and their employees from any and all claims of liability and personal injury, and do acknowledge that certain types of injuries are common and inherent in dance related activities.
By signing below, I have read and agreed to ELEVATE PERFORMING ARTS CENTER policies.