Code of Conduct
Mar 14, 2025 08:11 AM
The goal of this school is to foster a positive environment for individuals through movement training. Various teaching techniques and movement practices are used to enhance the development of the individual with a core emphasis on dance/movement as an educational and growing experience. Throughout the courses, in addition to the technique, students will be exposed to “Brain Gym” ideas (which enable students to focus for longer periods of time), goal setting and journaling activities, anatomy, healthy lifestyle choices, proper alignment and posture, dance history, culturally diverse activities, and creative movement exercises. It is my goal to provide clients with the opportunity to not only train as an articulate mover, but to strengthen the physicality with a solid grasp on dance as an educational endeavor.
A variety of teaching techniques is used to stimulate creativity, achieve solid technique, and embrace individual characteristics and goals. Courses are approached to provide a quality dance education to guide and improve concentration, self-esteem, physical strength, endurance, flexibility, cardiovascular health, and growth as an individual through self-refection and discipline.
In order to maintain a professional and safe learning environment, the following guidelines are to be observed by all students (including students’ families), faculty, and guest artists/staff.
School Policies
* For the benefit of all students, classes are closed to viewing. Classes may be observed during open visitation weeks (see school calendar).
* We encourage students to promote dance whenever possible in school or other venues, however, choreography learned in class is never to be performed or used without permission from the choreographer/instructor.
* Please notify the Dance Education Center (in writing) when students will be absent whenever possible. Class activities are carefully planned and may need to be adjusted.
General Expectations
* Respect yourself and others. Respect the space.
* Absolutely NO food, beverages, or street shoes in the studio space. No Exceptions.
* Time is valuable and all classes begin and end on time. Students are to arrive no earlier than 5 minutes before class and must be picked up promptly after class.
* Parking: Please park in designated spaces.
Class Expectations
Students are to come to class on time and dressed appropriately. We recommend bringing a water bottle in order to ensure safety and hydration during training. Leaving the studio during class is strongly discouraged.
* A dress code is essential to maintain professionalism and quality training. Proper attire is necessary for the instructor to clearly see alignment in order to prevent injury and allows you to move freely. The following guidelines should be observed:
Dress Code:
Solid color leotard and (pink) tights, pink ballet shoes with elastics sewn on and bows tucked in or appropriate shoes. Skirts for Advanced students only
Hair pulled off the face. Long ponytails need to be secured in a bun or other style to ensure safety when turning to protect eyes.
No jeans, baggy clothes, dangling jewelry or watches.
Warm-ups allowed under discretion of instructor or for injury.
* Come to class ready to have fun, work, and learn.
* Pleas bring a positive attitude and water bottle.
* No gum.
* Regular attendance and full class attendance is essential for progression and to help reduce the risk of injury.
Provide support and structure to your classmates
(we are a team at DEC)
Use your class time fully (be on time, ready to dance and work with focus)
Reflect and practice (think about what you are learning and practice at home)
Communicate with instructors about any questions
Provide support and structure to your student’s dance training (help dancers be on time and ready for class)
Use the resources, portal and communications provided to stay fully informed about procedures and happenings at DEC
Encourage your dancer through positive reinforcement and interest (ask to see what he/she is working on in class)
Communicate absences or any “handle with care” circumstances to help instructors support mental and physical health