Performance Agreement

Mar 14, 2025 08:11 AM

Performance Dates: April 26 (Friday - Spotlight only) April 27 (Saturday ALL Dancers) April 28 (Sunday ALL Dancers)

Stage/Theater Rehearsal Dates ALL Dancers: April 22 (Monday) April 23 (Tuesday)

Stage/Theater Rehearsal Dates Spotlight ALIGN Dancers: April 24 (Wednesday) April 25 (Thursday)

Our Spring Showcase & Spotlight Performances are held at Sentry Theater @ 1800

Expectations for Participation~
 Regularly attend classes and practice choreography at home to the best of your ability (noting the 4 classes prior to performance are mandatory)
 Complete Spring Showcase Agreement (this waiver) and submit all fees
 Participate in ALL OF YOUR SCHEDULED REHEARSALS PERFORMANCES at Sentry Theater @1800
 Purchase tickets to each performance you’d like to attend (more information TBA)