Registration Waiver
Mar 12, 2025 05:58 AM
1. I understand that dance classes may include, without limitation, dancing with props, stretching, barre work, across the floor combinations, dance routines in the center, partner work, and other related activities. I further understand that all of the activities of the dance class involve some degree of risk and strain or bodily injury and do not hold Precision Dance Conservatory, teachers, staff, guest teachers or affiliates liable in anyway. Precision Dance Conservatory is not responsible for personal property.
2. I understand that my student’s admittance to class is contingent on my tuition payments and that if tuition is not paid on time my student will not be allowed to attend class until tuition is paid up to date. I understand that my account will be considered delinquent after the 7th of the month and 20% late fee will be applied to my account. I understand that the student’s absence does not waive this late fee.
3. I understand that dress code is set for student’s safety and proper training and that my student will not be admitted into class if not dressed within dress code regulations. It is my responsibility to make sure I know the dress code policy and have my child abide by it (including that no jewelry is allowed in class).
4. I give Precision Dance Conservatory permission to use my child’s photo and video imaging for advertising and marketing purposes in print and social media.
5. I understand that if my account is not in good standing two weeks before a performance that my child will not perform. I also understand that there will be no refunds given on any expenses regardless of the reason student is not performing.
6. I understand that the student handbook is in my parent portal and it is my responsibility to read it and know the studio policies and agree to adhere to all the content stated therein including: studio policies on tuition & payment information, dress code, calendar, attendance and schedule.
7. I agree to be responsible for reading studio correspondence emails and respecting deadlines where applicable. It is my responsibility to check my email and not the studio's responsibility to remind me.
8. I understand that all fees are non-refundable regardless or reason for dropping the class.
I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understood the statements above and agree to participate accordingly.